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2012/2013. Gifted Teacher Survey Dr. Pat Hollingsworth, Gina Lewis, Regina Ritchie University School at University of Tulsa. THE SURVEY QUESTIONS. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: (Optional) School: (Optional) How long have you been teaching GT? Grade Level(s) you are teaching this year:
2012/2013 Gifted Teacher Survey Dr. Pat Hollingsworth, Gina Lewis, Regina Ritchie University School at University of Tulsa
THE SURVEY QUESTIONS PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: (Optional) School: (Optional) How long have you been teaching GT? Grade Level(s) you are teaching this year: Number of GT students you are teaching this year: Please describe the type of program you teach: (combined grades, pull-out, enrichment, etc) PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING WITH AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE Your best advice about teaching GT Best Resources (books, authors, websites) Best Curriculum Favorite Activity or Lesson Survival Tips A great tip for new GT teachers FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT What topics or training would be helpful to you? What type of information would you like to be available on our state website? FINAL SYNOPSIS What is the MOST important thing you have learned about gifted kids?
E Programs Enrichment Extra Curricular Education Curriculum
Best Advice LEARN FROM YOUR STUDENTS • Get their input • Build curriculum to their interests • Know their talents
Best Advice EDUCATE YOURSELF • This is a field of education for students who are qualitatively and quantitatively different from their age peers. • They have different educational, social and emotional needs. It is our job to be educated and responsive to their unique learning needs. • OSU degree in Educational Psychology
NETWORK Ask for help! The teachers know a lot about their students and are helpful in determining where students excel. Network with other teachers. Have an advisory board of parents. Utilize your community. Best Advice
Best Advice TO DO • Be prepared to be challenged! • Show them the world outside of school and community is vast and diverse with a lot of opportunities and experiences. • Think outside the box. • Model a thirst for learning. • Learn to ask purposeful questions to stimulate higher order thinking.
BEST RESOURCES BOOKS • Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck • Flip Book: Depth & Complexity by Sandra Kaplan • A Nation Deceived • Understanding the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students by Thomas P. Hebert, Ph.D. • Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom by Susan Winebrenner • Growing Good Kids by Jim and Deb Delisle • Psychology for Kids by Jonni Kincher • Igniting Creativity in Gifted Learners, K-6 by Joan Franklin Smutny and S.N. von Fremed • Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education Edited by Jonathan Plucker and Carolyn Callahan • Methods and Materials for Teaching the Gifted Edited by Frances Karnes and Suzanne Bean • Active Learning by Pat Hollingsworth and Gina Lewis
BEST RESOURCES AUTHORS • Ed Zaccaro • Rick Wormeli • Joseph Renzulli • Sally Reis • Sandra Kaplan • Carol Ann Tomlinson • Susan Winebrenner • Jim and Deb Delisle • Sylvia Rimm • Thomas P. Hebert • Joan Franklin Smutny • Carol S. Dweck • Del Siegle • Susan Daniels • Tracy L. Cross
BEST RESOURCES WEBSITES • oagct.org • nagc.org • pd360.com • scholastic.com • wolframalpha.com • jasonproject.org • renzullilearning.com • coolmath.com • iknowthat.com • rogertaylor.com • stevespanglerscience.com • bigfuture.com • nasa.gov • usgs.gov • Duke Talent Search • KHAN Academy • hoagiesgifted.org • ossm.edu • sarkeys.org • inasmuchfoundation.org • education.com • sciencespot.net • freetypinggame.net • goodearthgraphics.com • rhymenlearn.com • quizlet.com • snmonh.ou.edu • Oklahoma Engineering Fair
BEST CURRICULUM I create my own! The best curriculum is one that provides challenging, enlightening, and intriguing program to students of different abilities and interest. • PETS • GEMS Mystery Festival • Primary Thinking Skills from Pieces of Learning • Mindware • Renzulli Learning • STEM • Duke Talent Program • College of William and Mary Center for Gifted Education • MyBigCampus.com • Creative Publications • Prufrock Press • Tin Man Press • Thinking Skills by Mindware • Creative Problem Solving by Eberle • Smithsonian website • Steck-Vaughn Critical Thinking • Interact Units • Perplexors • Connections • Hands on Equations • Junior Great Books • Future Problem Solving Program • SAILS Curriculum • Interact • Hands On Equations • Thinking Skills by Mindware • Differentiating Instruction with Menus by Laura Westphal • Differentiating Instruction with Centers for Gifted by Roberts and Boggess
FAVORITE ACTIVITY/LESSON Chess Using technology as a tool for learning Shakespearean plays w/ a choice of activities Building out of milk cartons Multiple Intelligence lessons and creating a piece of jewelry which represents “how they’re smart”. Making airplanes w/ a Dad Rags to Riches Unit where students start their own businesses Quiz Bowl Thinking Skills, Math Enrichment, Problem Solving, and Technology Problem Solving Skills Anything Science! Mentos and Diet Coke Experiment / Create your own game with game board Activities based on units that the students are interested in: careers, bats, Olympics, PowerPoint, newspaper writing, interviews, oceans, cookbooks, poetry, presidents, etc. Build and launch rockets Tour Bluebell Ice Cream Factory in BA Mathcounts competition Academic Competition OAAC
