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By the mean of E governance this informative research paper focus on general trait and main criteria of challenges in front of services provide by government. When we deliberate about Information and Communication Technology ICT E governance is a part of it and it provide convenient application on citizens and government. We accept India is in list of growing country E governance is an important key element for both citizens as well as government to increase transparency between Governmentu201ctou201cCitizens G2C . Same when we talked about E governance we must focus of some focal challenges for it as primary level in this research paper contest is categories like u201c Environment u201c Social u201c Economical u201c Technical part to build E governance as successful model it leads to the Gross Domestic Product GDP . Before proposed model for E Governance we must contemplate some major aspect and challenges for the same. Dr. Abhijeetsinh Jadeja | Mr. Vraj Bhatt "E-Governance: Contests for State Level Model" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Special Issue | International Conference on Digital Economy and its Impact on Business and Industry , October 2018, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd18679.pdf Paper URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/management/marketing-management/18679/e-governance-contests-for-state-level-model/dr-abhijeetsinh-jadeja<br>
International Journal of Trend in International Open Access Journal International Open Access Journal | www.ijtsrd.com International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Research and Development (IJTSRD) www.ijtsrd.com ISSN No: 2456 INTERNATIONAL CON ITS IMPACT ON BUSINESS AND Organised By: V. P. Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sangli Organised By: V. P. Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sangli Organised By: V. P. Institute of Management Studies & Research, Sangli ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | Conference Issue – ICDEBI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL ECONOMY AND TS IMPACT ON BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY ICDEBI-2018 FERENCE ON DIGITAL ECONOMY AND INDUSTRY E-Governance Governance: Contests for State Level Model State Level Model Dr. Abhijeetsinh Jadeja Dr. Abhijeetsinh Jadeja1, Mr. Vraj Bhatt2 1Assistant Professor, 2Student P. College of Computer Studies, KSV University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat B. P. College of Computer Studies , Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India ABSTRACT By the mean of E-governance this informative research paper focus on general trait and main criteria of challenges in front of services provide by government. When we deliberate about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) E is a part of it and it provide convenient application on citizens and government. We accept India is in list of growing country; E-governance is an important key element for both citizens as well as government to increase transparency between Government Citizens (G2C). Same when we talked about E governance we must focus of some focal challenges for it as primary level in this research paper contest is categories like – Environment – Social – Technical part to build E-governance as successful model it leads to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Before proposed model for E-Governance we must contemplate some major aspect and challenges for the same. KEYWORDS: Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Government – to – Citizens (C2G), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 1.INTRODUCTION E-Government can be defined as the use of information and communications technologies by governments to improve the range and quality of information and services to citizen, businesses, society organization and other government agencies resourceful, gainful and useful manner to make government process more transparent. The main objectives that follows delivery models named Government-to-Citizen (G2C), Business (G2B), Government-to-Government (G2G) and Government-to-Employee (G2E). governance this informative research paper focus on general trait and main criteria of challenges in front of services provide by government. When we deliberate about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) E-governance provide convenient application on citizens and government. We accept India is in list of governance is an important key element for both citizens as well as government to increase transparency between Government–to– when we talked about E- governance we must focus of some focal challenges for it as primary level in this research paper contest is Social – Economical governance as successful e Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Governance we must Figure 1.1 Target Agents and Services of E- Figure 1.1 Target Agents and Services of E Governance Governance contemplate some major aspect and challenges for the 1.1Government-to-Citizens (G2C) First if we discuss about G2C, it is the most basic and an important role played by the government for the citizen of the States. Likewise Baby birth Services - eliminatory, Secondary and college level quality education services not only this but motivate the citizens to convert to employees or an entrepreneur. 