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Adoption of New Technology by Mexican State University Libraries

Adoption of New Technology by Mexican State University Libraries. Technology and Academic Libraries in Developing Nations ACRL / ALA Annual Conference Washington, DC, USA June 26, 2010 - Saturday 10:30 – 12:00 Jesús Lau Javier Tarango jlau@uv.mx / jtarango@uach.mx www.jesuslau.com

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Adoption of New Technology by Mexican State University Libraries

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  1. Adoption of New Technology byMexican State University Libraries Technology and Academic Libraries in Developing Nations ACRL / ALA Annual Conference Washington, DC, USA June 26, 2010 - Saturday 10:30 – 12:00 Jesús Lau Javier Tarango jlau@uv.mx / jtarango@uach.mx www.jesuslau.com Director, USBI VER Library / Coordinator, Virtual UV Library Universidad Veracruzana / DGB Veracruz, México

  2. Topics University libraries overview State university libraries Technology adoption Opportunities to use technology

  3. Demographics - Mexico 14th in geographical size 7th in exports 3rd trade partner of the US Largest Spanish-speaking country 2nd economy in Latin America / 14th in the world A middle income country Literacy 90% Ranks with some of the best libraries in Latin America

  4. Higher Education Institutions • Total = 2,895 • Private = 1,786 (33% student population) • Public = 1,109 (67% student population) • State universities • Technological institutes • Technological universities • Polytechnic universities • Teaching institutions

  5. Library Statistics

  6. Library Education Nine library and information science schools 7 Undergraduate 4 Master’s programs 1 Ph.D Two distance programs (One is web-based) Two Archive study programs About 4,000 library graduates

  7. State Universities by Enrollment Size

  8. Average student population by university size

  9. Survey • 36 cases • State University Libraries / excluded Mexico City • The largest and best equiped • Attend the largest number of students • Survey: 11 questions • Four technology components: • Management software • Virtual information services • Computers for users • Social network tools

  10. Survey – FIRST Component Library Management Systems

  11. Library Management Systems

  12. Survey – SECOND Component Computer for Users / Computer Staff

  13. Computers for Library Users *Numbers provided by ANUIES (2002), ANUIES (2008)

  14. Computer and Technology Staff *Numbers provided by ANUIES (2002), ANUIES (2008)

  15. Survey – THIRD Component Virtual Library Software

  16. Virtual Reference Software

  17. Virtual Reference Software

  18. Use of Search Engines

  19. Search Engines

  20. Search Engine Software

  21. Use of Library Management Software

  22. Use of digital document repositories

  23. Digital Document Repositories

  24. Survey – FOURTH Component Social Network Tools

  25. Social Networks Tools

  26. Social Networks Tools Use by University size

  27. Conclusions • State university libraries are slow in adopting technology • There is a great opportunity for technology training • Budget can be a problem • Challenges: • Hire professional librarians • increase directors retention rate • reduce staff union decision power

  28. References Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior, ANUIES. (2008). Estadísticas de la Educación Superior. (En Línea) Fecha de consulta: Abril, 1, 2010 En: http://www.anuies.mx/servicios/e_educacion/index2.php Attewell, J. (2005). Mobile technologies and learning:A technology update and m-learning project summary, Technology Enhanced Learning Research Centre, Learning and SkillsDevelopment Agency. (Online).Retrieved, April 1, 2010 from http://www.lsda.org.uk/files/PDF/041923RS.pdf Consejo Nacional para Asuntos Bibliotecarios de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, CONPAB-IES (2005). Normas para bibliotecas de instituciones de educación superior e investigación. Guadalajara, México: CONPAB-IES. Lau, J. (2009). Mexican libraries, archives and museums: a snapshot. In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, New York: Marcel Dekker. Sanz Menéndez, L. (2003). Análisis de redes sociales: o cómo representar las estructuras sociales subyacentes. Apuntes de Ciencia y Tecnología, Nº 7, junio, pp. 21-29.

  29. References Sanz Menéndez, L. (2003). Análisis de redes sociales: o cómo representar las estructuras sociales subyacentes. Apuntes de Ciencia y Tecnología, Nº 7, junio, pp. 21-29. World Trade Organization. International trade statistics 2009. Retrieved June 25, 2010 from http://www.wto.org/spanish/res_s/statis_s/its2009_s/its09_world_trade_dev_s.pdf

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