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Grantiau ar gyfer Mannau Addoli Grants for Places of Worship Cyfnod newydd ariannu CDL ar gyfer mannau addoli A new chapter in HLF funding for places of worship. Adam Hitchings Rebecca Reitsis. Agenda’r Sesiwn / Workshop Agenda 10:30 Croeso / Welcome 10:35 Cyflwyno CDL / Introduction to HLF
Grantiau ar gyfer Mannau Addoli Grants for Places of WorshipCyfnod newydd ariannu CDL ar gyfer mannau addoliA new chapter in HLF funding for places of worship
Adam Hitchings Rebecca Reitsis
Agenda’r Sesiwn / Workshop Agenda 10:30 Croeso / Welcome 10:35 Cyflwyno CDL / Introduction to HLF 10:45 Fframwaith Strategol / Strategic Framework 10:50 Adolygu ariannu CDL i fannau addoli / Review of HLF funding to places of worship 10:55 Arolwg y rhaglen / Programme overview 11:00 Canlyniadau / Outcomes 11:30 Taith ymgeisio / Application process 11:40 Costau’r prosiect / Project costs 12:00 Cyngor a chymorth / Advice and support 12:10 Cwestiynau / Questions
Beth ydy Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri? What is the Heritage Lottery Fund?
Treftadaeth yw… Heritage is… “….everything tangible and intangible that we have inherited from the past, and value enough to want to share and sustain for the future.”
Mae treftadaeth yn cynnwys…Heritage includes.. • Countryside, parks, gardens and wildlife; • Specific habitats and species • Recording memories and traditions; • Language and culture; • Industrial, transport and maritime history; • Collections and archives; • Historic buildings and sites; • Museum collections • Cefn gwlad, parciau, gerddi a bywyd gwyllt; • Cynefinoedd a rhywogaethau penodol; • Cofnodi atgofion a thraddodiadau; • Iaith a diwylliant; • Hanes diwydiannol, trafnidiaeth a morol; • Casgliadau ac archifau; • Safleoedd ac adeiladau hanesyddol; • Casgliadau amgueddfeydd
Gwahaniaethparhausargyfertreftadaeth a phobl A lasting difference for heritage and people FframwaithStrategol CronfaDreftadaeth y Loteri Heritage Lottery Fund Strategic Framework 2013 - 2018
Buddsoddi yn nhreftadaeth a phoblInvesting in heritage and people • Canlyniadau / Outcomes • Gwneud gwhanaieth ar gyfer treftadaeth, pobl a chymunedau / Making a difference for heritage, people and communities • Gwneud cais yn fwy syml / Making applying to us more straightforward
Newyddion Da / Good news £375m y flwyddyn / a year Ond… / But… • sefyllfaeconomigheriolynparhau / challenging economic conditions continue • pwysparhausargyllideb sector cyhoeddus / continued pressure on public sector finances
Mannau addoli, ariannu hyd yn hyn…Places of worship, the story so far… • DU / UK • £568m i / to 4,600 cyfanswm / total • £231m i / to 2,500 rhaglenpenodol / targeted programmes • Cymru / Wales • £39m i / to 480 cyfanswm / total • £13m i / to 210 rhaglenpenodol / targeted programmes
Grantiau ar gyfer Mannau Addoli Grants for Places of Worship • Gwaith atgyweirio brysi addoldai rhestredig • Urgent repairs to listed places of worship • Annog mwy mynediad gan y cyhoedd • Encouraging wider public access • Grantiau o / Grants from £10,000 Brighton & Hove Synagogue
Canlyniadau / Outcomes • Dau ganlyniad / Two outcomes: • treftadaeth mewn cyflwr gwell (pwysol) • heritage in better condition (weighted) • mwy o bobl ac ystod ehangach o bobl wedi ymwneud â threftadaeth • more people, and a wider range of people, will have engaged with heritage
TreftadaethmewncyflwrgwellHeritage in better condition • Urgent structural repairs = needed within 2 years • Clearly identified in Quinquennial Inspection or other condition survey
Nad ynym yn ariannu…We do not fund… • Gosodion a mân daclau / Fixtures and fittings • Cynnal a chadw neu waith llai / Maintenance or minor repairs • Ailadeiladu darnau golledig yr adeilad / Reconstruction of lost parts of the building • Adfer a gwarchod clychau, clociau, murluniau ayyb / Restoring and conserving bells, clocks, wall paintings and organs etc
Mwy o bobl ac ystod ehangach o bobl wedi ymwneud â threftadaethMore people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage • perthnasoli’cheglwysa’chcymuned • adeiladuaradnoddaupresennol • helpu chi cynnigmwyiboblleol Dylaigweithgareddaufodynnewydd ac ynberthnasoli’chprosiect. Cynnwys y costauyneichcais! • relevant to your church and your community • build on your existing resources • help you to offer more to local people People activities should be new and project specific. Include costs for them in your bid!