1.2Government-to-Business (G2B) Than we focus on G2B, government will help to business and non-profitable company for transactions such as contract bids, data collection and grants. Government should provide transparent services wherever business owners should pay liabilities and taxes to government. Government should announce various beneficiary schemes for small to MNC level business. Citizens (G2C) First if we discuss about G2C, it is the most basic and an important role played by the government for the citizen of the States. Likewise Baby birth - Medical eliminatory, Secondary and college level quality education services not only this but motivate the citizens to convert to employees or an Information and Communication Citizens (C2G), Government can be defined as the use of information and communications technologies by governments to improve the range and quality of information and services to citizen, businesses, society organization and other government agencies in resourceful, gainful and useful manner to make government process more transparent. The main objectives that follows delivery models named Citizen (G2C), Business (G2B) Than we focus on G2B, government will help to profitable company for transactions such as contract bids, data collection and grants. Government should provide transparent services wherever business owners should pay liabilities and taxes to government. Government should announce ficiary schemes for small to MNC level Government Government-to- Government (G2G) @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com www.ijtsrd.com | Conference Issue: ICDEBI-2018 | Oct 2018 Page: 92
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 | IF: 4.101 1.3Government-to-Employee (G2E) An employment is directly effect to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of any country, according to this it is decide country is in developing and developed phase this process indicates responsibility and liabilities are to pay tax to the government with 100% transparency; by the collection of this tax government should provide basic services to the citizens and senior citizens. For this same any government should provide user friendly and portable taxpaying system to all the employers. 1.4Government-to-Government(G2G) Finally the growth of government that converts to E Governance is depend depth study and pilot testing of existing E-Governance model of other states. This G2G process meets and discoveries benefits and challenges face by other E-Governance states, if we take example Gujarat as E-Governance is in developing phase and same as other side government like Bangalore, Tamil Nadu had already established E-Governance system for their state. To any Government to E-Governance first we face so many challenges. In this research paper we find main domain challenges like Environmental and Social Challenges – Economical Challenges and Technical Challenges. 2.Environmental and Social Challenges 2.1 Languages Gujarat State has around 6 Core populations. This population scattered into 27 districts, all these districts have various languages as pronunciation in Gujarati. Most of people do not know English language. So Government has big challenges to understand common popular languages which will worldwide accept. For this English language popularity is must. In against of facing this issue we found literacy ration of Gujarat state, however everyone knows Gujarati as mother tongue in compare to English speaking language. So it is necessary to focus literacy ratio of Gujarat State. 2.2 Literacy and IT- Literacy As per National Information Centre (NIC) statistics recent data of Gujarat literacy is 79.31 % since 2011, among them rural area literacy is just 73% as compare to urban area it is 87% hence it is desirable to promote rural area education as fast for E-Governance system. Out of this population most of people do not have Out of this population most of people do not have Employee (G2E) knowledge of computer and Information Technology. So here is a big challenge for the Government to IT awareness in each district implementation for E-Governance system. 2.3 Struggles for Changes Literacy and IT Literacy is a key factor for E Governance setup model among this IT Literacy different types of criteria like general users of IT, developer level users of IT, expert level of users in IT. Out of this E-Governance model should be develop like that general users of IT can accept service benefit – analysis (admin leve general users’ struggles how to utilize E service. In some state it is existing as a part of website – web portal but as per general survey it comes out people/citizens are not interested getting portability – depend on internet services…etc. Factors for struggling and facing a lot problem for accept changes for the better service. It should be desirable that E should provide services by most famous and immerging technology development. By this suggestion we can come out from such struggle and changes and people will easily accept this service at 24x7 level. 2.4 Population India is considered as big number of population country, among the different state if we considered as a pilot project on Gujarat State which has nearly 6 Core populations. Out of this if we considered factors like literacy – IT Literacy and then after we suggest most useful E-Governance service on Mobile app. But we still face some problem like Identification – Citizen Authentication Data filling by Citizen – Keep Record of each Citizen – Citizen Assets Data. To manage these problem Government require more skilled and technically sound staff for various types of services. 3. Economic challenges To drive E-governance Economical or financial is an important obstacles for successful setup of an E governance model. For this we found some important aspects of challenges as below. 