FAVORITE ACTIVITY/LESSON College Preparation where they research five colleges and write to one of them requesting information to be sent to their home. Word puzzles with tricky associative clues Disney Y.E.S. program Reading and writing in Greek and building kites using the Pythagorean Theorem. Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” unit. Extended novel studies Attribute Box (Kind of like 20 questions) Teaching history through literature Process skills. Advanced reading comprehension strategies and math problem solving strategies then how they transfer to other areas. “Creative Minds” where students showcase individual interests and current events discussions at least once a week. Leadership activities that strengthen character and compassion. Teaching them how to “network”. Project Based Learning. Nuts and Bolts of math and writing.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY/LESSON Sam Noble Museum Laboratory Classes Role Model Research Project Team Building: 104 Activities That Build: Self Esteem, Teamwork, Communication, Anger Management, Self-Discovery, Coping Skills by Alanna Jones Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Activities Team Challenges, Academic Bowl, Stories with Holes, Ultimate Expedition Game Egypt Unit: pyramids, gods, inventions, number system, writing system, mummies, etc. Studying and Constructing Bridges (See book by Carol A. Johmann) Interact Units, Ancient & Modern Civilizations, Debates, Technology (PowerPoint, newsletters, websites, etc) Science inquiry, Reader’s Theatre, Architecture Electricity study then construct a series circuit (Supplies were donated by a company in the community. An article and pictures was published in the local paper.)
SURVIVALTIPS • Coffee and chocolate. • Coffee. Lots of coffee. • Have snacks available. • Stay flexible and roll with the punches. • Have a sense of humor. • Breathe and enjoy yourself. • Take care of yourself. • Remember: The kids are usually correct.
TIPS FOR NEW GT TEACHERS #1 Theme Ask For Help! From: Other GT teachers Regular classroom teachers Parents Your community
TIPS FOR NEW GT TEACHERS #2 Theme Learn About Gifted Education Join the organizations: OAGCT and NAGC. Read everything you can. Be organized and prepared. Work as hard as you expect them to work. It’s okay if you don’t feel as smart as them. They will teach you.
TIPS FOR NEW GT TEACHERS #3 Theme Learn About Gifted Kids Really get to know your students. Let them be creative. Be their advocate. Encourage them. Accept them.
HELPFUL TRAINING Brain research Character Development Current Research on Giftedness Discussion techniques Underachievement Applying Common Core Objectives Twice Exceptional Funding Information Kinesthetic learning Common Core Projects for Gifted Students Methods and Materials Reaching a more diverse group of gifted students Flipped Classrooms Engineering Integrating Technology Curriculum used in other districts
HELPFUL TRAINING Differentiation Managing different grade levels Best practices Scheduling Teaching the regular classroom teachers about the gifted student GT curriculum in middle school and high school Teaching units with a central theme Cross Age Groups Observing other GT teachers teaching Communicating with Parents Building on what they already know Behavior Management Tracking student progress with advanced goals (What assessments are best?)
Oklahoma Dept. of Education Website Rules & Suggestions for how to run a GT program Great websites with user friendly links Curriculum from other Oklahoma GT teachers Resources for best practices, curricula, enrichment, and scheduling Directory of other GT teachers Shared lessons, units, and ideas Current trainings/seminars/upcoming workshops Games for young children and Ipad apps Research based reports on the gifted populationand programs Networking with other GT programs/teachers in & out of our state I would like for our state website to be easier to navigate. Suggested curriculum, units, and ideas www.ok.gov/sde
Who’s Who in GT Joseph Renzulli • Joseph Renzulli developed the three-ring model of giftedness, which promotes a broadened conception of giftedness.. • His "Schoolwide Enrichment Model" focuses on developing student's talents in schools. • His research has focused on the identification and development of creativity and giftedness in young people and curricular strategies for total school improvement.
Who’s Who in GT Sandra Kaplan • Kaplan is known for her work in curriculum differentiation which involves: • Depth: Language of the discipline, big idea, essential details, rules, patterns, trends, unanswered questions, ethics. • Complexity: Change over time, and looking at multiple points of view, across the disciplines.
Who’s Who in GT Sylvia Rimm Parenting: Competition, Achievement, Respect, and Responsibility • Rimm has found that it is vitally important for parents to practice togetherness in their rules and guidelines for children. • Encouraged gifted students to be involved in competition so they learn to be good winners and good losers. • Teach the relationship between hard work and positive outcomes.
