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Mrs. Kathy James. Mrs. Kathy James. 1981 graduate of Perry Central High School, 1985 graduate of Indiana State University B.S., and Indiana State University in 1988, M.S. Currently beginning my 29th year of teaching at Ferdinand Elementary.
Mrs. Kathy James • 1981 graduate of Perry Central High School, 1985 graduate of Indiana State University B.S., and Indiana State University in 1988, M.S. • Currently beginning my 29th year of teaching at Ferdinand Elementary. • Married to Tony James and mother of three children, Tim, Aubrey, and Mackenzie.
Your child is in room 107 this year. I will be corresponding with you via letter, e-mail, phone, and in person this year. • Please read the handouts from the office and return all signed documents within 2 school days. • Refer to the school handbook for procedural information. • Make all book order checks out to the book club on the order form. I cannot accept cash for books. Please remember to send checks.
Report cards will be given each nine weeks. • Letter grades will be given in reading, math, spelling, and English. • Effort grades (1, 2, or 3) will be given in p.e., social studies, science, and conduct. • Reading effort will be based on class effort. • Conduct grades are based on behavior. Repeated warnings and/or pink slips will result in a 2 or lower in conduct. (5 names = contact…10 = principal visit) • Your child is responsible for telling you if he or she is disciplined at school. • Pink slips are sent home to be signed if your child receives repeated warnings on a given day.
Parents must bring medications, if needed, and pick them up. Ask your pharmacist to prescribe separate bottles for school and home. • P. E. - Your child must participate in p.e., unless I am notified by a parent or physician. • Visitor Policy - All visitors, parents, and volunteers must sign in at the office and receive a visitor pass. This is even if you are stopping in briefly. This is per our corporation safety plan. • Write a note or call in advance if you plan to come to school to “visit” your child. I will usually have some work for you to do to help the class in some way.
Self-Selected Reading: Students will read for 20-30 minutes per day in materials which they choose. The books must be on their reading levels. A.R. tests will be taken on these books. Guided Reading: Reading in our basal reader will be guided by the teacher. Focus is on fluency and comprehension. Most reading in this block will be at the child’s fluency level. Weekly tests will be given on Fridays. Reading Spelling Our weekly spelling list will be in the newsletter . Students should practice reading and spelling them each night. We will use them in speaking and writing. Tests on Fridays. Writing: Students will write each day. They will write mostly on self-generated topics with modeling of structure and grammar by the teacher.
A.R. is a computer management system for reading comprehension. • Children have opportunities to take tests on computers in the classroom, iPads, and library. • Many of the selections in our reading series are A.R. titles. • A.R. % will account for 10% of the reading grade. • Parents are able to check AR points online. This is the site parents should use at home to monitor Accelerated Reader tests. The login ( first letter of first name, first four letters of last name) and password (lunch number) are the same as the student uses at school. • https://hosted137.renlearn.com/123739/HomeConnect/Login.aspx • Check to see if your child is bringing home A.R. books from the library(bright green tags).Encourage them to read and reread a book before taking the tests. • We encourage to strive for an average 80% or better. Accelerated Reader
Saxon math is used. The program is comprised of a math meetings, manipulative experiences, fact drills and timed tests. Homework M-Th. Tests every 5th lesson. No homework will be given on lesson days ending in zero! • English and grammar skills, along with writing, will be taught during language arts time. • Social Studies and Science will be read together in class. We also do some activities and lessons online. (iPads) Lots of discussion is involved with these subjects, as well as special projects. Tests will be given, even though an effort grade will be the only grade on the report card. • The social studies and science texts are available ONLINE! Usernames and passwords will be sent home as soon as possible. Math, English,Social Studies, Science
Your child needs to bring in*: 20 pennies 10 nickels 10 dimes 4 quarters to school in a zip lock bag with his or her name on the bag. The money will go home at the end of the year if your child is responsible with it. • Your child will have math fact homework and skills homework most evenings. • Check side B and make sure your child returns it to school the next day. • If your child forgets to turn in homework 3 times during a grading period, then a “2” will placed on the effort grade for math. *This information was in Monday’s newsletter. Did your child show it to you? It can also be found on my website!
Keiara Abe Zoey Joel Ashlyn Sophia Carter Ethan G. Gus Luke Reid Aubrey Carson Jasmine Nevaeh Noah Alex Brayden Katey Avari Grace Miles Ethan Mandy
Complete and turn in all work. • Talk only with permission during instruction. • Follow the teacher’s directions. • Sign and returns must be received within 2 days. Grading Scale 100 A+ , 94-99 A, 90-93 A- 87-89 B+, 83-86 B, 80 - 82 B- 77-79 C+, 73-76 C, 70-72 C- 67-69 D+, 63-66 D, 60-62A D- 0-59 F
Below is a list of much needed item for our classroom. Please consider something from the list below. Thanks for your support. • Baby Wipes • Hand Sanitizer • Colorful Sticky Notes (all sizes) • Box Tops for Education (Your child earns a ticket for each Box top brought in!)
Read to your child every day. • Listen to your child read. • Encourage them to write all kinds of things: grocery lists, letters, thank you notes, stories, journals, etc. • Talk positively about your child’s education and school. • Encourage him or her positively. Be lavish in your praise! • Monitor the amount of time your child spends in front of a television or technical device per day. Playtime is good! • Send only healthy snacks to school. • Contact Mrs. James if you have any concerns. Helpful Hints...
Visit our website! Class newsletters will go home each week. (For some short weeks newsletters may be combined.) • http://www.tinyurl.com/greatdayin2j