3.1IT Infrastructure For every services of E-Govern authenticate data in proper format. To manage these huge data government need to setup big data huge data government need to setup big data Centre at knowledge of computer and Information Technology. So here is a big challenge for the Government to IT awareness in each district Governance system. An employment is directly effect to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of any country, according to this it is decide country is in developing and developed phase s responsibility and liabilities are to pay tax to the government with 100% transparency; by the collection of this tax government should provide basic services to the citizens and senior citizens. For this for for successful successful G2E. G2E. An An employee employee Literacy and IT Literacy is a key factor for E- Governance setup model among this IT Literacy has different types of criteria like general users of IT, developer level users of IT, expert level of users in IT. Governance model should be develop like that general users of IT can accept – utilize – analysis (admin level). Main issue is general users’ struggles how to utilize E-Governance service. In some state it is existing as a part of website web portal but as per general survey it comes out people/citizens are not interested – they are not pend on internet services…etc. Factors for struggling and facing a lot problem for accept changes for the better service. de user friendly and portable taxpaying system to all the employers. Government(G2G) Finally the growth of government that converts to E- Governance is depend depth study and pilot testing of Governance model of other states. This G2G process meets and discoveries benefits and Governance states, if we Governance is in developing phase and same as other side government like Bangalore, Tamil Nadu had already established It should be desirable that E-Governance model should provide services by most famous and immerging technology lopment. By this suggestion we can come out from such struggle and changes and people will easily accept this service at 24x7 level. Governance first we face so like like “mobile “mobile app” app” many challenges. In this research paper we find main domain challenges like Environmental and Social Economical Challenges and Technical and Social Challenges India is considered as big number of population country, among the different state if we considered as lot project on Gujarat State which has nearly 6 Core populations. Out of this if we considered factors IT Literacy and then after we suggest Governance service on Mobile app. But we still face some problem like – Unique Citizen – Citizen Authentication – Genuine Keep Record of each Citizen Citizen Assets Data. To manage these problem Government require more skilled and technically sound staff for various types of services. Gujarat State has around 6 Core populations. This population scattered into 27 districts, all these districts have various languages as pronunciation in Gujarati. Most of people do not know English language. So ent has big challenges to understand common popular languages which will worldwide accept. For this English language popularity is must. In against of facing this issue we found literacy ration of Gujarat state, however everyone knows Gujarati as ongue in compare to English speaking language. So it is necessary to focus literacy ratio of governance Economical or financial is an important obstacles for successful setup of an E- governance model. For this we found some important aspects of challenges as below. As per National Information Centre (NIC) statistics recent data of Gujarat literacy is 79.31 % since 2011, em rural area literacy is just 73% as compare to urban area it is 87% hence it is desirable to promote Governance we require Governance system. authenticate data in proper format. To manage these @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com www.ijtsrd.com | Conference Issue: ICDEBI-2018 | Oct 2018 Page: 93
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 | IF: 4.101 different places. To manage Centre government need expert IT Engineer, Big Data Analytics and Developers. If we consider to setup Data top to bottom level services, government need to centralize all the authenticate data and connectivity between all Villages – Taluka – District and then all data collect to the Central level State Administration department. As we know national level we already established National Informatics Centre (NIC), we need to suggest State Information Centre (SIC) to provide maximum services by E-Governance. Internet is a key resource for IT Infrastructure for that Gujarat State had already established GSWAN (Gujarat State Wide Area Network). State Government has already establish services like Core Applications Applications – Departmental Knowledge Management Management Applications Organization Model – Securities & Access Control etc. If we consider all these aspects it is completely administration level, but as a key factor for end user beneficiary it recommend to build IT Infrastructure to setup Wi-Fi and best service of internet service provider (ISP) by government only. 3.2Portability of Applications To enhance the work flow and work efficiency government should provide specific device to the central administration as well as to all department and government offices which is connected with E Governance service. For that government have big challenges for purchasing huge number of such device for their staff. So we suggest to make each services of E-Governance must have dashboard to analyze work of their department so one can check the workflow from device anywhere - anytime. Application Portability can enhance the work efficiency and transparency. Citizen will get the advantage of Application Portability in term of time to time response from government. 