I. Inseparable Prepositions - Prepositions attached directly to a noun. For example: בְּ(in, with, at, against)(BDB: through, among, into, as, on, upon, by, on account of, though)לְ(to, for) (as – Lambdin, 21)(to, for, towards – Pratico, 457) (Holladay: of, about, at in, until) (BDB – in regards to, against, at, over, on, locality: at, near; into (transition of state), as, of, belonging to, by, as regards, on account of, because of, in view of, unto, because, during) כְּ(like, as, according to) (as, when as – Lambdin) (as, like, according to – Pratico, 456) (BDB: the like of, as many as, about (quantitative), such, so, about (time), at (time), concerning, as in, as at)
Withהָיָה – • לְtakes on the meaning of “becoming” For example: משֶׁה לְנָבִיא צַדִּיקהָיָהLiteral: Was Moses to prophet righteous. Idiomatic: Moses became a righteous prophet. • לְtakes on the meaning of past tense possession: For example:שִׁפְחָה לַאִשָּׁההָיָהLiteral:There was maidservant to the woman. Idiomatic: The woman possessed (or had) a maidservant. • כְtakes on the meaning of “like” or “acting like”For example: הַנַּעַר לַאִישׁ כְּבֵּןהָיָהLiteral: Was the boy to the man like son. Idiomatic: The boy was like a son to the man.