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INCA Head Start Parent Orientation. Welcome to our School!. What Is Head Start?. Head Start is a federally funded comprehensive child development program that began during the summer of 1965 under the leadership of Lyndon B. Johnson
INCA Head StartParent Orientation Welcome to our School!
What Is Head Start? • Head Start is a federally funded comprehensive child development program that began during the summer of 1965 under the leadership of Lyndon B. Johnson • This Head Start program is operated by INCA Community Services, Inc. a non-profit organization. • INCA serves Johnston, Atoka, Marshall and Murray counties. • “No Child and No Family Left Behind”.
Head Start Mission • INCA Head Start is a Pre-School Program that is dedicated to providing excellence in education by investing in the future of families in rural communities, thus empowering them with skills and knowledge to meet challenges throughout life.
Head Start Guidelines Head Start must follow the following guidelines to maintain compliance. • Head Start Performance Standards • INCA Policies/Plans • State Licensing • USDA Requirements
Income Guidelines • Federally mandated income guidelines include: • 1 person family $11,670 annually • 2 person family $15,730 • 3 “ $19,790 • 4 “ $23,850 • 5 “ $27,910 • 6 “ $31,970 • 7 “ $36,030 • 8 “ $40,090 • Add 4,060 for each additional persons. • only 10% of our total funded enrollment can be above income .
Age Eligibility • 3 & 4 year olds and their families. • 3 year olds may enroll upon their 3rd birthday* • 4 year-olds must turn 4 by September 1 * if they meet income guidelines and openings are available.
Center Information • Davis Head Start • Location: 701 E Benton Davis • Phone: (580)-369-3226
Center Information • Sulphur Head Start • 1218 W. 9th , Sulphur • (580)-622-5206
Center Information • Mill Creek Head Start • 603 S. Choctaw Rd. Mill Creek • (580)-384-5333
Agency Smoke Free Policy • Smoking & tobacco use is prohibited at all times in all space utilized by INCA Community Action Agency Centers. This includes classrooms, staff offices, kitchens, restrooms, parent and staff meeting rooms, hallways, outdoor play areas, and in vehicles used for transporting clients/children…
CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT • State Law #335 requires that anyone suspecting children are being abused or neglected will report to their local child abuse agency or call the child abuse hotline. 1-800-522-3511 • Discuss the following… 1. INCA Reporting Procedures 2. INCA Follow-up Procedures
Child Pick Up/Drop Off Policy • Parents have listed names of authorized persons for pick-up on enrollment forms. • Children will not be released to unauthorized persons without verbal or written permission from custodial parent. • Children must be signed-in and signed-out every day upon drop off and pick up.
Children’s Belongings and Dress • Personal belongings are kept in a single cubby or locker in the classroom. • No money, food, candy, gum or toys are to be brought to Head Start by the child. • Dress children in appropriate play clothes suitable to the weather. • We encourage children to wear shoes they can run and play in. Flip-flops are discouraged due to high injury incidents.
Attendance • It is vital that your child attend school regularly. Our USDA source for feeding your children is dependent upon regular attendance. Please call the center when your child will be absent. (before 9:00 am if possible) • Excessive unexcused absences may result in being dropped from the program.
INCLEMENT WEATHER! • Centers will be closed for inclement weather if the public schools are closed. • Watch local weather stations… KTEN & KXII for closing lists
Education Each Head Start classroom offers the following learning opportunities: Dramatic Play Blocks Library/Listening Sand/Water Writing/Computer Art Math/Manipulative Science Outside Play Music
Early Childhood Development Education Objectives of Head Start • To provide children with a learning environment and the varied experiences which will help them to develop socially, cognitively, physically and emotionally. 2)To involve parents in educational activities of the program in order to enhance their role as the prime influence in the child’s education and development.
Curriculum • Head Start uses Creative Curriculum. • The Creative Curriculum System for Preschool is an award-winning curriculum system for preschool success. It features research-based content and daily resources that are fully aligned with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework and state early learning standards. • Using exploration and discovery as a way of learning, The Creative Curriculum System for Preschool enables children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills.
Play is Important! • While it may look like, “just playing”, children are learning and expressing themselves through play. “Today, I Am A Child, And My Work Is Play! ” • Educational activities help children grow mentally, socially, emotionally and physically. • INCA Head Start follows a weekly lesson plan and has a daily activity schedule posted in each classroom.
Parent Teacher Conferences / Home Visits • Two (2) parent/teacher conferences • Two (2) home visits • Usually set with the Public School’s schedule. • Made at a convenient time for parents. • Purpose – To discuss child’s progress in a more comfortable environment.