3.3 Maintenance When we talk about huge IT Infrastructure and device portability these all means digital devices Networks – Data Servers – File Servers and many more. To maintain this assets government should require Technically Skilled Staff. To reduce the economic cost it is require regular maintenance and setup with minimum cost. For the individual users data security government should establish backup server also. Maintenance in sense of hardware and software as well as when emerging technology comes software as well as when emerging technology comes different places. To manage Centre government need expert IT Engineer, Big Data Analytics and Developers. If we consider to setup Data Centre for top to bottom level services, government need to centralize all the authenticate data and connectivity update themselves for this for better performance of update themselves for this for E-governance model. 3.4 Limited Financial Resource When we think about Economic challenges one should focus on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the measures of national income and a country’s economy. GDP is defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced within the country in a given period of time. GDP of a country is the measure of its financial strength. India has limited financial resources so as to implement and maintain the e-Government projects properly. If we can complete government manufacturing units will increase the ratio or GDP. 4.Technical challenges For successful working of an E most important and key factor is Technical Challenges. By providing proper solution only we can come out from the following challenges of level. 4.1User Friendly When we consider huge number of beneficiary, we must focus on system design part so the users of system can easily access the services. Government should give proper guidance to the users for accessing the services as well as to complete their transaction in right way. If the system is User Friendly maximum number of business, people and Citizens will proceed with E-Governance. 4.2Security To implement E-Governance the major aspect we consider is security. For the widely avail users data government should enhance the security for Data Centre data access. We must work out on persons personal data like Income sources data – Financial data privacy, so no one can access and modify others data. For that we have t some measures to protect individual data. 4.3Scope of Applications(Web Service & App base) For the successful implementation of any application or app, the first step to identify the scope of application in desire manner. The application which provided by the government, it should first describe their scope so that the application implementation will be accurate. Limited Financial Resource When we think about Economic challenges one should focus on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the measures of national income and a country’s economy. GDP is defined as the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a given period of time. GDP of a country is the measure of its financial strength. India has limited financial resources so as to implement and Government projects properly. If we can complete government ts will increase the ratio or GDP. District and then all data collect to the Central level State Administration level we already established National Informatics Centre (NIC), we need to suggest State Information Centre (SIC) to Governance. Internet is a key resource for IT Infrastructure for that Gujarat SWAN (Gujarat State Wide Area Network). State Government has already establish services like Core Applications – Common Departmental Knowledge Management project project and and new new Applications Applications – Workflow Workflow Securities & Access Control Applications Applications – – File & & For successful working of an E-governance model the most important and key factor is Technical Challenges. By providing proper solution only we can come out from the following challenges of Technical etc. If we consider all these aspects it is completely administration level, but as a key factor for end user beneficiary it recommend to build IT Infrastructure to Fi and best service of internet service When we consider huge number of beneficiary, we must focus on system design part so the users of system can easily access the services. Government should give proper guidance to the users for accessing as to complete their transaction in right way. If the system is User Friendly maximum number of business, people and Citizens will proceed To enhance the work flow and work efficiency government should provide specific device to the central administration as well as to all department and government offices which is connected with E- vernance service. For that government have big challenges for purchasing huge number of such device for their staff. So we suggest to make each services of Governance must have dashboard to analyze work of their department so one can check the workflow Governance the major aspect we anytime. Application consider is security. For the widely availability of users data government should enhance the security for Data Centre data access. We must work out on persons personal data like Income sources – medical Financial data privacy, so no one can access and modify others data. For that we have to apply some measures to protect individual