Arweinlyfrau newydd i oedolion a phlant / New guidebooks for adults and children Arddangosfa, baneri newydd / New displays, banners Llwybrau treftadaeth / Heritage trails Teithiau tywys / Guided tours (Open Doors event) Cyfres o areithiau, darlithoedd / Series of talks, lectures Hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr presennol / newydd – monitro, cadwraeth, rheoli gwefan Training existing / new volunteers - monitoring, conservation skills, website Mathau o weithgareddauTypes of activity
Gwaith dewisol / Optional work • Improve long-term sustainability • New facilities • Improve heating and electrical systems • Making it easier to carry out maintenance • Maximum 15% total project costs Not a mandatory requirement • Helpucynaliadwytymorhir • Cyfleusteraunewydd • Gwella system gwres, trydan • Gwneudyn haws iwneudgwaithcynnal a chadw • 15% o gyfanswmprosiect Dim ynhanfodoligynnwys
Taith gwneud caisApplication Process • 4 dyddiad cau y flwyddyn / 4 deadlines a year • Penderfynir gan Bwyllgor Cymru / Committee for Wales decision • Cais dau rownd / Two round process • 12 wythnos i asesu pob rownd / 12 week assessment for each round
Cais rownd cytnaf First round application • outline of repair work, including costs, and any other capital work to RIBA stage B; • outline proposals and costs, who the project will involve, and the sort of people activities you are planning; • detailed information about the development phase, costs and timescale • amlinelliad o waith atgyweirio, gan gynnwys costau, ac unrhyw waith cyfalaf arall i RIBA cyfnod B; • amlinellu cynigion a chostau a bydd y prosiect yn cynnwys, a'r math o weithgareddau bobl yr ydych yn bwriadu;gwybodaeth fanwl am y cyfnod datblygu, y costau a'r amserlen ar gyfer y gwaith sydd i'w hariannu.
Cam datblybu development phase • Hyd at 12 mis • Fel rhan o'ch cais rownd-gyntaf byddwch wedi disgrifio, yn fanwl, yr hyn yr ydych am ei wneud a faint fydd y gost. O'r fath fel: • costio gywir eich gwaith trwsio unrhyw waith cyfalaf arall; • cynnal arolygon arbenigol (arolwg ystlumod, gan agor y gwaith, archwiliad mynediad); • gynllunio eich gweithgareddau pobl (Datganiad o wethgareddau) • Up to 12 months • As part of your first-round bid you will have described, in detail, what you want to do and how much it will cost. Such as: • accurately cost your repair work any other capital work; • undertake specialist surveys (bat survey, opening up works, an access audit); • plan your people activities (Activity statement)
Dathganiad o weithgareddauActivity Statement • Activity (detailed description) • Who is the activity for? • What difference will it make for them? • Resources • Costs in project budget • Timetable • Targets and measures of success • Method of evaluation • Gweithgaredd (disgrifiad manwl) • Ar gyfer pwy mae'r gweithgaredd? • Pa wahaniaeth fydd yn ei gwneud ar eu cyfer? • Adnoddau • Costau mewn cyllideb y prosiect • Amserlen • Targedau a mesurau llwyddiant • Dull gwerthuso
Cais ail-rownd second-round submission cynigion manwl; datganiad o weithgareddau; cynlluniau a chynigion ar gyfer atgyweirio manwl. Gwaith pensaernïol i RIBA H;costau manwl; aBydd gwybodaeth fanwl am eich bod yn cynnal y prosiect ar ôl iddo ddod i ben, gan gynnwys sut y byddwch yn gwerthuso'r cynllun. detailed proposals; an activity statement; detailed plans and proposals for repair. Architectural work to RIBA H; detailed costs; and detailed information about you will maintain the project after it ends including how you will evaluate the scheme.
