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Control Center - eBilling Module. August, 2011.
Control Center - eBilling Module August, 2011 Welcome to Control Center. The intent of this module is to provide an introductory view of the features and functionality available in Control Center for the eBilling module. Individualized training modules have been established for each segment and service available in Control Center. For links to customized training videos, visit the Help Tab after logging in. Availability of CenturyLink Services varies. Check availability.
Control Center. Control Center is a free, secure, self-service Web portal that provides access to critical tools enabling easy, safe and fast management of invoices, network configuration and statistics and trouble reporting. Control Center is a robust online reporting tool that can help improve your operation by delivering useful knowledge and greater insight into your business. The portal’s simple navigation and business-friendly resources help users across your organization find the information they need quickly and easily -- at the level of detail needed. All without complicated training. All you need to get started is your computer and Internet access. The portal is available anytime, anywhere 24/7/365.
eBillingModule Control Centralis a valuable self-service Web portal designed to make it easier for customers to do business with CenturyLink. Control Central is a free, time saving tool which allow customer online access to their CenturyLink services. One of the beneficial features of Control Central is CenturyLink eBills and Bill Analyzer. The Billing applications allows you to view your accounts, view invoices, generate customized long distance reports and view other information about you products and services.
Invoices Module – View Bills The View Bill Tab displays a listing of all the accounts associated with your enterprise that have been signed up for eBilling. This screen gives you the amount of each account's last invoice, as well as the current account balance. You can filter the account list to find a specific account more quickly. You can access detailed information about any account in the list by clicking the Account # field for the account you want to see.
eBilling - Invoices Invoices Module – View Bills Bill Summary screen contains hyperlinks to drill down for more invoice details; View your account balance, service summary, 12 month spending reports, CDR and circuit information. Historical Invoices- Local services – 18 months of history. LD Invoices- 12 months of history
Invoices Module - Bills Tab • Pay Bill Tab-allows you to make a one-time payment for all accounts with a positive balance: pay your bills online, with an option to go paperless via the delivery options tab. • Payment history – Lists current balance & method of payment and includes most recent payment information. • Design and layout: Modeled after the other Service Modules in the portal today; Pay Bill. iQ, Toll Free, etc. Sub-menu allows user to select payment options. • Payment History • Pay by Credit Card • Pat\y By ACH • Autopay. • Other features: • Pagination • Basic and Advance Search • Download • Application refresh – updates the information to retrieve the latest balance detail.
Invoices Module – Print Bill When you request a PDF copy of your invoice from the View Bill Tab your requests will be stored on the Print Bill Tab for fourteen days. The Existing PDF Requests page gives you a listing of eBills you have requested and there availability for download. PDFs are downloadable, printable & searchable.
Invoices Module - Delivery Options Tab The Delivery Options tab gives you a listing of all the accounts associated with your Enterprise. This screen is divided into three sections. The Functions section allows you to select the manner in which you want bills for your accounts to be delivered: Paperless, Paper Billing, One Page Direct. You can also request a paper billing. From *Bill Reports you can choose reports included as part of your monthly invoice. The Filters section allows you to narrow the list of accounts so that you can more easily find the account(s) you want to see. *Choose bill reports is only available for account type “QLD or CenturyLink Long Distance
Analytics Module - LEC Data Files eBill Companion Tab- detailed billing data for your long-distance billing accounts in a down- loadable format that can be manipulated using the eBill Companion software application. Please Use Bill Analyzer Download Center to set up and manage the delivery of your LEC Data files. Please Use Bill Analyzer Download Center to set up and manage the delivery of your LEC Data files. LEC Data File - Local exchange carrier (LEC) Data Files is a series of .txt files containing almost all elements of data that are on your bill and the customer service record (CSR) for in-region billing telephone numbers (BTNs). LEC Data Files are a great tool to get very detailed billing information, inventories and identifying account and telephone number relationships.
Analytics Module - Service Records Service Records Tab offers you the opportunity to view the configuration details of your local services.* Customer Service Records (CSR) detailed description of local services at the USOC level. Records are available after the first bill date following account registration of Control Central. The Functions section allows you to view all BTNs/Sub Accounts. Local Services (s) for the states of AZ, CO, IA, MN, MT, NE, ND, SD, NM, ID, WA, OR, WY, MT
Analytics Module – Service Records The Summary CSR report provides an overview of your basic account and service information based on the billing elements that make up the service. Detail view of USOCs not associated with a WTN or circuit number. View WTN/Circuit Detail records. Includes information such as PIC and CLLI codes.
Reports – Bill Summary, CenturyLink Total Advantage QTA Reports – through this report you can obtain your spending history and commitment levels under your QTA The eBill Summary Report tab displays a listing of the summary reports that have been generated for one or more of your accounts. This screen allows you to modify any listed report so that you can see a new set of data. The report summarizes both local and national billing information.
eBillingModule – Add Accounts The Additional Accounts page allows you to add more accounts to your Control Central registration. Adding more accounts to a single registration allows you to track and manage multiple accounts from a single login. To register accounts all you need is a copy of a paper invoice for each account to collect the necessary information to process each account.