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THE FIRST MIRACLE John 2:1-12 By Becky Kew Published at www.GospelHall.org. The Lord Jesus called 12 disciples to be with him during his time on earth. He began to preach to the people and tell them that he was the Savior.
THE FIRST MIRACLE John 2:1-12 By Becky Kew Published at www.GospelHall.org
The Lord Jesus called 12 disciples to be with him during his time on earth.
He began to preach to the people and tell them that he was the Savior.
He performed miracles to show people that he was the son of God who had come down to earth. His disciples followed him and learned about God.
The Lord Jesus and his followers were invited to a wedding at Cana.
Weddings during those days went on for a very long time, pretty soon the host ran out of wine. Mary saw the problem and she went to Jesus to tell him that they were out of wine. She had the right idea, she went to the right person with her problem.
Jesus said to Mary: “Woman, what have I to do with you? Don’t you know that it isn’t my time? What was the Lord Jesus telling her?
Mary wanted Jesus to show them who he really was, that he was King. Jesus had another mission first.
Mary said to the servants, “Whatever he tells you to do, do it!” She pointed people to theLord, never to herself. She also was a sinner who needed a Savior. (Luke 1:47)
The Lord Jesus told the servants to fill the water pots to the top with water. Then they were to take some to the man who was in charge of the wedding.
What do you think happened? The bridegroom said, “You have saved the best wine until now!”
The Lord Jesus does everything perfectly! He changed ALL of the water to wine and all agreed that it was the BEST wine that they had tasted. The Lord Jesus doesn’t do things part way. When he died on the cross, he died for ALL of your sins. He finished the work needed for your salvation!