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The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

Learn about the impact of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics on student achievement, teacher preparedness, and state consistency with top-achieving countries. Discover the key factors influencing CCSSM implementation and the relationship to NAEP performance.

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The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

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  1. The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics William H. Schmidt

  2. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM): • Are world-class • Can potentially elevate the academic performance of America’s students • Most states have a long way to go: some less • Teachers and parents overwhelmingly support them • But we must convince students as well

  3. Top-Achieving Countries Composite Mathematics Standards

  4. State Level Agreement

  5. The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

  6. Possible Standard Based on Composite Profile of the Top-Achieving Countries

  7. Number of Topics Intended at Each Grade for Various Standards

  8. CCSSM Congruence and NAEP Mathematics Performance States with past mathematics standards that were moresimilar to the CCSSM had statistically significantly higher NAEP 2009 performance.

  9. How Standards May Affect Student Achievement Standards StudentAchievement ClassroomInstruction

  10. Standards Relationship to Student AchievementIs Influenced by . . . • Instructional support materials produced by state, e.g., teacher guides • Professional development for teachers sponsored/authorized by state • Assessments and assessment cut-points that support state’s standards

  11. CCSSM Congruence and NAEP Mathematics Performance The change in the R-square between a model including only the congruence measure to one that adjusted the congruence measure for the NAEP cut points yielded a 12% increase.

  12. Factors Affecting CCSSM Implementation • State assessment definitions of proficiency • Measure of poverty • Percent of low-income family students attending public schools

  13. Relating State Standards to NAEP 2009 Scores *p < 0.016 **p < .001

  14. Consistency With the CCSSM • Consistency of state standards with the CCSSM range from 66% — 83% • The measure of consistency for the A+ standard is about 90%

  15. Consistency With the CCSSM

  16. Representative Sample of Teachers in Each CCSSM-Adopted State • 90% have heard of the CCSSM • 70% have read them • More than 90% like the idea of Common Standards

  17. Teachers Thoughts about CCSSM • After reading sample CCSSM topics for their grade, ~80% say CCSSM is “pretty much the same” as their former standards • If CCSSM places a topic they currently teach in a different grade only about ¼ would drop it

  18. Teachers Sense of Preparedness to Teach CCSSM Topics • Grades 1-5: About ½ feel well prepared to teach their topics • Grades 6-8: Around 60% feel well prepared to teach their topics • High School: Around 70% feel well prepared to teach their topics

  19. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM): • Are world-class • Can potentially elevate the academic performance of America’s students • Most states have a long way to go: some less • Teachers and parents overwhelmingly support them • But we must convince students as well

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