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Module A: Presentation Setting Expectations for Student Success. Department of Defense Education Activity Robotics Engineering – CTE502 Career and Technical Education. Robotics Engineering (CTE502) – DoDEA Career and Technical Education
Module A: PresentationSetting Expectations for Student Success Department of Defense Education Activity Robotics Engineering – CTE502 Career and Technical Education Robotics Engineering (CTE502) – DoDEA Career and Technical Education Module A: Review – Setting Expectations for Student Success Revised 14 July, 2012
COURSE OVERVIEW This course is divided into modules. They are: • Setting Expectations for Student Success • Relating Safety to Robotics Engineering • Applying the Engineering/Design Process • Investigating Simple Machines • Identifying the Elements of Materials & Structural Design • Understanding Robot Fundamentals • Investigating Electrical/Electronic Systems • Understanding Fluidic Power • Applying Motors and Actuators • Exploring Microcontroller Technology • Programming Microcontrollers • Apply Data Acquisition (Sensors) • Handing and Converting Data • Interfacing the Microcontroller • Designing and Developing Intelligent Machines
COURSE BASICS • Each module contains pre-test, practicum, and post test assessments. • Hands-on and project based activities guide instruction as students acquire desired skill-sets. • Students are presented with problems they must research and work individually or in groups to solve. • Students self-assess using an individual competency profile. • Opportunities to demonstrate 21st Century Skills permeate the learning environment.
21st Century Skills Adapted from publications of the Partnership for 21s' Century Skills http://p21.org/ and Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills http://wdr.doleta.gov/SCANS/idsrw/idsrw.pdf
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN • The goal of this plan is to provide a safe environment conducive to learning. Self-discipline and respect are essential. • External forces will be applied as necessary to maintain a productive classroom. • This course is self-paced with due dates for homework and assessments. • Substitute teachers have the same authority as the classroom teacher.
GRADING POLICY • It is the expectation that students will earn at least an 85% on ALL assignments before carrying onto the next task. • Grades will be calculated as follows: • Teacher add information here Subject to modification
HOMEWORK POLICY • Homework is required and is completed outsideof class. • The questions must be written-out with the answers highlighted. • Definitions must be two or three sentences and pertain to the topic being studied. • In nearly all cases, homework is an individual effort. • Compromising any assignment (including homework) by copying, plagiarizing, or otherwise… cheating is a serious offense. All involved will receive no credit as well as disciplinary action. • Homework must be completed using the stipulated format. • It must receive a score of at least 85% to be considered acceptable. • Due dates for homework will be established.
REQUIRED MATERIALS QtyDescription 1 Binder, 3-Ring, 1" to 3" Thick 5 Tab Dividers 50 Sheets of College Rule Paper 2 Pencils, No 2. 1 Eraser 1 Highlighter Pen 1 6" Rule 1 Binder Pencil Pocket Suggested:QtyDescription 1 Calculator, Scientific
NOTEBOOK ORGANIZATION • Each student is required to maintain a separate notebook for this class. • The notebook is a repository for completed work and work in progress. • Agendas, exercises, and notes are also organized and kept in this notebook. • The notebook will contain only material used in this course . • It is to be brought to class every day. • The notebook will be reviewed regularly for organization and completeness. • It is an integral part of the YOURgrade. • The notebook will contain five (5) tab dividers. • These dividers should be organized as follows: • Teacher add information based on personal preferences
RULES OF CONDUCT • Be on time for class. • Do not idle. • Come to class prepared to work. • Do your own work. • Complete all assignments in a timely manner. • Seminar period is for academic pursuit only. • Respect others and their property. • Dress appropriately. • Treat substitute teachers and student leaders with respect. • Personal music devices or listening to music using the computer is not allowed. • Chewing gum, eating or drinking is not permitted in this classroom. • Computers are for academic use only. • Use of electronic mail or the Internet is not permitted unless it is required as part of an assigned task.
RULES OF CONDUCT - continued • Instant messaging, Internet Chat Room, radio, music and video Streaming are not authorized at any time. • Downloading files from the Internet or copying programs onto school computers or network drives is prohibited. • Computer / Internet games will not be played during class time. • Removable media (Diskette, CDROM or USB Devices) may only be used with instructor permission and must be scanned for computer viruses before use. • Students may not store, access, or execute programs, music, or video files on any classroom computer, network drive, or removable media at any time unless required as part of a lesson. • Students may not shop for merchandise using classroom computers at any time unless required as part of a lesson.
CLEANING UP • Cleanup starts shortly before the end of each class. • You must do the following: • Power-down and stow all experiments and projects. • Logout from your computer, turn off the monitor and organize the computer workstation. • Return tools, test equipment, texts, materials, and parts to their proper storage places. • All waste goes in the trashcan or appropriate recycling bins. • Clean off your work areas. • Assist in other clean up duties.
1st Homework Assignments Take the “Care and Use Agreement, and Student Expectations Agreement home for signatures. Procure the required materials. Due next class period.