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International Baccalaureate PE and MYP. PE and MYP.
PE and MYP Physical education in the MYP is concerned with more than just participating in sports and games. Its primary aims are to encourage the development of “intelligent performers” and to encourage students to understand the importance of a balanced, healthy lifestyle. Throughout the five years of the MYP, students should develop knowledge, critical thinking and reflection skills, and a sense of responsibility, as well as interpersonal and self-motivational skills. This in turn should encourage choices that will contribute to long-term healthy living.
How is the MYP Curriculum different? • Concept focused learning • Common units with common assessments • Summative Assessments determine grade • We evaluate students based on what they learned, what they have achieved, not what they didn’t do, nor how nice they are or how hard they tried.
Unit Planning for Subject Areas: what do I include? Areas of Interaction: Approaches to Learning, Community and Service, Human Ingenuity, Environments, Health and Social Education Each unit is taught through an area of interaction. One area of interaction is the focus along with Approaches to Learning which will be used in all units Student Learning Expectations: Each Area of Interaction has specific Student Learning Expectations There are specific questions outlined in each of the different subject guides to assist you. A real life concept A Unit Question not specific to the subject related to the summative assessment Common Formative and Summative Assessments
How do I do grading in MYP? • MKP Grades: • Based on a summative assessment after students have acquired the MYP concepts and skills (already aligned with NYS learning standards and curriculum) through formative assessments • Based on 2 criteria at a time, with the exception of Technology • Based on what students know, not what they do not know
How does MYP change the way we plan our lessons? • All subjects must develop a curriculum which includes 4-6 week uniform units composed of formative assessments that culminate in a summative assessment and are aligned with state requirements.. • Teachers should be involved in the reflecting and revising of units during their planning time. • Teachers must work together and not as independent workers.
PE Prescribed Minimums • Two pieces of written work that show the student’s use of physical education knowledge. • Video evidence of the student’s compositional and performance abilities—that is, the student performing their own composition (written evidence that demonstrates that the student actually composed the sequence—or which part of the composition they created if part of a group— must be included). • Video evidence of the student’s performance in another physical activity. • Note: Criterion D must be assessed by the teacher and written once on the coversheet Form F3.1 for each student folder submitted. A thorough justification of the level awarded for criterion D must be documented by the teacher on the reverse of the Form F3.1. The level achieved by each student for criterion D will not be subject to moderation. • Note: For physical education, the video evidence of student performance may be recorded on standard VHS videocassette, CD-ROM or DVD. For practical reasons, digital tapes cannot be accepted
Criterion A: Use of Knowledge At the end of the course students should be able to: • use physical education terminology in context • demonstrate an understanding of concepts, strategies, techniques and rules related to a variety of physical activities, and apply them in various contexts • demonstrate an understanding of the various principles that contribute to fitness, and their importance in various contexts • use their knowledge to analyse situations and solve problems. The student must be assessed in a non-performance/non-playing situation.
Criterion B: Movement and Composition At the end of the course students should be able to: • explore movement possibilities and variations in accordance with the principles of a particular aesthetic activity • compose aesthetic movements • link movements in order to compose aesthetic sequences, taking into account the concepts of space, time, level, force and flow. For assessment of this objective, the student must perform the sequence.
Criterion C: Performance At the end of the course students should be able to: • demonstrate the skills and techniques necessary for active participation in a variety of physical activities • apply tactics, strategies and rules in both individual and group situations • perform movement concepts and sequences of movement in a variety of physical contexts. The student must be assessed in a performance/playing situation
Criterion D: Social Skills and Personal Engagement At the end of the course students should be able to: • communicate effectively, including verbal and non-verbal forms of communication • demonstrate attitudes and strategies that enhance their relationships with others • show respect and sensitivity to their own and different cultures • take responsibility for their own learning process and demonstrate engagement with the activity • reflect critically upon their own achievements • set goals to enhance learning and take action towards achieving them