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Horizon 2020 and EU Marine Research Infrastructures initiatives GROOM 2 nd General Assembly meeting Trieste, 4-5 June 2012. Agnès Robin DG Research & Innovation Research Infrastructures. Background: FP7 and Marine Research Infrastructures From FP7 to Horizon2020 ESFRI.
Horizon 2020 and EU Marine Research Infrastructures initiativesGROOM 2nd General Assembly meetingTrieste, 4-5 June 2012 Agnès Robin DG Research & Innovation Research Infrastructures
Background: FP7 and Marine Research Infrastructures From FP7 to Horizon2020 ESFRI
Beginning FP7, 1st ESFRI Roadmap End FP7 Marine RIs EMSO FixO3 GEOSTAR*(1995)… ESONET*(FP6) SIDERI EURO ARGO Gyroscope*(FP5), MERSEA*(FP6) MyOcean, MyOcean2* MFSTEP*(FP5)… …MyOcean, EGO* (Cost FP7) Sea-Search*(2002)… SeaDataNet (FP6) SeaDataNet II Black Sea Scene (FP6) Upgrade Black SeaScene Geo-Seas EUROFLEETS (EUROFLEETS 2) TA: RV Sonne, Sonars, Submersibles (FP5) GMES, EEA, GEOSS, EMODNET, MSFD, INSPIRE… TA: MPFCR* (FP5) MESOAQUA iMarine MarinERA* (EraNet FP6) JERICO GROOM HYDRALAB III (FP6) HYDRALAB IV HYDRALAB (FP4, FP5) … … 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IAPPDSCSA e-Infra
Background: FP7 and Marine Research Infrastructures From FP7 to Horizon2020 ESFRI
From FP7 to Horizon 2020 • An increased budget, from around €1.7 billion (FP7) to €2.5? billion (Horizon 2020 – 2011 constant prices) • New activities to support the implementation and operation of world-class infrastructures such as ESFRI infrastructures • Continuation of the successful FP7 Integrating Activities • Reinforcement of the support to e-infrastructures • New objective of better exploiting the innovation potential and human capital of infrastructures
Horizon 2020 (figures from EC proposal) Excellent science (24 598 M€, constant 2011 prices) • European Research Council (13 268 M€) • Future and Emerging Technologies (3 100 M€) • Marie Curie actions (5 752 M€) • European Research infrastructures (including e-infrastructures) (2 478 M€) Industrial leadership (17 938 M€) Societal challenges (31 743 M€) • Health, demographic change and wellbeing • (8 028 M€) • Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine -maritime research, bio-economy (4 152 M€) • Secure, clean and efficient energy (5 782 M€) • Smart, green, integrated transport (6 802 M€) • Climate action, resource efficiency, raw materials (3 160 M€) • Inclusive, innovative and secure societies • (3 819 M€) • Leadership in enabling and • industrial technologies (ICT, space, nanotechnologies, advanced materials and advanced manufacturing and processing, biotechnology) (13 781 M€) • Access to risk finance (3 538 M€) • Innovation in SMEs (619 M€) EIT (1 364 B€ + 1 461 B€) JRC (non-nuclear: 1 961 M€)
Research Infrastructures • 4.1. Developing the European RIs for 2020 and beyond • 4.1.1 Developing new world-class RIs • 4.1.2 Integrating and opening national RIs of pan-European interest • 4.1.3 Development, deployment and operation of ICT based e-Infrastructures • 4.2. Fostering the innovation potential of RIs & their human capital • 4.3. Reinforcing European RI policy and internationalcooperation Main actions Specific actions Policy actions
1.1 Developing new world-class RIs • Objective: To ensure the implementation, long-term sustainability and operation and operation of the ESFRI and other world-class RIs • EU funding will support: • the preparatory phase of future RIs (e.g. detailed construction plans, legal arrangements, multiannual planning, etc.) • the implementation phase (e.g. R&D and engineering work, development of regional partner facilities, etc.) • the operation phase (e.g. access, data handling, outreach, training and international cooperation activities) • design studies for new RIs through a bottom-up approach
1.2 Integrating and opening existing national RIs of pan-European interest • Objective: To open up key national RIs to all European researchers and to ensure their optimal use and joint development • EU funding will support “European Research Infrastructures Networks” bringing together RIs in a given field covering: • Transnational and virtual accessactivities • Networkingactivities to foster a culture of cooperation • Joint research activities to improve the servicesprovided by the infrastructures
1.3 Development, deployment and operation of ICT based e-Infrastructures • Objective: To achieve by 2020 a single and open European space for online research • EU funding will support: • Global research and education networks • Grid and cloud infrastructures • Ecosystem of supercomputing facilities progressing towards exa-scale • Software and service infrastructure for visualisation and simulation • Real-time collaborative tools for virtual research communities • Interoperable, open and rich scientific data infrastructure
2. Fostering the innovation potential of RIs and their human capital • To stimulate innovation both in the RIs themselves and in their supplier and user industries • R&D partnerships with industries to develop Union capacities in high-tech areas such as scientific instrumentation • pre-commercial procurement by RI actors • stimulate the use of RIs by industry • Encourage the integration of RIs into local, regional and global innovation ecosystems • To strengthen the human capital of RIs • Support for the training of staff managing and operating RIs, exchanges of staff and best practices between facilities
3. Reinforcing European RI policy and international cooperation • Reinforcing European policy for RIs • Partnerships between relevant policymakers and funding bodies • Surveys, monitoring and assessments of RIs at Union level • Policy studies and communication tasks • Facilitating strategic international cooperation • Cooperation for global RIs • Cooperation of European RIs with their non-European counterparts: • Ensuring their global interoperability and reach • Pursuing international agreements on the reciprocal use, openness or co-financing of RIs
Background: FP7 and Marine Research Infrastructures From FP7 to Horizon2020 ESFRI
ESFRI – European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures • Set up by the EU Council of Research Ministers in 2002 • Brings together representatives of Ministers of the 27 Member States, 10 Associated States, and of the European Commission • To support the development of a European policy for Research Infrastructure and discuss a long term vision at European level • To facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to the better use and development of Research Infrastructures, at EU and international level • Mandate (2004) to develop a roadmap (2006) and its updates (2008, 2010): 48 projects, major financial investment (~20 b€) and long term commitment for operation (~2 b€/year)
ESFRI – European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures • On 11 December 2012, the Council adopted Conclusions on A reinforced European research area partnership for excellence and growth. In these Conclusions, the Council endorses the need for strengthened partnership in the field of research infrastructures and: • "Emphasises the need for renewing and adapting the mandate of ESFRI to adequately address the existing challenges and also to ensure the follow-up of implementation of already on-going ESFRI projects after a comprehensive assessment, as well as the prioritisation of the infrastructure projects listed in the ESFRI roadmap."
