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Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities Report Socioeconomic Status. Chapter outline. Chapter Outline. Background Overview of Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities Report Key points Data Demographic and socioeconomic data Access to health care
Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities ReportSocioeconomic Status
Chapter outline Chapter Outline Background • Overview of Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 Baseline and Health Disparities Report • Key points Data • Demographic and socioeconomic data • Access to health care • Overall health and mental health • Risk behaviors • Chronic disease outcomes • Reproductive and sexual health References Links to additional reports and resources Contacts
Report overview Report Overview This chapter is part of a larger report created by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to track the progress on objectives of Healthiest Wisconsin 2020 (HW2020) and identify health disparities in the state. The full report is available at: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/P0/p00522.pdf The report is designed to address the Health Focus Areas in HW2020. Where direct measures exist, data are presented; where direct measures are not available, related information may be included. Information about populations experiencing health disparities is provided in the Health Focus Area chapters and is summarized in separate chapters devoted to specific populations. Technical notes are available at: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/P0/p00522y.pdf
Report overview Report Format Sample annotated slide Full Report • Format: PDF • Intended use: reference document Chapters • Format: Annotated PowerPoint slide set • Intended uses: presentations to • Decision-makers • Service providers • Community leaders • The public
Report overview Report Outline Executive Summary Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Demographic overview Section 3: Health focus areas Section 4: Infrastructure focus areas Section 5: Data summaries by population Section 6: Technical notes
Report overview Report Outline: Detail Section 3: Health focus areas Section 4: Infrastructure focus areas
Report overview Report Outline: Detail Section 5: Data summaries by population
Report overview Data notes Please refer to the Technical Notes chapter for a more detailed description of limitations and methods: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/P0/p00522y.pdf The 95% confidence intervals are denoted by error bars. Where confidence intervals do not overlap, as shown in the example on the right, differences are statistically significant. Larger confidence intervals may indicate less reliable estimates that should be interpreted with caution. Population estimates that are considered unreliable are excluded. Misclassification of racial/ethnic groups may affect the accuracy of rates. Unless otherwise indicated, the Hispanic population may include people of various races; Whites, Blacks, Asians, and American Indians are non-Hispanic.
Report overview Factors that influence health Social determinants of health Source: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. County Health Rankings 2013, http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/our-approach
Key points Key Points Access to health care • The poverty rate in Wisconsin increased from 2006 to 2010. • Education and income are correlated. The higher the level of education in a population, the higher the level of income, for both males and females. • On average, Black, Hispanic, and American Indian adults in Wisconsin have lower levels of education and income compared to White and Asian adults. Differences within groups, particularly Asians, may be masked by aggregate data.
Key points Key Points: • Compared to adults with higher levels of education and income, adults with lower levels of education have: • Less access to health and dental care, higher utilization of the emergency room, lower rates of prenatal care, and lower rates of cancer screening. • Higher rates of risk behaviors including binge drinking, obesity, and tobacco use and exposure. • Higher rates of poor physical and mental health. • Higher rates of chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and blood pressure, stroke, and arthritis.
Demographic and socioeconomic data Poverty rate (percent living below the federal poverty level), Wisconsin, 2006-2010 Source: American Community Survey, 2006-2010.
Demographic and socioeconomic data Percent of the population living in poverty, by county, Wisconsin, 2006-2010 Source: American Community Survey, 2006-2010.
Demographic and socioeconomic data Median household income by race/ethnicity, Wisconsin, 2008-2010 Source: American Community Survey, 2008-2010.
Demographic and socioeconomic data Median earnings in the previous 12 months, adults ages 25 and older, by sex and educational attainment, Wisconsin, 2010 Source: American Community Survey, 2010.
Demographic and socioeconomic data Educational attainment of adults ages 25 and older, by race/ethnicity, Wisconsin, 2008-2010 Source: American Community Survey, 2008-2010.
Demographic and socioeconomic data Educational attainment of Wisconsin adults, ages 25 and older, by level of urbanization, 2007-2011 Source: American Community Survey, 2007-2011.
Demographic and socioeconomic data • Income distribution among Wisconsin adults by level of urbanization, 2007-2011 Source: American Community Survey, 2007-2011.
