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Carthusian Monks. Background. - The name Carthusian is derived from the Charteuse Mountains; Saint Bruno , the founder, built his first hermitage in the valley of these mountains in the French Alps.
Background - The name Carthusian is derived from the CharteuseMountains; Saint Bruno, the founder,built his first hermitage in the valley of these mountains in the French Alps. - The motto of the Carthusians is Stat crux dumvolviturorbis, Latin for "The Cross is steady while the world is turning”. This pointed to the fact that they remained
Stages of Carthusian Intiation • Postulancy(Admittance) (3 to 12 months) The monks would be admitted without having professed any kind of vows at first. • Novitiate ( for 2 years). The novice wears a black cloak over the white Carthusian habit. • Simple Vows ( for 3 years old) becomes a junior professed monk and wears the full Carthusian habit. • Renewal of simple vows ( for 2 years) • Solemn profession ( Passed the stages, now a monk)
Monks Activities The hermit spends most of his day in the cell: he meditates, prays the minor hours ofritual on his own, eats, studies and writes (Carthusian monks have published scholarly and spiritual books), and works in his garden or at some manual trade. Unless required by other duties, the Carthusian hermit leaves his cell daily only for three prayer services in the monastery chapel, including the community Mass, and occasionally for conferences with his superior.
Carthusians Opposition to Henry TheCarthusian Martyrs were the monks of the London Charterhouse, the monastery of the Carthusian Order in central London, who were put to death by the English state in a period lasting from the 19 June 1535 till the 20 September 1537 due to them being against `the Kings Great Matter´ The method of execution was hanging, disembowelling while still alive and then quartering. (Hung, drawn and quartered.