The ESFRI Process (1) ESFRI Road-map RI proposal by Member State(s) ESFRI TWG2 TWG1 TWG3 Recommended projects and analysis of landscape • Pan-European • Science case • Technical case • Business case • Overall maturity
The ESFRI Process (2) ESFRI Incubator role Member States Funding of Implementation Phase and operation ESFRI Road-map EC EU Funding of Preparatory Phase • Finalise concept and design • RI Organisation • Legal framework • Business plan • Finance model Support from EC (incl. EU contribution)
ESFRI roadmap 2010 10+38 new - or major upgrade of - Research Infrastructures of pan-European interest (+ 3 additional projects from the CERN Council strategic roadmap for particle physics*) RIs in the implementation phase ERIC set up ERIC application expected ERIC application
ERIC - European Research Infrastructure Consortium (Council Regulation (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June 2009) • A legal instrument at EU level, to facilitate the joint establishment and operation of RI of European interest. • Legal personality recognized in all Member States • Qualifies as an international organization for the purposes of VAT (exemption under certain limits and conditions from VAT and excise duties) and Public Procurement Directives
What is Joint Programming? • The overall aim of the Joint Programming process is to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's precious public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively in a few key areas. • It is a structured and strategic process whereby Member States agree, on a voluntary basis and in a partnership approach, on common visions and Strategic Research Agendas (SRA) to address major societal challenges. On a variable geometry basis, Member States commit to Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) where they implement together joint Strategic Research Agendas.
Thank you for your attention! Find out more: www.ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures www.ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020
Marine RIs • Significant support from RIs actions + (past) RTD projects e.g. MAST… technological challenges due to hostile env't • Ship based exploration multiplatform • Innovation (e.g. gliders, new sensors incl. biochemical) • Delayed data quasi-real time • Interrelated approaches & scales: in situ/remote - observation/modelling – local/regional/global – short-term/long-term - multidisciplinary • “Dual” use: research / operational incl. monitoring (EU directives MSFD, Fisheries, GMES, GEOSS…) and… exploitation? • Well organised community (EU & int'l) – yet very distributednature of some of the RIs: towards an "EOOS" (expert group on MRIs)?
ERIC requirements • Minimum three Member States • Majority of votes for Member States • Seat in Member State or Associated Country • For associated countries-third countries or intergovernmental organizations applying for setting up of an ERIC recognition of legal personality and capacity in their legal order, and recognition of VAT exemption and status as international organization under procurement directives
ERIC requirements • Pursue its principal task on a non-economic basis • Liability regime amongst members (normally limited to annual contribution and complemented with insurance) • Duration and procedure for winding-up • Basic principles for access policy, scientific evaluation policy, dissemination policy, IP rights, employment policy, procurement policy and data policy • Budget principles and contributions by members • Governing bodies
ERIC requirements (expert assessment) • Principal task: establish & operate a RI • Necessary for European research programmes and projects • Added value for the ERA • Grant effective access • Contribute to mobility of knowledge, researchers • Contribute to the dissemination and optimisation of the results of activities
Structural Funds • Developing synergies between the Structural funds and Horizon 2020 is a priority of the European Commission • More specific reference to research infrastructures "of European interest" is made in the European Commission proposal for the European Regional Development Fund • Also, Horizon 2020 foresees support to activities dedicated to developing cooperation between research infrastructures and other Union policies, such as Cohesion, through relevant studies and communication tasks
Building a Framework for a Sustainable, Transatlantic Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Research Infrastructures EU funding : 2 M€, 3 year grant from Sept.2012 Coord.: C. Waldmann, Bremen Univ., MARUM, DE • Central hub forthedisseminationof relevant information • Facilitatedataharmonisation, curation, andinteroperability • Design of a new generation of interconnected RI and of working principles to provide a sustainable platform for data, information, and knowledge sharing • Articulateoverallgoalsfor 10 year EU-US collaborationon environmental infrastructuresand cyber-infrastructures • Reaching consensus (readily extensible on a global scale) on instruments, standards, protocols, data, information, analytical & modeling capabilities, knowledge exchange • Addressing needs of research communities by implementing interworkability • Identifying critical needed breakthroughs for each community • Supporting GEOSS with information services particularly tuned to RI communities