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This presentation explores the interconnection between climate change and invasive species, highlighting the effects on ecosystems, species distributions, and adaptation strategies. It discusses observed temperature changes, anthropogenic drivers, impacts on freshwater systems, and management strategies. The text emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing risks associated with climate change and invasive species.
Climate Change and Invasive Species Michael W. Slimak, Ph.D. The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and they do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Observed Temperature Changes 1901 - 2004 Source: Koblinsky 2006 ICLEI
Observed Temp Trends & Ecosystem Responses Cht. 14, IPCC 2007
Anthropogenic Change (Drivers) Urbanization Flow regulation Etc. Climate Change Stressors Sediment Flow Temperature Food Biological Impact ISS IAG IJG ISDA SpawningDaysAvailable Adult Growth Spawning Substrate JuvenileGrowth Climate Change not the only Stressor Interactive effect of multiple stressors; climate is exacerbating Temperature, hydrologic, geomorphic ecological processes & species
Take Home Message • Earth is getting warmer; climate is changing with a regional texture • Anthropogenic global warming due to excess GHG’s; CO2 the most important • Rate of GHG increase and rate of global warming is of concern • Climate change and invasive species are inextricably linked • As climate changes, we can expect ecosystem changes • Ecosystem changes results in shifts in plant and animal distributions • Rapid ecosystem change favors species with high genetic plasticity • Many successful invaders have high plasticity as they are pioneers • Profound impact on co-evolution of ecosystems and their components
US Government’s Climate Change Science Program • Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) • 13 federal agencies • Current research & assessments based on 2003 strategic plan • Five broad goals 1. Research of past & present climate change & variability 2.Quantification of Earth’s climate and related systems 3. Reduce uncertainty in climate change projections 4. Understand climate change impacts to ecosystems & humans 5. Knowledge to manage risks & opportunities related to climate change
CCSP Synthesis and Assessment Reports • 21 Reports due out over the next year • The “4 series” involves impacts and adaptation 4.1 Sea level rise 4.2 Thresholds of change 4.3 Impacts on agriculture, biodiversity, land & water resources 4.4 Adaptation options for climate-sensitive ecosystems 4.5 Impacts on energy production 4.6 Impacts on human health, welfare and human settlements 4.7 Impacts on transportation systems • Available at WWW. USGCRP.GOV
2007 IPCC Report on Impacts & AdaptationMain Points for Freshwater Systems & Management • Seasonal shift in streamflow • Increased winter flows, less snow storage • Decreased water resources in Western US • Decreased groundwater recharge due to increased population and water demand • Increased precipitation intensity & variability • Increased flooding & drought in many areas • Increased water temp, precipitation intensity, and longer periods of low flows exacerbate water pollution • Sea level rise will increase saltwater intrusion into groundwater & estuaries • Decreased freshwater availability in coastal areas
Watersheds are highly sensitive to climate changeGlobal Warming Intensifies the Hydrologic Cycle • In many areas significant changes are likely: • hydrology • water quality • ecosystems
Overview of impacts of climate change on rivers • Temperature increases likely in most regions • Rainfall changes less certain: extreme events like storms/droughts will • be more common in some areas and less so in others • Snowmelt earlier in some regions
Current Water Stress Levels Chap. 3, IPCC 2007
Increases in Rainfall Trends in precipitation: 1901-1998 Trends in proportion of precipitation occurring as extreme events: 1910-1995 Green = increase Brown = decrease
Shift from Snowfall to Rainfall Knowles et al. 2005, AGU
1 0 1 2 3 Kilometers N Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (MD) 1938 1980 Marsh Open Water Upland
Climate Change Effects on Aquatic Invasive Species • Several mechanisms of effects and many consequences for AIS • Changes in air temperature influence changes in water temperature • Changes in precipitation timing and amount affect water quantity and quality, and timing of flows • Thermal expansion and polar melting cause sea level rise • Increasing atmospheric CO2 decreases pH Effects vary regionally and seasonally Alterations have consequences throughout ecosystem
Some Consequences for Water Quality • Re-suspension of bottom sediments & compounds from lower water levels • Increased turbidity from more intense rainfall • Increased pollution washed from soils from more intense rainfall • Increased algal blooms from increased water temperatures • Enhanced transfer of volatile & semi-volatile compounds with increasing water temperature • Increased acidification from acidic atmospheric deposition Chap. 3, IPCC 2007
Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Increasing water temperatures • Decreasing O2 concentration, P release from sediments, increasing thermal stability, altered mixing patterns in lakes • Earlier ice cover break up, increasing ice free periods • Species moving up in altitude and latitude • Changing species composition • Changing seasonality & productivity of plankton • Changing food web interactions Chap. 4, IPCC 2007
Evidence of Stream Warming Strong evidence of changes in length of seasonFreeze dates are later,thaw dates are earlier From J.J. Magnuson and IPCC reports
Climate Change & Fish Habitat in US Streams Mohseni et al. (2003)
Aquatic Ecosystem Impacts Increasing UV-B radiation & temperature • Increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) • Altered biogeochemical cycles • Changed (probably increased) net primary productivity • Q10 phenomenon Chap. 4, IPCC 2007
Increased Biological Production Benke 1993 Elliott and Hurley 2000
Is it Possible to Reduce Impacts to Aquatic Ecosystems? Increase resilience of ecosystems • Reduce impacts from other stressors (e.g., pollution, acidification, desertification, eutrophication, invasive species) • Likely to enhance resilience to climate change • Maintain habitat connectivity, population sizes, genetic diversity • Restore habitat • Activities need to account for new environmental conditions SAP 4.4 of US Climate Change evaluates adaptation options
Bottom Line • Climate is changing • Rate of change is more rapid than previously experienced • Will result in profound ecosystem changes • Will favor species with high genetic plasticity • Likely to have major implications for controlling aquatic invasive species
For additional information… EPA Climate Change www.epa.gov/climatechange/ EPA Global Change Research Program cfpub.epa.gov/gcrp/ Climate Change Science Program www.climatescience.gov/ www.usgcrp.gov Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change www.ipcc.ch/
Acknowledgements Britta Bierwagen, EPA Margaret Palmer, University of Maryland EPA’s Global Change Research Program