Field Trips • Written/verbal parental permission before your child can attend. • Head Start children transported together on Agency provided vehicle. • Parent volunteers welcome and greatly appreciated. • Younger siblings may not ride in agency vehicles unless enrolled in the program…
Classroom Behavior Expectations • Centered around behavior management. • Compliance is a priority in the classroom. • Teachers encourage in three specific ways: • Very specific praise. (ex. ‘That’s terrific counting!’) • Broken record (repeating an instruction 3 times using the same words in a neutral tone of voice.) • Simple choices: when-then, if –then, either-or • using 2 choices: • When you…then you…(ex .You have 2 choices; When you can keep your hands to yourself, then you can play with your friend.) • If you…then you…(ex. You have 2 choices; If you can roll the cars on the floor, then you can continue to play in the area…) • Either-or (ex. You have 2 choices; You can either sit down in the swing or you can get off the swing.)
Health • A major emphasis of Head Start and the goal of the Health Content Area is the early identification and intervention of health problems. • Head Start staff and parents working together can remedy health abnormalities and prevent new ones.
Health… • Screenings • vision, hearing, speech… • Physical, dental & lead exams • Follow-up appointments • Immunizations • Medication
Screenings • Vision, hearing, and speech screenings will be done within the first 45 days of school. • Mental Health screenings are completed twice a year, more if necessary… • Follow ups will be required as needed…
Physical and Dental Exams • Children are required to have a physical and dental examination each year they are enrolled in Head Start. • A physical/dental form or documentation from the doctor/dentist needs to be completed by the doctor/dentist and returned to center staff. • In addition follow-up treatment referrals • Referrals made and listed on forms are vital to maintain the child’s health. • Help is available.
Lead Screening Is Important !! • Lead poisoning is the number one environmental health hazard for children under 6 yrs old. • High lead levels can cause cognitive delays, behavior problems, language delays, kidney damage, brain damage, decreased growth, poor coordination, stomach problems, sleeplessness, etc.
Lead Screening (cont) • The 2007 Head Start Re-Authorization Act mandates that each Head Start Program have a record of the Lead Screening of each child. • We will need the date and results of any Lead Screening completed on all Head Start children (WIC, Well Child Screening at the Health Dept., some EPSDT & Sooner Care exams). • Any child that has not been Lead Screened will need to be referred for a screening.
Immunizations DTAP Doses 5 MMR Doses 2 IPV Doses 4 HEP A Doses 2 HEP B Doses 3 Varicella Doses 1
Head Lice Policy and Procedure Policy • For communicable disease prevention: Children with lice or nits will be sent home and may only return to the classroom when they are lice and nit free.* • All children are checked regularly. Procedure • When nits are found the child’s parent will be contacted to pick the child up from school. • Lice treatment • Parent/relative must bring child back to school. (Child will not be allowed to ride the bus at this time.) • *Before admittance to class/center teacher or staff member must check for nits before the parent leaves. If no nits are found child may stay. If nits are found child may not stay. • This procedure is to protect the health and safety of all children in Head Start’s care. • Need help? Just ask us!
COMMUNICABLE DISEASE POLICY • The following communicable diseases will require short term exclusion from the Head Start center. Children may return to the Head Start center 24 hours after being treated and by bringing a release signed by a physician. • Chicken Pox Diptheria • Fever (over 100.4) Head Lice • Hepatitis A Impetigo • Influenza Measles • Bacterial Meningitis Mumps • Whooping Cough Pinworms • Polio Ringworm • Rubella Salmonella • Scabies Strep Throat • Tuberculosis Vomiting • Diarrhea (uncontrolled) Conjunctivitis
Disabilities… • INCA Head Start will be an integrated program of preventative and restorative services, designed to identify and meet the special needs of each child and family enrolled in the program by: • Providing children with the necessary services which will ensure that the child and family achieve the full benefits of participation in the program. • Mobilize community resources to serve children with problems that prevent them from coping with their environment.
