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Open heavy flavor at RHIC. Jaroslav Biel čí k Czech Technical University Prague. High-p T physics at LHC , March 2008 , Tokaj. Outline. Motivation for heavy flavor physics Spectra: Charm mesons: D 0 Non-photonic electrons Heavy flavor e + e - pairs Flow/Energy loss
Open heavy flavor at RHIC Jaroslav Bielčík Czech Technical University Prague High-pT physics at LHC , March 2008, Tokaj
Outline • Motivation for heavy flavor physics • Spectra: • Charm mesons: D0 • Non-photonic electrons • Heavy flavor e+e-pairs • Flow/Energy loss • Summary QM 2008: Y.Zhang (overview), A. Shabetai (STAR), D. Hornback(PHENIX) R. Averbeck (PHENIX), Y. Morino (PHENIX) jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
parton light ENERGY LOSS hot and dense medium M.Djordjevic PRL 94 (2004) Heavy quarks as a probe • p+p data: baseline of heavy ion measurements test of pQCD calculations • Due to their large mass heavy quarks are primarily produced by gluon fusion in early stage of collision production rates calculable by pQCDM. Gyulassy and Z. Lin, PRC 51, 2177 (1995) • heavy ion data: • Studying flow of heavy quarks understanding of thermalization • Studying energy loss of heavy quarks independent way to extractproperties of the medium dead-cone effect: jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz Dokshitzer and Kharzeev, PLB 519, 199 (2001)
Open heavy flavor Direct: reconstruction of all decay products Indirect: charm and beauty via electrons • c e+ + anything(B.R.: 9.6%) • b e+ + anything(B.R.: 10.9%) • issue of photonic background charm (and beauty) via muons • c + + anything (B.R.: 9.5%) jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Charm measurements at RHIC STAR measurements: • Signal/Spectra D0 K • c + X (y=0, low pT) • c,b e + X • Flow & energy loss RAA from NPE PHENIX measurements: • Signal/Spectra D0 K-+0 • c + X (<y>=1.65, pT>1 GeV/c) • c,b e + X • e+e- • Flow & energy loss Elliptic flow from NPE RAA from NPE jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
SPECTRA jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
D0 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) Direct D-meson reconstruction at STAR STAR Preliminary • K invariant mass distribution in d+Au, Au+Au minbias, Cu+Cu minbias at 200 GeV collisions • No displaced vertex used => only pT<3.3 GeV/c jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
PHENIX Preliminary Year5 pp 200 GeV Direct D-meson reconstruction at PHENIX • p+p 200 GeV/c: • D0K+p-p0 decay channel • p0 identified via p0 gg decay • Only visible signal in 5<pT<15 GeV/c • No visible signal below 5 GeV/c and above 15 GeV/c peak is not at right position jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Leptons from HF decay at STAR STAR Preliminary • STAR charm cross section: combined fit of muons, D0 and low pT electrons • 90% of total kinematic range covered • New Cu+Cu D0 spectrum agree with Au+Au after number of binary scaled • Low pT muon constrains charm cross-section jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Leptons from HF decay at PHENIX PHENIX PRL, 98, 172301 (2007) p+p 200GeV/c PHENIX Preliminary • Electron spectrum is harder than muon spectrum, within errors they are consistent at intermediate pT • Systematically higher than FONLL calculation (up to factor ~ 4) • Integral e yield follows binary scaling, high pT strong suppression at central AuAu collisions jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
STAR STAR high pT NP electrons • High-tower EMC trigger • => high pT electrons • FONLL scaled by ~5, • describes shape of p+p spectra well • suggesting bottomcontribution STARPhys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 192301 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 192301 PHENIX Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 252002 jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
c dominant b dominant Heavy quarks in p+p from e+e- at PHENIX After subtraction of Cocktail - Fit to a*charm+ b*bottom (with PYTHIA shape) Extracted cross sections in good agreement with single e result. arXiv:0802.0050 jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Charm cross-section PRL 94 (2005) Total cross-section with large theoretical uncertainty. Both STAR and PHENIX are self-consistent observation of binary scaling STAR results ~ 2 times larger than PHENIX Consistent with NLO calculation however error bands are huge jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
ENERGY LOSS/FLOW jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Elliptic flow v2 – NPE from HF decays PHENIX Run4 PRL, 98, 172301 (2007) • Non-zero elliptic flow for electron from heavy flavor decays • → indicatesnon-zero D v2,partonic level collective motion. • Strongly interact with the dense medium at early stage of HI collisions • Light flavor thermalization jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
STARPhys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 192301 PHENIX Phys.Rev.Lett.98 (2007) 172301 STAR hadrons pT> 6 GeV/c d+Au: no suppression expected slight enhancement expected (Cronin effect) Peripheral Au+Au: no suppression expected Central Au+Au: little suppression expected ?! Semi-Central Au+Au: very little suppression expected RAA from d+Au to central Au+Au Nuclear modification factor Non-photonic electrons suppression similar to hadrons pT (NPE) < pT (D NPE) jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
PRL 98, 172301 (2007) e± from heavy flavor Nuclear Modification Factor RAA • very similar to light hadron RAA • careful: • decay kinematics! • pT(e±) < pT(D) • intermediate pT • indication for quark mass hierarchy as expected for radiative energy loss • (Dokshitzer and Kharzeev, PLB 519(2001)199) • highest pT • RAA(e±) ~ RAA(p0) ~ RAA(h) • crucial to understand: • what is the bottom contribution? • ideal: • RAA of identified charm and bottom hadrons
STARPhys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 192301 PHENIX Phys.Rev.Lett.98 (2007) 172301 Radiative energy loss • parameters of medium in • models extracted from hadron data • Radiative energyloss alone • in medium with reasonable • parametersdoes not describe • the data • What are the other sources • of energy loss ? • Djordjevic, Phys. Lett. B632 81 (2006) • Armesto, Phys. Lett. B637 362 (2006) jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
STARPhys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 192301 PHENIX Phys.Rev.Lett.98 (2007) 172301 Role of collisional energy loss • Collisional/elastic energy loss may • be importantfor heavy quarks • Still not good agreement at high-pT • Wicks, nucl-th/0512076 • van Hess, Phys. Rev. C73 034913 (2006) jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
STARPhys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 192301 PHENIX Phys.Rev.Lett.98 (2007) 172301 Charm alone? • Since the suppression of • b quark electrons is smaller • charm alone agrees better • What is b contribution? jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Bottom contribution to NPE (be)/(ce+be) • Difficult to interpret suppression without the knowledge of charm/bottom • Data shows non-zero B contribution • Good agreement among different analyses. • Data consistent with FONLL.
