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Hunter Sandidge : Project Manager Megan Shover : Director of Finance Kristen Fletcher: Research Analyst Alycia Stidmon : Director of Marketing Chris Tydd : Director of Creativity. Fox Point Lutheran Church Marketing Plan. Index . Executive Summary……………………………..1
Hunter Sandidge: Project Manager Megan Shover: Director of Finance Kristen Fletcher: Research Analyst AlyciaStidmon: Director of Marketing Chris Tydd: Director of Creativity Fox Point Lutheran ChurchMarketing Plan
Index • Executive Summary……………………………..1 • Situational Analysis…..………………………...2-5 • Strategic Articulation Map………………..…6 • Key Issues…………………………………………….7 • Objectives……………………………………………8-9 • Tactic details…………………………………..…..10-14 • Web Analysis……………………………………...15-20 • Variance Analysis………………………………..21-25
Executive Summary General Information: Fox Point Lutheran Church is located in Fox Point, Wisconsin. Its mission is to engage enthusiastic followers of Jesus and wields core values of spiritual growth, outreach, worship, relevance, and excellence. Founded in 1948, the church has grown to become a destination church, drawing members from the greater Milwaukee area. Currently, there are 2108 members. Fox Point Lutheran Church offers 3 services on Sunday using both traditional and contemporary sermons. The church does offer Sunday School for the youth, as well as a youth group program for middle and high school students. It also offers a variety of events for members to connect and worship outside of the services. Church Objectives: The goals of Fox Point Lutheran Church are to provide a means for its members to grow spiritually, worship, connect, and engage in faith based activities. The Church also aims to obtain donations from its members so that it can help fund aid for its local and global community. It also aims to increase membership and engage more enthusiastic followers of Jesus. Current Adverse Conditions: Fox Point Lutheran Church is currently facing 4 prime issues. The church has seen a 31.7% increase in its membership over the past 12 years, ultimately filling the Sanctuary’s capacity to a point where members are starting to become uncomfortable. Since 2005, average annual donations per member have decreased by 17.6% (adjusted to 2005 USD). The current communications system has been reported by members to be inefficient. Members are not as informed as they could be, and the current system itself does not align with member preferences. Finally, the services are not distinct enough for the members’ preferences. Remedies: To combat the adverse conditions mentioned above, we have proposed these key tactics, as well as several others: • Offer a Saturday contemporary service at 5PM. • Implement an event coordination system including appointing a director of communications, using social media more frequently, using bulk email to contact members, and allowing members to sign up on an email-specific list for chosen events. • Send out a monthly envelope designed specifically to collect donations from members in the privacy of their homes. Ensure that return postage is pre paid. • Make the 8AM Sunday service distinctly traditional, the 9AM service distinctly traditional, and the 10:30AM service distinctly contemporary. Ensure styling and music align with the suggested type. 1
Membership Financial Situation Donations per member (Adj. 2005 USD) Key Observations: • 31.7% increase of members since 1990 with ~10 new members annually • Members have complained about the Sanctuary’s fixed capacity limit • Sunday 9AM service has the highest attendance Key Observations: • 17.6% decrease in average donation per member since 2005 • Average decrease of $21.10 (2005 USD) per member annually • FPLC is receiving less 2005 dollars annually • FPLC is currently facing an adverse trend that may continue if not addressed Members $ The graph above depicts membership attendance annually. Attendance by Service Time The graph above depicts average donations per member annually on an adjusted 2005 rate. 8:00 9:00 10:30 Situational Analysis Members The graph above depicts member attendance by service time. 3
Communications Product Current methods of communication: • Website • Email • The Messenger • Service • Social media(present, but not utilized) Key Observations: • FPLC’s current communication system does not match the preferred methods of the clientele • Members have made comments about communication inefficiencies • Many complaints were made about the website • The clientele is using social media that FPLC is not utilizing Products: • Sunday 8:00 • Traditional • Electric organ, liturgy • No Sunday School classes • Sunday 9:00 • Traditional, yet eclectic • Organ and Chancel Choir • Sunday School available • Sunday 10:30 • Contemporary • Music heavy (keyboard, piano, choir) • Sunday School available Key Observations: • At the moment, the product type is only differentiated by service times • Product has been said to be too “blended” • Entire attendance capacity is concentrated into these 3 service times Situational Analysis 4
SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis 5
Increase Attendance & Finances Followers of Christ in the greater Milwaukee Area Fox Point Church Strategy Articulation Map Poor Communication System Growth Rate too High for Capacity Finances Decreasing Product Undifferentiated to Segments Key Issues Differentiate Product to Segments Increase Capacity Better Communication System Increase Finances Objectives Strategy Articulation Map Service emphasis Donation events/ fundraisers Video sermon in chapel Saturday Service Better website/SEO Develop social media Donation envelope monthly Event coordination system Tactics Outstanding member Mass email/text PayPal online Stream sermon Online Make sermon types more distinct Set visible goals 6
Key Issues Key Issues 7 Growth Rate too High for Capacity: The growth rate has become too great for the current capacity to house members in attendance within a comfortable level Poor Communication System: The communications system is inefficient in getting information across to members within the church. Current methods of communications do not align with customer preferences, and the website is difficult to navigate Finances Decreasing Annually: Finances are decreasing as there has been a negative trend over the years in average donations per member Product Undifferentiated to Segments: The current product is not distinguished enough by service time offered, and the types of products offered need to correspond with the member preference and the respective time atwhich they attend
Objectives Objectives Objectives 8 Objective: Increase the capacity to accommodate the influx of new members so that the ideal rate of 65% attendance is not breached Rationale: Average attendance is increasing by roughly 10 new members annually, putting pressure on the “comfortable” capacity limit The Sanctuary has limited fixed capacity without the ability to increase capacity via physical expansion Tactics Overview: Offer a Saturday Service at 5:00PM Stream the sermon in the Chapel Stream a live video of sermon online Objective: Improve the communication system so that it reaches more members in a manner that communicates the intended messages more efficiently Rationale: FPLC’s current communication does not match the preferred methods of the clientele Members, according to Pastor Bill, are uninformed of events and other general information Tactics Overview: Develop the use of social media Implement an event coordination system Improve the website and implement and SEO system Implement a mass emailing system
Objectives Objectives Objectives 9 Objective: Increase the amount of donations ofeach individual as well as increase the amount of members donating Rationale: FPLC has incurred a decrease in donations of 17.6% over the past 7 years, averaging a decrease of $21.10 (adjusted 2005 USD rate) per member annually Tactics Overview: Hold donation/fundraiser events Create a simple to use PayPal connection to website Set visible financial goals with a reward attached Send out a monthly donation envelope Have an outstanding member feature on the website recognizing individuals monthly Emphasize giving within the service Objective: Differentiate and distinguish the product to various segments by each segment’s respective preferences Rationale: The current sermon types need to be emphasized more for the preferences of the segments attending specific time slots Product type needs to be identified by segment and their corresponding time of attendance Tactics Overview: Offer different sermon types based on time slots as indicated by segment preference Add a Saturday service at 5PM Stream a live video of the sermon online
Tactic Details The graph above depicts what time those who would attend a Saturday service would prefer by total percentage. Tactic Details 9:00 8:00 10:30 The graph above depicts how frequent individuals would attend a Saturday service. It is broken down by service time the member currently attends and whether or not he/she has children under the age of 18. • If a Saturdayservicewereto be implemented, itshouldoccur at 5:00PM • A Saturdayservicewould free up capacity at the 9:00AM time slot onSunday, whichisthemostattended time slot • Ifoffered, theSaturdayserviceshould be a contemporaryservice 10 Offer a Saturdayservice at 5:00PM A Saturdayservicewouldbenefitthepreferences of thosememberswithchildrenundertheage of 18 Thegraphexemplifiesthatattendance at a Saturdayservicewould be moderatetohigh (thegraphonly shows thosewhotookthesurvery)