MOST IMPORTANT THING These kids have unique qualities and they deserve to have teachers who educate themselves about those qualities in order to best meet their needs. Gifted kids are not perfect, just because they may converse at a higher level, they are still kids that need to feel accepted, loved, and encouraged. These kids are going to make mistakes, we have to allow them to solve their problems. Many times, the gifted students may feel a bit out of place, “out of sync”, with the rest of the class. We have the opportunity to help them to build up their self-esteem and to help them find their place in this world. They are kids. Don’t forget. They’re insecure. They can make you laugh and cry in the same moment.
MOST IMPORTANT THING These gifted students love to learn if you keep them involved and engaged. They are just like other kids. They just think differently. They are a sharp group READY to learn. They can figure things out for themselves, and that is good for them! They come to your class ready to absorb new materials. You need to present your presentations in different ways from the classroom teacher. They are very sensitive students; they are concerned about “real” issues. Gifted children generally have trouble being wrong – teach them it’s okay to make mistakes.
MOST IMPORTANT THING They are most often the kids who are truly left behind in our current public educational system. Their needs are often misunderstood, and they are usually smothered in mindless repetition of skills they already have in order to allow everyone to be at the same level. This results in kids who are disaffected and uninterested in school, leading to a negative affect towards learning and achievement. With this in mind, I have learned that these kids need to know that SOMEONE at school “gets” them and will advocate for them. They are all unique. Sometimes, they are stressed over not always being right. They enjoy challenging activities. Yes, they may moan and groan at first, but when the learning process appears they are excited.
MOST IMPORTANT THING They need down time, perhaps more than regular kids as they tend to push themselves harder and take things more to heart than the “standard” student. A GT tag does not guarantee a 4.0 student. Some will not even be 3.0 students. They can be the worst behaved kids in a class due to attitude and may be the worst at turning in homework. It isn’t that they can’t do assignments, it seems it’s more of a “it’s too easy so I will do it later/never” attitude. Finding their learning style can aid teachers in creating specific assignments/projects that will appeal to them to increase learning benefits and need/desire to complete the work. Not to be surprised about anything they say. They think very differently, yet, they are just kids no matter how big their brain or their body.
MOST IMPORTANT THING They are sometimes not as intelligent as their parents think they are. Social issues can almost be a handicap among some and we need to teach each other how to live with the handicap, both as the ones struggling with the issues and the ones who must learn to tolerate classmates/people who have issues. They need and deserve just as much time and attention as our special needs kids. They often get short changed because they can get by without help. They need to be pushed and encouraged to meet their full potential. Gifted students need a chance to spend time together sharing ideas in an environment where they are valued. They need encouragement to develop leadership skills so they will be able to share ideas in the workplace effectively. They love to learn and be challenged.
MOST IMPORTANT THING No two are alike, even though many may consider them smart, their personalities, likes, interest, attention span, are all very different. They take a project by the horns and run with it if they are interested. They have their own set of needs just like other special needs students. Their abilities don’t always translate into straight A’s or perfect performances. It is about the effort and output not just the grade or the award. They are fun, challenging kids who are always thinking. They are children who need to learn. They need to learn how to understand what “gifted” means and how it pertains to them as an individual. Our population must have an outlet to be who they are in this developmental (middle school) stage.
MOST IMPORTANT THING Keep things open-ended. Teach them that they aren’t here to get an A. They are here to stretch their brains and grow through hard work. Sometimes it will be their job to push themselves so that their brains are growing. All students are individuals and learn best when met where each individual is in learning and interest. Test scores and due dates are not always the most important things, certainly not what motivates all people. It is crucial to allow yourself to simply be a facilitator, and accountability partner, a resource of information for them. Character still matters, even when dealing with a very bright mind. Nurturing them as they seek the answers to their questions is rewarding. My classroom is just like the regular classroom in that there is a wide range of gifted students from those willing and eager to work for the teacher to those who can’t stand school. It is my job to find the little spark to catch their interest in school.
MOST IMPORTANT THING Each gifted student is unique so plan lessons with that in mind. Don’t expect gifted students to excel in every area and understand that many are perfectionists and need to learn the valuable lesson that failure or not knowing is OK. They are unique is so many different areas. They have the desire to push forward, to learn more, and to help others. The most important thing I have learned about teaching GT students is that teaching can be FUN!!! Be willing to listen to their advanced ideas and passions. Realize they may need help with logistics and implementation of projects. Address affective needs first, then make time for them to pursue their PASSIONS, despite testing pressure. Research regarding gifted children in adulthood (Felice, et al…studied Presidential Scholars, 1980’s) showed the one thing they would change in their school history was that they wished for time to pursue their passions.
Thank You! Dr. Pat Hollingsworth, Director of University School Gina Lewis, Assistant Director of Curriculum and Finance Regina Ritchie, Clinical Instructor Kelly O’Neil-Brown, Technology Instructor, PowerPoint 918-631-5060 www.uschool.utulsa.edu