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Collective Bargaining

Collective Bargaining. Negotiation. Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding. Negotiation is a process where each party involved in negotiating tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process.

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Collective Bargaining

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  1. Collective Bargaining

  2. Negotiation • Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties, intended to reach an understanding. • Negotiation is a process where each party involved in negotiating tries to gain an advantage for themselves by the end of the process. • Negotiation is intended to aim at compromise

  3. Strategies • A approach • Plan of action’ • A technique

  4. The Competitive Strategy • Competitive strategy involves an “I win, you lose” attitude • is the one most often used in settlement negotiations. • It involves the use of intimidation, distraction, and diversion tactics to gain leverage.

  5. Cont….. • Following are examples of some competitive tactics • Bluffing • Bringing in the Media • Creating Deadlock • Use of Power

  6. The Accommodation Strategy • Accommodation is “I will let you win in exchange for some other benefit I hope to gain now or later.” • You can choose an Accommodation Strategy if you have done wrong and want to get the matter over with quickly and less expensively

  7. The Compromising Strategy • Compromising is “I don’t care who wins, I just want to get this over with quickly” • Tactics Bit-by-Bit Gain your compromise “bit-by-bit” rather than all at once Tit-for-Tat Never make a compromise without obtaining one in return

  8. The Collaborative Strategy • Collaboration is “We can both win by expanding the pie before we cut it.” • The Collaborative Strategy (“Win-Win”) seeks to create value for both sides. • Its focus is on each side’s underlying interests and not their positions.

  9. Following are some collaborative tactics • Flexibility • Focus on Process

  10. The Avoidance Strategy • avoidance is “I don’t really want to play at all.” • Avoiders try to ignore the entire dispute, or some specific issues, for at least some period of time • Tactics Walk Out of the Negotiation Withdraw an Issue

  11. Conclusion • The Game of Negotiation requires specific strategies and the right tactics to implement that strategy. • Your case and bargaining position will determine which negotiation strategy will work best for you: Competitive, when you must have what you want; • Accommodation, when you have done wrong and want to settle quickly;

  12. Cont…. • Compromising, when expedience matters most; • Collaborative, when you want to create a bigger pie; • and Avoidance, when you are not yet ready to bargain

  13. Skills • Exercise patience and coolness under provocative circumstances • Possess effective communication skills - good listeners - speak without ambiguity and be specific - reconfirm their understanding of the matters that have been agreed upon • Be physically and mentally fit to participate effectively in the lengthy negotiations • Be thoroughly conversant with the employment laws and the industrial relations systems.

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