Tactic Details Tactic Details • Use email as a meanstocontactmembers • A mass email systemshould be implemented, sending 1-2 emails monthly • Most of thecommentsonthesurveysaidtocontact “as needed” The graph above depicts the methods of contact that members would prefer on a multi-option total percent base. Tactic Details Tactic Details The graph above depicts the amount of times members would prefer to be contacted by email. 11 Offer a live video stream of thesermon in theChapel • Ifcapacityeverexceedsthe “comfortable” level, open up theChapeland provide a livestream video of thesermon in thesanctuary • This reduces capacitylevels and allowsindividualswithbabiesorindividuals in a rushtonotdisturbthesermon • Pricing • Projector - $200 • Screen - $400 • Video camera - $1,000 Offera live video streamonline of eachsermon • Stream a video of eachsermon in real time so thatthosewhocannotmakeittothechurch can stillworship • Thismayincreasemembership • Thismaysuitthosememberswitheventspreventingthemfrommakingthetripto and from FPLC • Pricing: • Director of Communications: 5 hours/week $7.25, $36.25/week, $1885/year • Or volunteer position
Tactic Details Tactic Details • Create and establishaneventcoordinationsystem • Allowmembersinterested in aneventto email a specificcontact, whothen compiles a list of emails respectivetoeachevent • Email onlythoseinterested in specificevents, usingthecompiledeventlists, so that email blastingdoesnotbecomespamming • Implementan individual sectionforeventsonthewebsitethatgetsupdatedregularlywitheventdetails • Improvethewebsite and engage in SEO • Create a memberdirectory page • Updatedaily • Implementa systemformemberstoregisterforeventsdirectlyonthewebsite (connecttoeventlistsforemailing) • Personalize • Engage in SEO work • $150-$350/mo. • Improvenavigation Tactic Details The graph above depicts the social media sites that members are currently using on a multi-option total percent base. Tactic Details 12 Implement and utilize social media opportunities • Itis a cost-efficient, simple waytoupdatememberswithoutdirectlycontactingthem • Itallowsmemberstocoordinateeventsthattheywanttoparticipate in withoutburdeningtheentiremembership base withunneccesaryinformation • Createa director of social media position (Director of Communication)
Tactic Details Tactic Details • Sendout a monthlyenvelopethatisspecificallyfordonations • Thiscreatesprivacy and also a physicalremindertodonate • Havereturnpostageprepaid • Thisallowsforpeopleto be in anenvironmentwherecheckbooks and othercurrencies are onhand • Itisconvenient and requireslittlehassleforthemember • At the end of the year, send members a statement with the quantity they have donated so that they can receive tax deductions • Install a simple waytodonate online using PayPal • PayPal willallowmemberstodonateonline usingcredit/debitcards • Placingitonthehomepage of thewebsitewill be anobviousreminderwitheasyaccess • Pricing: • 2.9% of donationcharged, plus • $.30 fixedusagefee Tactic Details Tactic Details Tactic Details 13 Create a sectiononthewebsitepromotinganoustandingmember • Featurea monthly “oustandingmember” onthehomepagerecognizingan individual(s) whohas excelled in “assistingthechurch” (do notopenlysaydonations, thoughmentioningvolunteeringisacceptable) • Thismaypromote a silent,“friendly” competition, whichmayconsequentlyincreasedonations as well as volunteerhours • Thisalsomakesthewebsite more personal Place anemphasisontheimportance of givingwithintheservice • Emphasizetheimportance of donatingusingbiblicalquotes and examples • Do this more so aroundholidays and aroundtaxreturns • Elaborateonwherethemoneygoes and whoithelps
Tactic Details Tactic Details 8:00 9:00 10:30 Tactic Details Tactic Details The graph above depicts the preferences of sermon type by members corresponding to the service time they attend. 14 Set visible donationgoalswith incentives • Thismakesgoals tangible, allowingformemberstophysicallyseewhere FPLC is at in itsgoals • This can be done bycreating a measuringstickwith a movablemarkerorbyfillinganobjectwithsand/water/etc and markingthepercentage of completion • Providean incentive toreachthegoal, such as a partyor social event (Pie the pastor in theface) Holdfundraiser/donationevents • Create a fundraisingeventthatservesboth as a social eventformemberstointeract and havefun, as well as raisemoney • Suchsuggestionscould be a publicdunktankevent(dunkthepastor), youthgroupcouponbooks, car show, etc. • Promotethe cause forwhichthefundraisingisgoingtowards Makesermontypes more distinct • Manycommentsweremadeaboutmakingthe 10:30 servicemorecontemporary, especiallythemusic • Severalcommentsweremadeaboutmakingthetraditionalservicesmoretraditional • If a Saturdayserviceisoffered, manycommentssuggestedthatit be a contemporaryservice
Web Analysis 15
Search bar Home tab always on left! Rotating Images Web Analysis- Home Page Upcoming event list Use your members 16
Use your members ? Web Analysis- Event Page Events? 17
Text heavy Needs to be its own tab Web Analysis- Sample Page 1 18
Web Analysis- Sample Page 2 Keep consistency with tab drop-downs 19
Hyperlink and content color should be different -href=orange Successful Page layout Web Analysis- Sample Page 3 20
Income Statement Variance Analysis 22
Income Statement Variance Analysis 23
Income Statement Variance Analysis 24
Income Statement Variance Analysis 25