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Increase Sales with HACKER SAFE Certification | Boost Brand Trust Online

Displaying the HACKER SAFE seal increases shopper confidence, builds brand credibility, and outperforms other security seals. Join over 80,000 websites in boosting sales and trust today!

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Increase Sales with HACKER SAFE Certification | Boost Brand Trust Online

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  1. HACKERSAFE FOR E-MERCHANTS What's the Difference between You and Your Competition?

  2. HACKERSAFE FOR E-MERCHANTS When you display the HACKER SAFE certification mark, you not only increase sales by increasing shopper confidence, you build your brand with the security seal seen on more top sites than any other.

  3. HACKERSAFE FOR E-MERCHANTS • Used by over 80,000 websites • Seen on over half of the Internet TOP 500 (as reported in Internet Retailer Magazine) • Proven in over 800 studies to outperform other seals • Automatic listings in HACKER SAFE Merchant Directory • Leader in security- chosen by companies such as Yahoo!, HP and Sony

  4. HACKERSAFE FOR E-MERCHANTS • Goodbye hackers - hello customers • Build the trust that builds your business. • Start boosting sales today by certifying your site HACKER SAFE.

  5. How Shoppers Behave On HACKER SAFE Sites • To date our customers have conducted over 800 individual A/B tests of the effects of HACKER SAFE certification involving over 150 million unique visitors. • These tests encompass a broad range of sales demographics: from Generation X to the over 65 retiree; all types of products and services: from apparel to electronics to online donations; and all sizes of brands from unknowns to household names. • Conversion rate increases measured ranged from 3% to over 33%, with an average of 14%. In general the results varied based on three major criteria: Image Placement, Customer Demographic and Brand Awareness.

  6. How Shoppers Behave On HACKER SAFE Sites IMAGE PLACEMENT • "Above the fold," early and often is clearly what works best. Based on aggregate totals from these studies, the average time delay between a consumer's first visit to a web site and their first purchase was over just over 19 hours. • About one-third (35%) of shoppers took more than 12 hours to make a buy decision. 21% took more than three days, with 14% of these cautious shoppers taking more than one week to decide where to buy. Clearly the Internet is a competitive shopping environment. • Placing the HACKER SAFE certification mark in a conspicuous, but 'tasteful' location on the home page and on every catalog page makes it more memorable resulting in customers returning to by from a safe site.

  7. How Shoppers Behave On HACKER SAFE Sites CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS • Age. The younger shopper, the less the conversion increase. Young people tend to be less risk adverse, while people above 60 showed a pronounced increase in willingness to transact. • Income. The lower the average sale price to less the conversion increase, with expensive items sold to more affluent customers showed a pronounced in increase in willingness to transact.

  8. How Shoppers Behave On HACKER SAFE Sites BRAND AWARENESS Large, well known brands with dominant market share tend to measure less conversion increase, typically in the single digit range, while less well know brands show consistently larger conversion increases.

  9. HACKERSAFE VALUE ADDS You stand out as a trustworthy merchant when your HACKER SAFE seal appears directly in YAHOO comparison listings. Automated network security audits combined with an extensive vulnerability management portal. Numerous studies show that consumers' worries of credit card information being stolen is the biggest impediment to internet growth. Is your site a safe place to shop? Your customers and business partners want to know. HACKERSAFE & VERISIGN tell them all they need

  10. Contact Details • Ms. Divya Guha - +91-9223360427 • Ms. Renu Chawla - +91-9223359365 • Email: - support@adwebtech.com Thank You.

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