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Evangelization in the Modern World

Evangelization in the Modern World. Evangeli Nuntiandi , Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Paul Vl , 1975 . Major Areas of Concern Personal Conversion Church and the Culture Justice and Liberation Universal and Individual Churches Gospel and Non- Christians . Introduction . Objective:

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Evangelization in the Modern World

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  1. Evangelization in the Modern World EvangeliNuntiandi, Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Paul Vl, 1975

  2. Major Areas of Concern Personal Conversion Church and the Culture Justice and Liberation Universal and Individual Churches Gospel and Non- Christians

  3. Introduction • Objective: • To make the twentieth- century Church better fitted for proclaiming the Gospel • The Church needs to preserve the heritage of faith and present it in the most persuasive and understandable way possible

  4. Evangelizers : Christ and the Church • Mission of Jesus—going from town to town proclaiming the good news • Kingdom of God and a salvation—liberation from all oppression. • Good news—for all people of all times • Evangelizing—“the grace and vocation proper to the church”

  5. Evangelization: The Elements • Purpose—to bring Good News into all strata of humanity • Gospel—independent of culture • Personal witness and explicit proclamation- necessary • for evangelization, and is aided by community of believers.

  6. Evangelization : The Content • The primary message—God loves the world and through • Jesus salvation is available to all. • Evangelization has personal and social dimensions • True liberation needs to be motivated by charity • Religious liberty is an important human right


  8. Evangelization: The Beneficiaries • Good News - for all • obstacles impede the spread of the gospel • Pre-evangelization can be effective aid • Non Christians as well as Christians • Non practicing Christians- special beneficiaries of evangelization • Supporters and criticizers

  9. Evangelization: The workers • Evangelization: the mission of church • Individual(understandable terms) and • universal churches have roles to play • Need to consider people’s concrete lives • One mission-different ways to achieve it • Pope has pre-eminent ministry of teaching the truth • All people have important role in evangelization.

  10. Reference: • DeBerri, Edward, James E. Hug, et al. Catholic social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret (80-83). New York: Orbis Books, 2004.

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