Costau’r prosiect / Project Costs Costau datblygu / Development costs
Costau’r prosiect / Project Costs Costau cyflawni’r prosiect / Delivery costs Gwaith cyfalaf / Capital work
Costau’r prosiect / Project Costs Costau Gweithgareddau ac eraill / Activities and other costs
Costau’r prosiect / Project Costs Incwm / Income
Pethau i’w hystyried Things to think about… • Trefnwch ganiatâd. Angen gyda’ch cais ail-rownd • Plan your faculty! Second-round requirement • Siaradwch i’ch cymuned. Bydd eu cefnogaeth yn hollbwysig i gyrraedd canlyniadau a dangos angen am unrhyw gyfleusterau newydd. • Talk to your community. Their support will be vital in meeting the outcomes and demonstrating need for any new facilities.
Caffaeliad / Procurement For any goods, works or services of £10k to £50k, you must get three quotes. Any cost over £50k must be tendered. This includes your conservation accredited architect / surveyor. If you have recently procured your architect, and that process was in-line with ours, you should not have to procure them again. Unrhyw nwyddau, gwaith neu wasanaethau rhwng £10 mil a £50 mil rhaid i chi gael o leiaf tri dyfynbris cystadleuol. Dros £50 mil tendro cystadleuol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys eich pensaer / syrfëwr achrededig mewn cadwraeth. Os ydych newydd wedi tendro am eich pensaer yn dilyn y proses hwn, na fydd angen arnoch ail-dendro.
Rôl eich Corff Llywodraethu Role of your Governing Body • Llythyr o gefnogaeth yn: • angen am ariannu CDL; • cefnogaeth i’r gynulleidfa barhau i ddefnyddio’r adeilad • unrhyw gynlluniau ar gyfer aildrefnu bugeiliol yn yr ardal, a allai effeithio ar y man addoli • prosiect yn bodloni angen neu gyfle amlwg • Letter of support: • the need for HLF funding; • support of the congregation’s continued use of the building; • issues that might affect the place of worship, such as pastoral reorganisation; • how the project meets a need or opportunity.
A allwn ni wneud cais arall os ydy’r un gyntaf ddim yn llwyddiannus? • Ydych. Mi fyddwn ni’n egluro pam ac yn rhoi cyngor ar sut i wella unrhyw cais yn y dyfodol. • If our bid is unsuccessful, can we apply again? • Yes. We will explain why and advise on how a future bid could be improved. • Os ydyn yn derbyn grant gan CDL, a allwn ni’n ymgeisio eto? • Ydych…ond na fyddwn ni’n ariannu’r un prosiect eto • If our have received funding before from HLF, can we apply again? • Yes… but, we won’t fund a project we have funded before.
Ewch i’n gwefan / Look at the website Rhowch alwad i ni / Give us a call Cyflwynwch ffurflen ymholi prosiect / Fill in a project enquiry form Gofynnwch am gyfarfod / Request a meeting Cysylltwch â grantion / Speak to grantees Oes gennych syniad am brosiect?Got a project idea?
Unrhyw gwestiynau? Any questions?
Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri / Heritage Lottery Fund Tŷ James William House 9 Plas yr Amgueddfa / 9 Museum Place Caerdydd /Cardiff CF10 3BD Ffôn / Tel: 029 2034 3413 Ebost / Email: cymru@hlf.org.uk / wales@hlf.org.uk Gwe / Web: welsh.hlf.org.uk / www.hlf.org.uk Cysylltwch â ni / Contact Us