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Instructions for use Modify the tasks and questions to suit your needs. Do a test print and dummy construction to ensure days and task numbers flow correctly. Print to A4 sized paper, double sided. Cut out tabs along the registration marks.
Instructions for use Modify the tasks and questions to suit your needs. Do a test print and dummy construction to ensure days and task numbers flow correctly. Print to A4 sized paper, double sided. Cut out tabs along the registration marks. Fold each sheet in half down the centreline registration mark. Assemble the diary and staple along the centre fold. Resulting diaries will be roughly A5 in size. Don’t forget to remove these instructions before printing. Where you can, please give credit to www.amberdew.com.au Don’t sell these templates, they are provided generously for the use by the community. Evolve them and do the same. Probe design and diary template assembly by Matt Morphett. Special thanks to Rob McLellan and James Hunter for invaluable input and for clearing these materials for release.. Your Week A record of activity and [WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO CAPTURE] Instructions 1. Use this diary to record your activities at the indicated times during the week. 2. Use the enclosed camera to take photographs when you are instructed to do so. 3. If you miss an entry, go back and complete it at your earliest opportunity. If you need help with any aspect of this activity, please contact: [YOUR NAME], [YOUR TITLE}, [YOUR ORGANISATION] [YOUR MOBILE NUMBER] Prepared by the [YOUR TEAM] team. Diary template by Amberdew User Experience www.amberdew.com.au
Notes Tell us about this place / situation. Take a photo of this location. Photo number 1 Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 2 Do you normally [PERFORM A TASK] in this situation? 3 Yes No
Evening 7pm Tue PM 2 Please perform this task. Notes • TUESDAY Open your browser and visit www.[THESITE].com. 6 What about this site works well for you in this situation? 7 What doesn’t work so well for you about this site in this situation ? 8 Continued over page…
Morning 7am Tue PM 3 Mon AM 4 What’s important to you? How important are the following considerations in this situation? 9 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] • MONDAY Not important Very important
Evening 7pm Mon AM 3 Tue PM 4 What’s important to you? • TUESDAY How important are the following considerations in this situation? 9 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important
Morning 7am Wed AM 1 Mon AM 2 Please perform this task. Tell us about this place / situation. Take a photo of this location. Open your browser and visit www.[THESITE].com. Photo number 1 4 Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 2 What about this site works well for you in this situation? 5 Do you normally [PERFORM A TASK] in this situation? 3 Yes No What doesn’t work so well for you about this site in this situation ? 6 • MONDAY Continued over page…
Morning 7am Mon AM 1 Wed AM 2 Please perform this task. Tell us about this place / situation. Describe where you are and what you’re doing. [PERFORM SOME TASK]. 1 6 What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 7 • WEDNESDAY Take a photo of an important item in your Monday morning routine. Photo number 2 Which would be your preferred [SOMETHING] 3 (mark only one or rank them by numbering from 1-6) What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 8 [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] Continued over page…
Evening 7pm Wed AM 3 Sun PM 4 What’s important to you? How important are the following considerations in this situation? 9 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f.[ATTRIBUTE] • SUNDAY Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important
Morning 7am Sun PM 3 Wed AM 4 …continued. • WEDNESDAY
Evening 7pm Wed PM 1 Sun PM 2 What are your views? Tell us about this place / situation. Take a photo of this location. What is different about the atmosphere here on a Sunday night? 4 Photo number 1 Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 2 Do you normally [PERFORM A TASK] in this situation? 3 Yes No What would be the ideal iPad-based news service for you in this situation? 5 (outline your ideas in point form) • SUNDAY Continue your notes over the page if necessary…
Evening 7pm Sun PM 1 Wed PM 2 Please perform this task. Tell us about this place / situation. Describe where you are and what you’re doing. [PERFORM SOME TASK]. 1 6 What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 7 • WEDNESDAY Take a photo of something that sums up your mood at the moment. Photo number 2 Which would be your preferred [SOMETHING] 3 (mark only one or rank them by numbering from 1-6) What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 8 [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] [ITEM] Continued over page…
Morning 9am Wed PM 3 Sun AM 4 What’s important to you? How important are the following considerations in this situation? 9 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f.[ATTRIBUTE] • SUNDAY Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important
Evening 7pm Sun AM 3 Wed PM 4 What’s important to you? How important are the following considerations in this situation? 9 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] • WEDNESDAY Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important
Morning 9am Thur AM 1 Sun AM 2 Please perform this task. Tell us about this place / situation. Take a photo of this location. [PERFORM SOME TASK]. Photo number 1 6 Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 2 What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 7 Do you normally [PERFORM A TASK] in this situation? 3 Yes No What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 8 • SUNDAY Continued over page…
Morning 7am Sun AM 1 Thur AM 2 What are your views? Tell us about this place / situation. Take a photo of this location. What would be the ideal solution to [THE USER NEED BEING RESEARCHED] in this situation? 6 Photo number 1 (outline your ideas in point form) Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 2 • THURSDAY Do you normally [PERFORM A TASK] in this situation? 3 Yes No Continue your notes over the page if necessary…
Evening 7pm Thur AM 3 Sat PM 4 …continued. • SATURDAY
Morning 7am Sat PM 3 Thur AM 4 What are your motivations? Which of the following motivations are important to you in this situation? 9 (tick up to 3) [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] • THURSDAY [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION]
Evening 7pm Thur PM 1 Sat PM 2 Please perform this task. Tell us about this place / situation. [PERFORM SOME TASK]. Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 6 1 What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 7 If you are watching television, take a photo of the program you are watching. Photo number 2 What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 8 • SATURDAY Continued over page…
Evening 7pm Sat PM 1 Thur PM 2 Please perform this task. Tell us about this place / situation. Take a photo of this location. [PERFORM SOME TASK]. Photo number 1 6 Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 2 What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 7 • THURSDAY Do you normally [PERFORM A TASK] in this situation? 3 Yes No What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 8 Continued over page…
Morning 9am Thur PM 3 Sat AM 4 What are your motivations? Which of the following motivations are important to you in this situation? 6 [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] • SATURDAY
Evening 7pm Sat AM 3 Thur PM 4 What’s important to you? How important are the following considerations in this situation? 9 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] • THURSDAY Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important
Morning 9am Fri AM 1 Sat AM 2 Please perform this task. What are your motivations? Which of the following motivations are important to you in this situation? [PERFORM SOME TASK]. 6 6 [MOTIVATION] What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 7 [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 8 • SATURDAY
Morning 7am Sat AM 1 Fri AM 2 Please perform this task. Tell us about this place / situation. Take a photo of this location. [PERFORM SOME TASK]. Photo number 1 6 Describe where you are and what you’re doing. 2 What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 7 Do you normally [PERFORM A TASK] in this situation? 3 • FRIDAY Yes No What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 8
Evening 7pm Fri AM 3 Fri PM 4 How do you rate it? How does[THE SERVICE / PRODUCT] rate against following measures? 5 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important • FRIDAY d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f. [ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important
Morning 7am Fri PM 3 Fri AM 4 How do you rate it? How does[THE SERVICE / PRODUCT] rate against following measures? 5 (circle one point on each scale) a.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important b.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important c.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important • FRIDAY d.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important e.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important f. [ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important g.[ATTRIBUTE] Not important Very important
Evening 7pm Fri PM 1 Fri PM 2 Please perform this task. What are your motivations? Which of the following motivations are important to you in this situation? [PERFORM SOME TASK]. 1 2 [MOTIVATION] What about thisworks well for you in this situation? 3 [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] [MOTIVATION] • FRIDAY What doesn’t work so well for you about this task in this situation ? 4