…Disabilities • Head Start must reserve 10% of enrollment for children with professionally diagnosed disabilities. (Vision, speech, hearing, physical, etc…)
Mental Health • Mental Health is not just taking care of problems after they evolve or erupt, but providing a healthy, happy environment to help insure that problems do not arise. • INCA Head Start contracts with the following for mental health providers: • Oklahoma Families First • Local Health Departments • Local Extension Agencies • Local Doctors and Hospitals • Public Schools and Churches
If a child lives with CRITICISM, he learns to CONDEM. If a child lives with HOSTILITY, he learns to FIGHT. If a child lives with PITY, he learns to be SORRY FOR HIMSELF. If a child lives with JEALOUSY, he learns to feel GUILTY. If a child lives with ENCOURAGEMENT, he learns to be CONFIDENT. If a child lives with TOLERANCE, he learns to be PATIENT. If a child lives with PRAISE, he learns to be APPRECIATIVE. If a child lives with ACCEPTANCE, he learns to LOVE. If a child lives with APPROVAL, he learns to LIKE HIMSELF. If a child lives with RECOGNITION, he learns to HAVE A GOAL. If a child lives with HONESTY, he learns what TRUTH IS. If a child lives with FAIRNESS, he learns what JUSTICE IS. If a child lives with SECURITY, he learns to have FAITH IN HIMSELF. If a child lives with FRIENDLINESS, he learns that The world IS a NICE PLACE in which TO LIVE. by Ann Wilkins Children Learn What They Live
GED/ Literacy Housing Assistance Medical/Dental Assistance Prescription Drug Assistance Tax Help Parenting Skills Classes/Child Care Transportation Computer Skills Job Training Health & Nutrition Birth Certificates Weatherization Utility, Rent,& Food Assistance Drug or Alcohol Abuse Counseling Social Services
Parent Involvement • Parent involvement is the key to the success of any Head Start Program. • Come volunteer at Head Start. • Head Start dollars are matched by 20% of in-kind. • Review and sign job description. • Share your ideas with us.
1.Make teaching aids. 2. See that art supplies are ready for use. 3. Repair toys, equipment. 5. Wash cot covers, paint aprons, doll clothes, dramatic play clothes, dresses. 6. Supply classrooms with magazines, play jewelry, wood, and nails. 7. Supply dramatic play clothes: dresses, shirts, vests, hats, etc. 8. Chaperone field trips. 9. Supervise classroom and play activities. 10. Read stories to the children. 11. Music activities, singing, finger plays & exercise. 12. Supervise hygienic routine: brushing teeth, washing face and hands. 13. Play games with children indoors & outdoors. 14. Share your heritage with us. WAYS VOLUNTEERS CAN PARTICIPATE
16. Assist with serving food to children at mealtime. 17. Clean bathrooms, tables, chairs, cubbies, & shelves. 18. Prepare children’s work to take home. 19. Assist teaching staff in preparing and sending out parent notes. 20. Be willing to serve on various committees: Health Services Advisory, Education, Policy Council, Family & Community, Partnerships Council. 21. Attend parent meetings and become actively involved with planning activities for children and parents. 22. Babysit during parent meetings, Policy Council Meetings, etc. 23. Assist in planning and decorating for Head Start graduation. 24. Share any special talents you may have. Example: art, music, songs or stories the children may enjoy, carpentry, wood carving, play-acting, etc. 25. Record books/stories on tape for Library/Literacy center.
Nutrition • Breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. • USDA Approved • Menus meet USDA guidelines • Low in sugar, salt and fat
Staff & Volunteers sit with the children to eat, incorporating family style meal practice and sharing the same menu unless there’s a documented restriction. Staff & volunteers do not supervise from standing position (towering over the children). Staff ensures that seconds are available to children (providing experience of passing food). Staff plans food related activities/field trips. Staff ensures that mealtimes are served in a pleasant atmosphere that contribute to the development and socialization of enrolledchildren Breakfast is offered to children at the time they arrive if they haven’t had breakfast. Menus are posted and available to parents Mealtimes provide opportunities for self help and school readiness skills to be enhanced (assist in table setting, emptying trays, etc.). Nutrition
Transportation • Pedestrian safety • Teaching activities • Emergency bus evacuation drills • Home packets • Services
Other Helpful Information • Dress your child for the weather • Send an extra set of clothes • Sign-in/Sign-out each day • Attendance • Routine • Call Teacher if child will be absent* • Average daily attendance is essential.
MORE INFORMATION Check our website… www.incacaa.org
Management INCA Central Office 202 S. Capitol Tishomingo, OK 73460 (580) 371-2352 www.incacaa.org Executive Director: LaQuita Thornley Head Start Director: Mary Spence Facilities/Transportation Manager: Sue Ishmael Family/Community Partnerships Mgr: Sherrie Adams Atoka County Family Advocate: Teresa Workman Murray County Family Advocate: Sandy Bonham Marshall County Family Advocate: Chuck Coulter Health/Training Mgr: Kathy Castleberry Nutrition Manager: Sharon Garrison Head Start Secretary: Sherri Ogle