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Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training Module Climate Change Finance GENERAL INTRODUCTION Ms Isabelle Mamaty Senior Expert Climate Support Facility. What is the GCCA ? Two complementary pillars. Enhanced dialogue with developing countries on climate change (Pillar 1).
Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme Training ModuleClimate Change Finance GENERAL INTRODUCTION Ms Isabelle MamatySenior ExpertClimate Support Facility
Enhanced dialogue with developing countries on climate change (Pillar 1) • Convergence of visions on a post-2012 climate regime • Regional conferences and declarations • Asia, May 2010 • Africa, October 2010 • Pacific, March 2011 • Caribbean, March 2011 • Side events at UNFCC Cop • National policy dialogues (see pillar 2)
Increased support for climate change • Second pillar of the GCCA • € 206 million (2008-2011) • € 83 million (2012-2013) • Promote approaches to integrate climate change into development planning and budgeting • Focus on integration of climate change in poverty reduction efforts, adaptation in water and agriculture, REDD, CDM and DRR • Mainstreaming programmes and workshops • Implementation of NAPAs • Budget support as preferred modality
Technical and Financial support (Pillar 2) - What are the priorities? • Mainstreaming climate change into poverty reduction and development efforts • Adaptation actions particularly in water and agriculture sectors • Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest degradation (REDD) • Enhancing participation in the global carbon market • Disaster Risk reduction (DRR)
Technical and Financial support (Pillar 2) - What are we working on?
Distribution of aid modalities used by GCCA interventions to 2012
Criteria of Access to GCCA funding • The criteria used to prioritise the countries are the following: • LDC and/or SIDS recipients of aid (according to the official OECD/DAC and UN lists: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/32/40/43540882.pdf and http://www.un.org/special-rep/ohrlls/sid/list.htm) • Vulnerability to climate change • Adaptive capacity • Political commitment • Funds are allocated to the highest ranking countries, based on population figures and on availability of resources.
Technical and financial support (Pillar 2) – Where does GCCA work ? Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos, Maldives, Nepal,Bhutan, East Timor Regional: Mekong River Belize, Guyana, Jamaica Regional: CCCCC and OECS Mozambique, Mali, Tanzania, Senegal, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Gambia, Benin, Uganda, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Mauritania, Tchad, Djibouti, DRC, Burkina, RCA, Seychelles, Mauritius Regional: COMESA, ECOWAS/CILLS, ClimDev Africa Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, PNG Regional: University of South Pacific, SPC Sector programmes Budget support Mainstreaming workshops Mainstreaming programmes
Lessons learned: aid effectiveness,mainstreaming & budget support • Ownership: supporting developing countries’ agendas • National development or sector strategies • National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) • Alignment: usingcountry systems • Promoting CC integrationinto national dvpt planning & budgeting • Country programmes • Training workshops withministries of finance • Budget support for climate change • Harmonisation: improved coordination (within EU, with other partners) • Joint financing (e.g. GCCA with IE, CY, CZ, SE, Estonia) • Joint programming (e.g. GCCA with DK, GE, UN) • Paving the way for scaled up climate change response through dialogue, capacity building and actions
What is the Intra-ACP Programme? • Part of the GCCA • Period: 2011-2014 • All activities linked to sustainable development and achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) • 6 components • 5 geographical components: • and 1 support component • Overall coordination by the ACP Secretariat
INTRA-ACP Programme Support to access Funds • Communicate on new opportunities offered by funds or other climate change related programmes • Detailed briefings on the existing funds (eligibility criteria, priorities, precise requirements, clarification on application forms,...). • Country-based consultations in view of matching country priority needs with available opportunities and development of an action plan to get access to funding* • Mobilise short term TA to develop project proposals or carry out other short term tasks that require in-country presence and consultations.
Modalities of support from the Climate Change ACP Programme • Both the country-based consultations and the provision of short term Technical assistance are DEMAND-DRIVEN • Priority will be given to LDCs and SIDS.
Workshop methodology • Each module is presented as follows: • Part 1: Presentation session • Part 2: Turning words into action session: • discussion on the presentation, exchange of experiences and identification of specific needs of the country related to the subject • Where to find the information • presentation of case studies; • practical exercise
Workshop objectives • Learning objectives: • To be aware that additional external sources of finance through climate finance could be a response to the country needs in dealing with climate change impacts in their development process • To provide a brief introduction of the main existing external sources of finance of climate change • Expected outcomes • Increased awareness on the fact that external funds should fully be incorporated into national planning processes and not processed as standalone projects • Increased knowledge of the accessing modalities and procedures of these fund mechanisms
Thank you Contact: Dr. Pendo MARO, ACP Secretariat pendomaro@acp.int or +32 495 281 494www.gcca.eu/intra-acp