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Speckle Park Cattle

Looking for Speckle Park Cattle in Australia, Templemountfarm will be the best one. We have the best breed that would be perfect for your business

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Speckle Park Cattle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CharacteristicsOfSpeckleParkCattle

  2. Thename Speckle Park Cattlecomesfromthecolorof theircoat. Thesecattleare not naturallyretaliate calmanddo aggressively when approachedby humans. Femalespecklecattlematureatayoungage,andthesecattlearefertile.TeeswaterShorthornsarethoughttobetheancestorsofspeckledcattle.WhiteParkcattlehavetheWhiteParkgene,whichissimilartospeckleparkcattle.

  3. Thename Speckle Park Cattlecomesfromthecolorof theircoat. Thesecattleare not naturallyretaliate calmanddo aggressively when approached byhumans. Femalespecklecattlematureatayoungage,andthesecattlearefertile.TeeswaterShorthornsarethoughttobetheancestorsofspeckledcattle.WhiteParkcattlehavetheWhiteParkgene,whichissimilartospeckleparkcattle.

  4. SpeckleParkCattle This medium-sized breed is a cross between Aberdeen Angus, Teeswater Shorthorn, and an unnamed English breed. Their genetic characteristics are very appealing, and they are well known for producing milk. These Speckle Park Cattle can withstand a wide range of climatic conditions in Ireland. Their dark, pigmented skin shields them from sun damage. For these cattle, calving is a simple procedure. These cattle are excellent mothers who protect their calves from outside threats. In comparison to other breeds, these cattle can gain weight quickly even on a low-feed diet.

  5. SpeckleParkCattleforSale CalvingSimplicityPollinationoccursnaturally.Maternalinstinctsarestrong. ● ● ● Temperament:CalmCalveswithvigorHardy Efficiencyoffeed ● ● ● ●

  6. ThanksForVisitUs

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