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CHILD DEV – S.U.1 / CH 1. THE DEV OF THE CHILD LEARNING OUTCOMES : -Definition of concepts

PRS101 Early Childhood Teaching – Intro & Overview. CHILD DEV – S.U.1 / CH 1. THE DEV OF THE CHILD LEARNING OUTCOMES : -Definition of concepts -Areas of development -Influence of heredity and environment -Phases of the development process -Areas of development: * Physical *Cognitive

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CHILD DEV – S.U.1 / CH 1. THE DEV OF THE CHILD LEARNING OUTCOMES : -Definition of concepts

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  1. PRS101 Early Childhood Teaching – Intro & Overview CHILD DEV – S.U.1 / CH 1. THE DEV OF THE CHILDLEARNING OUTCOMES:-Definition of concepts -Areas of development -Influence of heredity and environment -Phases of the development process -Areas of development: * Physical *Cognitive *Emotional *Social *Moral-normative *Personality ..\..\..\..\..\..\Videos\Teachers TV\How I Learn - Child Development Milestones.mp4

  2. Study Material:*SG1: Early Childhood Teaching (Part A) *SG2: Assessment (Part B) Module Focus: Part A: Early childhood teaching • (1) Reasons for and outcomes of teaching in early childhood • (2) The informal approach to teaching in the early childhood years • (3) The daily programme of a centre for early childhood development • (4) Play opportunities at a centre for early childhood development • (5) The choice and planning of content at a centre for early childhood development • (6) Multicultural and unprejudiced teaching Part B: Assessment in early childhood teaching • (1) Purposes of assessment in early childhood teaching • (2) Rules for true and trustworthy assessment of young children • (3) The assessment process • (4) Ways of assessing young children • (5) Methods of recording observation • (6) Interpretation of assessment information

  3. Prescribed book There is ONE prescribed book for this module. The prescribed book is very relevant to PartB: Assessment, but you may also use it for Part A. • The prescribed book is:

  4. Assignment 1 (Compulsory) 20 % toward final mark • Due date 7 March 2014 • Multiple choice • UNISA SG 1 & 2 • Textbook • Assignment 02 (compulsory) does not count towards your year mark • Due date 4 April 2014 • Long questions • UNISA SG 1 & 2 • Textbook

  5. PRS101– (SG1) S.U.1 The purpose and learning outcomes of education in ECD. Learning Outcomes: • The importance of good ECE (p.2) • The purpose of ECE (p.4) • The outcomes of ECE (p.9) CHILD DEV – S.U.1 / CH 1. THE DEV OF THE CHILDLEARNING OUTCOMES:-Definition of concepts -Areas of development -Influence of heredity and environment -Phases of the development process -Areas of development: * Physical *Cognitive *Emotional *Social *Moral-normative *Personality ..\..\..\..\..\..\Videos\Teachers TV\How I Learn - Child Development Milestones.mp4

  6. Why is Early Childhood Education important?

  7. Why is Early Childhood Education important?

  8. The importance of ECE

  9. Arguments for increased support NEPI Report (1992)

  10. Read through the NEPI report arguments for increased support of EC care and development and rank in your order of importance

  11. http://mg.co.za/article/2012-08-17-preschool-plan-has-high-costhttp://mg.co.za/article/2012-08-17-preschool-plan-has-high-cost

  12. The effect of the changing family structures on EC • Changing technological society • Decline in extended family • Increased mobility and travelling • ECD phase – NB role in redressing imbalances • ECD educator + parents: complement and support one another; sharing responsibility to help chn to develop their full potential

  13. Can you id. any problems you might have in the upbringing of a young child? What are the benefits of good ECE within the family context?

  14. Your task as teacher in the ECD phase…

  15. “Good teaching does not just happen, it is the result of careful planning and foresight” (Taylor, 1980: 2) The purpose of early childhood education…

  16. Traditionally emphasised by creches, day mothers, playgroup • Main emphasis = caring for chn in safe enviro • People caring for chn – need not be trained • Can be criticised when caretaking is its sole purpose. WHY?

  17. Physical safety of chn is overemphasised • 1 sided emphasis and then chn’s need for adults to help them grow up is underemphasised • Does not require adults to be EC Educators • Teaching can be haphazard!

  18. Progs in some EC centres = focussed on helping deprived chn escape poverty cycle: “planned preventative education” • Purpose of compensatory prog = leading chn to change behaviour & attitudes • Social change and upliftment can’t be realised by ECE alone • Can only happen when ECC have total involvement of p’s and community = community serving centre • Can be criticised when social upliftment & change is its sole purpose. WHY?

  19. ECE can’t do alone • Drastic interference – justified? • Teaching progs: very structured & rigid • Deny free discovery learning • Views l’s through their needs & probs • Poverty cycle can’t be broken just by Education

  20. Widely believed to be the main purpose of ECE. • Helping chn to: • *be ready for school • *to adjust to formal teaching • *acquire & improve basic learning skills • Challenge in ECT re school readiness: • 2 sets of factors contributing to poor scholastic performance: • 1. School factors • 2. Social & cultural factors • = “the child’s total readiness to benefit from formal education in a group context“ (EDT101) • incls. readiness aspects: -emotional-social-intellectual-physical • Begins at birth. Achieved once the child-in-totality ready for the demands that formal instruction situation will make on him. • Can be criticised when school readiness is its sole purpose. WHY?

  21. 1-sided • Emphasis: formal learning skills • Can lead to drilling in chn • = formal school progs too early • School readiness placed on child, rather than on schools which should be ready for chn

  22. Purpose of ECC should be aimed at: • dev of whole child • assistance & guidance to parents in the educ of their child • Development of whole child • Involve child as a whole • take good care • involve family & contribute to social change/upliftment • dev. Whole child: school ready • Assistance to parents • ECD educators can help parents: • Serving as role models • Involving them in schools prog • proving info on child dev • start dev. progs

  23. GUIDING QUESTIONS – Teachers TV Enriched environments: From the study what was the most effective component of success in Early childhood education? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which prioritised developmental areas supported stronger outcomes for learners? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

  24. PAST UNISA EXAM QUESTION What is the purpose of a good centre for early childhood education ? (2)

  25. PAST UNISA EXAM QUESTIONS Define school readiness? (2) How can early childhood educators assist parents? Name 4 methods. (4)

  26. Outcomes for Critical & Developmental Learning outcomes

  27. Learning outcomes in

  28. Picture mapping exercise… In Groups– Illustrate a facet of childhood development in terms of what we should help chn with.

  29. 4 Subjects CAPS curriculum Beginning Knowledge Creative Arts Physical Education Personal & Social Well Being

  30. In the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) the subject Life Skills in Foundation Phase (Grades R-3) has been organised into four study areas: • Beginning Knowledge (*Social Science; Natural Science; EMS; Technology) • Personal and Social Well-being (* Life Orientation) • Creative Arts (*Arts & Culture) • Physical Education (*Life Orientation)

  31. TASK: Try and categorise the above learning outcomes into subjects instead of developmental facets.

  32. Use your smartphone to access: m.socrative.com • Enter the room number: 444756 • Respond by selecting A,B,C,D,or E • See your results populate on the screen.

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