Conclusions • Heavy flavor is an important tool to understand HI physics at RHIC • RHIC results are interesting and challenging charm cross section • Binary scaling in charm production produced in initial phase • Differences between STAR and PHENIX will be addressed • NLO is consistent with data non-photonic electrons • strong high-pT suppression in Au+Au large energy loss of c+b • heavy quark energy loss not understood • b relative contribution consistent with FONLL important b contribution • none zero charm flow is observed at RHIC energy does b also flow? large uncertainties jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
PRL 98, 172301 (2007) Estimating h/s • transport models • Rapp & van Hees (PRC 71, 034907 (2005)) • diffusion coefficient required for simultaneous fit of RAA and v2 • DHQx2pT ~ 4-6 • Moore & Teaney (PRC 71, 064904 (2005)) • difficulties to describe RAA and v2 simultaneously • calculate perturbatively (and argue that plausible also non-perturbatively) • DHQ/ (h/(e+P)) ~ 6 (for Nf = 3) • at mB = 0 • e + P = Ts • then • h/s = (1.3-2.0)/4p
R. Lacey et al.: PRL 98:092301, 2007 S. Gavin and M. Abdel-Aziz: PRL 97:162302, 2006 H.-J. Drescher et al.: arXiv:0704.3553 pTfluctuations STAR v2 PHOBOS v2 PHENIX & STAR conjectured quantum limit Comparison with other estimates • estimates of h/s based on flow and fluctuation data • indicate small value as well • close to conjectured limit • significantly below h/s of helium (4ph/s ~ 9)
Charm ~ y jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Uncertainty of c/b relative contribution • FONLL: • Large uncertainty on c/b crossing • 3 to 9 GeV/c Beauty predicted to be significant above 4-5 GeV/c jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Muon measurement 0.17 < pT < 0.21 GeV/c 0-12% Au+Au minv2 (GeV2/c4) Inclusive from charm from / K (simu.) Signal+bg. fit to data • Low-pT (pT < 0.25 GeV/c) muons can be measured with TPC + ToF • - this helps to constrain charm cross-section • Separate different muon contributions using MC simulations: • K and decay • charm decay • DCA (distance of closest approach) distribution is very different TPC+TOF m2=(p/b/g)2 (STAR), Hard Probes 2006 jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Conversion from dN/dy to Cross-Section p+p inelastic cross section number of binary collisions conversion to full rapidity ratio from e+e- collider data *Systematic error measurement for dN/dy in progress. jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
d K p p electrons electrons hadrons Electron ID in STAR – EMC • TPC: dE/dx for p > 1.5 GeV/c • Only primary tracks • (reduces effective radiation length) • Electrons can be discriminated well from hadrons up to 8 GeV/c • Allows to determine the remaining hadron contamination after EMC • EMC: • Tower E ⇒ p/E~1 for e- • Shower Max Detector • Hadrons/Electron shower develop different shape • 85-90% purity of electrons • (pT dependent) all p>1.5 GeV/c2 p/E SMD jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Inclusive/Photonic: • Excess over photonic electrons observed for all system and centralities => non-photonic signal Photonic electrons background • Background:Mainly from g conv and p0,h Dalitz • Rejection strategy: For every electron candidate • Combinations with all TPC electron candidates • Me+e-<0.14 GeV/c2 flagged photonic • Correct for primary electrons misidentified as background • Correct for background rejectionefficiency ~50-60% for central Au+Au jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
sCC: comparison with other measurements jaroslav.bielcik@fjfi.cvut.cz
Combined Fit D0, e , combined fit Power-law function with parameters dN/dy, <pT> and n to describe the D0 spectrum Generate D0e decay kinematics according to the above parameters Vary (dN/dy, <pT>, n) to get the min. 2 by comparing power-law to D0 data and the decayed e shape to e and data Spectra difference between e and ~5% (included into sys. error) Advantage: D0 and constrain low pT e constrains higher pT