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Canine Search Specialist Training

Canine Search Specialist Training. STM Unit 6A: The Search Team Manager and the Canine Search Specialist. Unit Objective. Upon completion of this unit, you will be able to describe the Search Team Manager’s responsibilities in relation to the Canine Search Specialist. Enabling Objectives.

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Canine Search Specialist Training

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  1. Canine Search Specialist Training STM Unit 6A: The Search Team Manager and the Canine Search Specialist

  2. Unit Objective Upon completion of this unit, you will be able to describe the Search Team Manager’s responsibilities in relation to the Canine Search Specialist

  3. Enabling Objectives • Describe the overall goal of the Canine Search Specialist Training (CSST) program • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Canine Search Specialist and Search Team Manager before being deployed

  4. Enabling Objectives (continued) • Identify the relational aspects of working with the Canine Search Specialist before, during, and after a deployment • List the deployment related documentation requirements for both the Canine Search Specialist and Search Team Manager

  5. Introduction Overall Goal of CSST Program • To train the Canine Search Specialist to function effectively as in disaster environments • To perform all tasks and procedures, and meet all guidelines required of Canine Search Specialist’s position

  6. Introduction (continued) So why include STMs in the class? • To understand roles and responsibilities of the STM in relation to the CSS • To understand the canine resource - capabilities, limitations, and needs

  7. What should the STM know about the CSS?

  8. What should the STM know about the CSS? • Certified dog? • Prior Deployments? • Individual characteristics of the handler and dog? • Additional training?

  9. What should the STM know about the Canine resource? • Strengths and limitations? • Structural (NYC, OKC) • Snow (UT, CO) • Water (FL) • Mud (CA, Indonesia) • Trains (IL, CA)

  10. Relationship Between STM and CSS • Prior to deployment • During a deployment • STM represents the Handlers and Canines during the planning stages prior to, and during deployment (meetings with the TFL and Managers)

  11. Prior to Deployment • Teamwork is very important for the effectiveness, unity, and morale of the Search function • The STM should know his canine resource and communicate with the CSS

  12. Prior to Deployment, (continued) • How can the CSS and the STM work together effectively? • How can we help each other on a deployment?

  13. During Deployment

  14. Using CSS Personnel Effectively • There is a reasonable expectation that the handlers will be used in other ways when not engaged in search functions • Can include a multitude of tasks

  15. Base of Operations (BoO) • What are a BoO and a Forward BoO? • Considerations for canines when establishing the BoO • Facilities, logistics, and access related to canines and handlers

  16. What Happens When We Go to Work • The Search Team’s make-up will be incident driven—based on the magnitude of the incident and the geographical area involved

  17. What Happens When We Go to Work (continued) • Examples • Centralized area—OKC’s Murrah Federal Building

  18. What Happens When We Go to Work (continued) • Examples • Large localized area—World Trade Center

  19. What Happens When We Go to Work (continued) • Examples • Wide Area Search • California earthquakes • Florida hurricanes • Indonesian tsunami • Hurricane Katrina

  20. Incident Triage • Use common sense when you triage the incident • Determine where the canines are going to be most effective

  21. Search Markings • Who does the search markings at an incident? • Is it the canine handler, spotter, or the STM? • Who is responsible for the search markings?

  22. Documentation • Both the CSS and STM should keep a daily personal log • Why should a log be kept?

  23. Unit Summary and Evaluation

  24. Unit Summary • Describe the overall goal of the Canine Search Specialist Training (CSST) program • Describe the roles and responsibilities of the Canine Search Specialist and Search Team Manager before being deployed

  25. Unit Summary (continued) • Identify the relational aspects of working with the Canine Search Specialist before, during, and after a deployment • List the deployment related documentation requirements for both the Canine Search Specialist and Search Team Manager

  26. Unit Evaluation Please fill out the evaluation for this unit

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