data. Portability can enhance the work efficiency and transparency. Citizen will get the advantage of Application Portability in term of time to time T Infrastructure and device Scope of Applications(Web Service & App portability these all means digital devices – Gadgets – File Servers and many more. To maintain this assets government should require Technically Skilled Staff. To reduce the For the successful implementation of any application or app, the first step to identify the scope of application in desire manner. The application which provided by the government, it should first describe their scope so that the application implementation will regular maintenance and setup with minimum cost. For the individual users data security government should establish backup server also. Maintenance in sense of hardware and @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com www.ijtsrd.com | Conference Issue: ICDEBI-2018 | Oct 2018 Page: 94
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470 | IF: 4.101 6.Saurabh kumar Garg, Steve Versteeg and Raj Kumar Buyya, Cloud computing and Distributed Systems(CLOUDS), 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference: Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011), December 5-7, 2011, Melbourne, Australia. 7.Tom Butler, Joseph Feller, Andrew Pope, Paul Barry and Ciaran Murphy, Promoting knowledge sharing in government organizations using open source software. Oreste Signare, Franco Chesi, Maurizio Pallotti, CMG Italy-XIX Annual 2005Florence-Italy, E-Governance: Challenges and opportunities. 8.David M. Eyers, Ramani Routray, Rui Douglas Will cocks Configuring large-scale middleware with machine learning, concurrency and computation: practice Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. (2011), pp. 1-15 9.Ake Gronlund, Thomas A. Horan Introducing E-Gov: History, Definitions and Issues, Communications of the Association for Information Systems (Volume 15, 2004)713 10.David C. Wyld, The Cloudy Future Of Government: Cloud Computing and the Public Sector Around the World, Intern Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT), Vol1, Num 1, January 2010. 4.4Multi-Language Functionality When we try to implement application for general people or citizen for the state we must have to give language option to the end user, so the citizen will not face language barrier to use the application and government service. Using Functionality will attract more number of users to use the system as well as government services. 5.CONCLUSION Usage of Information Technology (ICT) is making large number of efforts behind E-governance. Many Indian state spending lots of money behind but still it is not complete by any state of India. Before taking any action on E governance and it’s service there is need to focus on some main challenges and its aspects. The challenges like social – economical and technical attention on key issues like literacy – population – infrastructure user authentication – data storing and security. When any state government properly make survey and find apposite solution for the same. 6.REFERENCES 1.www.nic.in/projects 2.www.egovindia.org/egovportals.html 3.http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb /assets /omb/inforeg/egovstrategy.pdf 4.http://www.gocalne.org.uk/gobetween/Backgroun d.pdf 5.http://finance.yahoo.com/news/indias nationalinformatics-centre-builds-130000266.html Steve Versteeg and Raj When we try to implement application for general people or citizen for the state we must have to give language option to the end user, so the citizen will not face language barrier to use the application and government service. Using Functionality will attract more number of users to use the system as well as government services. Kumar Buyya, Cloud computing and Distributed Systems(CLOUDS), 4th IEEE/ACM International and Cloud Computing (UCC 7, 2011, Melbourne, Australia. Multi Multi Language Language Tom Butler, Joseph Feller, Andrew Pope, Paul Barry and Ciaran Murphy, Promoting knowledge and non-government organizations using open source software. Oreste Signare, Franco Chesi, Maurizio Pallotti, CMG XIX Annual Usage Technology (ICT) is making large number of efforts governance. Many Indian state spending lots of money behind but still it is not complete by any state of India. Before taking any action on E- it’s service there is need to focus on some main challenges and its aspects. The challenges economical and technical attention on of Information and and Communication Communication Conference, Conference, Governance: Challenges 7 7-9June Eyers, Ramani Routray, Rui Zhang, Will cocks scale middleware with machine learning, concurrency and computation: practice Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper. (2011), pp. Douglas and and Peter Peter Pietzuch, using using Pietzuch, storage storage a a and and experience experience infrastructure – data storing and security. When any state government properly make survey and find Ake Gronlund, Thomas A. Horan, Orebo, Gov: History, Definitions and Issues, Communications of the Association for Information Systems (Volume 15, 2004)713-729. www.egovindia.org/egovportals.html The Cloudy Future Of Computing and the Public http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb /assets /omb/inforeg/egovstrategy.pdf Sector Around the World, International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT), Vol1, ne.org.uk/gobetween/Backgroun http://finance.yahoo.com/news/indias- 130000266.html @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com www.ijtsrd.com | Conference Issue: ICDEBI-2018 | Oct 2018 Page: 95