Demographic and socioeconomic data Rate of living with a disability, Wisconsin adults ages 18-64, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline only dataset
Access to health care Lack of health insurance coverage among Wisconsin adults ages 18-64, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Access to health care Public health insurance coverage and inadequacy of health insurance among children ages 6-17, by highest education level of adult in household, Wisconsin, 2011-2012 Source: 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health.
Access to health care Age-adjusted rate of use of and barriers to health care among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Access to health care Lack of routine preventive medical and dental care and unmet medical and dental needs among children, by poverty status, Wisconsin, 2011-2012 Source: 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health. Note: Estimates were not available for all groups. FPL is the Federal Poverty Level, based on household size and income.
Access to health care Lack of access to care within a medical home among children, by poverty status, Wisconsin, 2011-2012 Source: 2011-2012 National Survey of Children's Health. Note: FPL is the Federal Poverty Level, based on household size and income.
Access to health care Emergency room utilization among Wisconsin residents, by poverty status, 2008-2010 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Family Health Survey, 2008-2010.
Healthy growth and development Percentage of births to mothers who received prenatal care during the first trimester, by maternal education level, Wisconsin, 2010 Source: Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health (WISH), Wisconsin resident birth certificates.
Access to health care Vaccination coverage with selected vaccines among adolescents ages 13-17, by federal poverty level (FPL), Wisconsin and the United States, 2011 Source: National Immunization Survey for Teens, 2011. Note: * To protect against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. ** To protect against meningococcal disease.
Access to health care Rates of influenza and pneumonia vaccination among older adults (ages 65+) in Wisconsin, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Alcohol and other drug use Age-adjusted rates of binge drinking and heavy drinking among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Nutrition Age-adjusted rate of low vegetable consumption among Wisconsin adults, by education level, 2009 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Data from 2009 only.
Nutrition Breastfeeding initiation by maternal income, Wisconsin, 2009-2011 Source: Wisconsin PRAMS, 2009-2011. Division of Public Health, Department of Health Services.
Physical activity Age-adjusted rate of physical inactivity among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset
Oral health Age-adjusted rates of tooth removal and dental visits in the past year among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Tooth removal question asked in 2008, 2010, and 2011. Dentist visit question asked in 2008 and 2010.
Reproductive and sexual health Rates of HIV testing and age-adjusted risk behaviors among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Testing rates are not age-adjusted; rates of exposure to high-risk situations are age-adjusted.
Tobacco use and exposure Age-adjusted rates of smoking among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Tobacco use and exposure Rates of secondhand smoke exposure among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: The “smoking at work” question was only asked in 2009 and 2010.
Injury and violence Age-adjusted rate of seat belt non-use and rate of fall-related injuries among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008, 2010, 2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Questions were asked in 2008, 2010, and 2011. Rates of seat belt use are age-adjusted; rates of fall-related injury are not age-adjusted but are limited to the population 45 and older.
Physical health Nutrition Age-adjusted rates of physical health among Wisconsin adults by income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline only dataset Note: Physical health and limited activities questions were only asked in 2009-2011.
Chronic diseases Age-adjusted rates of diabetes and prediabetes among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Diabetes excludes women who were diagnosed during pregnancy, and does not differentiate between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Chronic diseases Age-adjusted rates of heart attack and stroke among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Chronic diseases Age-adjusted rates of high cholesterol and high blood pressure among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2009 and 2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Questions only asked in 2009 and 2011.
Chronic diseases Cancer screening among Wisconsin adults, by education level, 2008 and 2010 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Questions were only asked in 2008 and 2010.
Chronic diseases Age-adjusted rate of arthritis among adults, and percent of those with arthritis whose activity is limited due to joint pain, by household income, 2009-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Arthritis question was asked in 2009-2011. Question about limited activity due to joint pain was asked in 2009 and 2011.
Environmental health Age-adjusted rates of asthma among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2008-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset.
Environmental health Percentage of lead poisoning (10 mcg/dL or greater) among tested children under age six, by Medicaid enrollment, Wisconsin, 2010 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (WCLPPP).
Mental health Age-adjusted rate of frequent mental distress among Wisconsin adults, by household income, 2009-2011 Source: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Behavioral Risk Factor Survey (BRFS); 2008-2011 landline-only dataset. Note: Question asked in 2009-2011.