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WORKSHOP ON WASTE STATISTICS. Statistical office of Montenegro (MONSTAT) & Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro (EPA) GENEVA, 04 November 2013. Status of waste statistics in MNE - legal basis. National Acts
WORKSHOP ON WASTE STATISTICS Statistical office of Montenegro (MONSTAT) & Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro (EPA) GENEVA, 04 November 2013
Status of waste statistics in MNE - legal basis National Acts In the field of Environmental Statistics are used several national legal acts: • Law on official statistics and the system of official statistics ("Off. Gazette. MNE No 18/12") • Annual Plan of official statistics ("Off. Gazette. MNE No 9/13") • Law on Waste Management ("Off. Gazette. MNE 64/11") • Law on Environment ("Off. Gazette. MNE 48/08, 40/10, 40/11")
Status of waste statistics in MNE-legal basis International Acts In the field of Environmental statistics are used several international acts: • Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2002 on waste statistics • Commission Regulation (EU) No 849/2010 of 27 September 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste statistics • Manual on Waste statistics • Waste Framework Directive (98/2008/EC) • Questionnaire on the State of the Environment - Section on waste statistics (Tables 5A,5B and 5C)
Progress made and latest changes in waste statistics since the first workshop in April 2012 • Waste statistics follows implementation of waste politics. • In the area of waste statistics in conduction of surveys is used reporting method. • Surveys are conducted annually. • Data sources include acounting and other records and documents held by reporting units. If there is no adequate documentation and records for some data, data are given on estimate bases. MONSTAT is carrying out two regular surveys: • Statistical survey on municipal waste • Statistical survey on waste generated in industry
Statistical survey on municipal waste • In the year 2012 survey on municipal waste is harmonized with provision of Regulation 849/2010. • Reporting units are all utilities with the Secretariat for the local government granted permission to perform public service for collection and disposal of municipal waste. • Through this survey are collected data on public waste collection and disposal by municipalities, source and treatment of waste collected.
Data on municipal wasteare published on MONSTATs website in the form of Release
Statistical survey on waste generated in industry • Survey on waste generated in industry has been conducted from 2012 (reference year 2011). • Survey is harmonized with provision of Regulation 849/2010. • Reporting units are business entities (with 10 and more employees) registered according to the Classification of activities (NACE Rev.2) in the following sectors: • B – Mining and quarrying, • C - Manufacturing and • D - Electricity, gas and steam and air conditioning supply
Data on waste generated in industry • Through this survey are collected data on types and quantities of waste they generated, internally process and dispose business subjects from industry. • Collecting of data on generated quantities of waste from industry is carried out with use of Manual of waste classification and waste catalogue, that is harmonised with European waste classification (LoW), which is than converted to Annex I (EWC-Stat/Version 4 with 51 categories of waste) and Annex III (Table of Equivalence) of Regulation 849/2010. • Data are published on MONSTATs website in the form of Release.
Cooperation between MONSTAT and EPA • Improved inter-institutional cooperation of MONSTAT and EPA in order to obtain uniform data, trough signing Memorandum on Cooperation in 2011. • In the 2012 cooperation has been extended - Annex I - The agreement on rationalization and consolidation of data collection on statistics of waste in Montenegro. • The cooperation in Annex I is arranged in a way that the security of data and highest data quality will be ensured and at the same time it will not be in conflict with the requirements of the Statistical Law. Because of this EPA will be the official owner of the data. • Sharing of responsibilities between MONSTAT and EPA has been defined.
Pilot projects - waste In 2013 – Five pilot projects in the area of waste statistics has been conducted: • Pilot survey on number and capacity of waste treatment facilities; • Pilot survey on waste brought to the landfill sites – disposal site; • Pilot survey on waste generated in agriculture, forestry and fishing (NACE Rev.2 sector A) ; • Pilot survey on waste generated in the construction and service industries (NACE Rev.2 sectors F-Q); • Pilot survey on the collection and treatment of waste.
Pilot projects - waste All pilot projects were developed and prepared. This development includes: • designing of the questionnaire for data collection, • preparation of methodology and methodological explanations, • preparation logical and mathematical controls and • preparation of cover letter that will be added to questionnaire.
Pilot projects - waste Phases of pilot projects already finished: • Printing of questionnaires and methodology explanations (MONSTAT) • Preparation of address lists of reporting units (M&E) • Distribution of questionnaires (EPA) • Collection of data (EPA) • Urgencies for data deliveries (EPA) • Logical and mathematical control of data (MONSTAT) • Creation of software applications (MONSTAT) • Entry data (MONSTAT) • Processing of data (MONSTAT) • Tabulation of data (MONSTAT)
Next steps Through IPA Project 2011 (time of ending April 2014) and expert support next steps are planed: • Quality control of data – regular and pilot surveys • Validation of data from all surveys • Introduction and filling of the Quality Report • Preparation of data for reporting on international level • Two more workshops (national and regional) with expert support
Main problems • Limited human resources • Lack of capacities in reporting units responsible for delivering data • Insufficient development infrastructure related to waste collection and management • Lack of separate collection waste on the source • Lack of data on recovery and disposal operations • Very low rate of response in conducted pilot project on generation waste in construction and service activities • Reporting units delivered data in different measurement units (tons without decimal places, m³, kg, pieces, litres, containers) • To much burden of reporting units • Many of reporting units are not enough educated with Waste Catalogue and its use • All listed problems effect improving of data quality
Thank you for your attention!!! natasa.vuckovic@monstat.org vesna.novakovic@epa.org.me November2013