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  1. VALUASI EKONOMI SUMBERDAYA LAHAN BahanKajian MK. STELA-smno.jtnhfpub .mei2013

  2. LAHAN = SUMBERDAYA EKONOMI Lahanmerupakansumberdayaekonomi yang meliputisumberdayaalam yang adadidalamekonominasional. This resource includes timber, land, fisheries, farms and other similar natural resources. Land is usually a limited resource for many economies. Although some natural resources, such as timber, food and animals, are renewable, the physical land is usually a fixed resource. Nations must carefully use their land resource by creating a mix of natural and industrial uses. Denganmenggunakanlahanuntuktujuanindustrimemungkinkansuatubangsamemperbaikiprosesproduksinyauntukmengolahsumberdayaalammenjadibarangkonsumsi. DiunduhdariSumber: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/economic-definition-four-factors-production-3941.html .................... 3/11/2012 .

  3. SUMBERDAYA LAHAN DalamEkonomi, lahanmeliputisemuasumberdayaalam yang suplainyatertentu (terbatas). Misalnyalokasi-lokasigeografis, barangtambang, danlokasi orbit geostationersertabagian-bagiandarispektrumelektromagnetik. Sumberdayaalammerupakan basis bagiproduksibarang, termadsukbarang modal. NilaiLokasitidakbolehdicampur-adukkandnegannilai-nilaiakibatdariperbaikankapital. Dalamekonomiklasik, “lahan” dianggapsebagaisalahsatudaritigafaktorproduksi (yaitulahan, kapitaldnatenagakerja). In some cases, land may be merged with capital due to the relatively small importance that land has in industrial and service sectors. Income derived from ownership or control of natural resources is referred to as rent. DiunduhdariSumber: ....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_%28economics%29...

  4. LAND….. Lahanmerupakansumberdayaekonomiygmeliputisumberdayaalamygdigunakandalamprosesproduksi. Dalamekonomiklasik, adatigafaktorproduksiyaitulahan, tenagakerjadan modal. Land was considered to be the “original and inexhaustible gift of nature.” In modern economics, it is broadly defined to include all that nature provides, including minerals, forest products, and water and land resources. While many of these are renewable resources, no one considers them “inexhaustible.” The payment to land is called rent. Like land, its definition has been broadened over time to include payment to any productive resource with a relatively fixed supply. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/329078/land .................... 3/11/2012 .

  5. FAKTOR-FAKTOR YG MEMPENGARUHI NILAI LAHAN ATRIBUT FISIK LAHAN, include quality of location, fertility and climate; convenience to shopping, schools and parks; availability of water, sewers, utilities and public transportation; absence of bad smells, smoke and noise; and patterns of land use, frontage, depth, topography, streets and lot sizes. GAYA-GAYA LEGAL ATAU PEMERINTAH, include the type and amount of taxation, zoning and building laws, planning and restrictions. FAKTOR SOSIAL, include population growth or decline, changes in family sizes, typical ages, attitudes toward law and order, prestige and education levels. GAYA-GAYA EKONOMI, include value and income levels, growth and new construction, vacancy and availability of land. It is the influences of these forces, expressed independently and in relationship to one another, that help the people and the assessor measure value. DiunduhdariSumber: .................... http://www.henrygeorge.org/ted.htm

  6. http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/valuation/land_valuation_process … PROSES VALUASI LAHAN Valuations undertaken by Land and Property Information on behalf of the Valuer General for rating and taxing purposes. These values refer to the value of the land only, they do not include the value of your home or other improvements. “NilaiLahan” biasanyatidakmencerminkankeseluruhanharga-jualygdapatdiperolehdarisemua “asset” atau “properties” yang adadilahan. DiunduhdariSumber: .................... http://www.henrygeorge.org/ted.htm

  7. http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/valuation/land_valuation_process … METODE VALUASI LAHAN Penjualan Property menjadifaktorsangatpentingdalammenentukannilailahan (lahanperkotaan non-pertanian). Lahandiperkotaan “New South Wales” dinbilai dg menggunakanvaluasimassa, dimana “properties” dinilaidalamkelompok-kelompokygdisebutkomponen. “Properties” dalamsetiapkomponenadalahserupaataudiharapkanmencerminkanperubahannilai dg cara yang serupa. Representative properties in each component are individually valued as at 1 July each year to determine how much the land value has changed from the previous year. The change is then applied to all properties in the component to determine their new land values. Sample valuations are then checked to confirm the accuracy of the new values.

  8. http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/valuation/land_valuation_process … METODE VALUASI Selamaprosesvaluasi, “penilai” menganalisispenjualan “vacant land” dan “improved properties”, melakukanpenyesuaianuntuknilai-tambahperbaikannyaitu. The value of improvements is their worth as reflected by the real estate market in an area. The value of improvements is generally not equal to their replacement or insurance value. Kalauvaluasimassaltidakcocok, makapenilaiakanmenilai property secara individual. Unsuitable sales, for example those between related parties, are not used to determine land values.

  9. http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/valuation/land_valuation_process … METODE VALUASI LAHAN Padasaatmembandingkannilai-jual property denganlahan yang dinilai, penilaibiasanyamempertimbangkanfaktor-faktorseperti: Kondisipasar property Penggunaanlahan yang paling bernilaitinggi Lokasilahan Constraints on use such as zoning and heritage restrictions Land size, shape and land features such as slope and soil type Nearby development and infrastructure Views Factors such as personal circumstances, council rates and land tax liability are not considered yet , when determining and values.

  10. http://www.lpi.nsw.gov.au/valuation/land_valuation_process … PENGGUNAAN LAHAN Dalamvaluasi-lahan, biasanyasebidnaglahandinilaidalamkaitannyadenganpenggunaannya yang paling praktis. Penetapannilaisuatulahanharusmemperhitungkanpenggunaannya yang paling praktis. Where development of the land exceeds current zoning and planning restrictions the higher existing use must be taken into consideration by valuers when determining land values. KEMUDAHAN -EASEMENT “Easement” ADALAH HAK LEGAL YANG DIPUNYAI olehpemiliksebidanglahan , lebihdaribidanglahanlainnya. Valuasilahantidakmempertimbangkan “easements”, as the valuations are required to be made on the hypothetical basis that the land is free of impediments to title. However, the physical effects of an easement, for example transmission lines, access roads and pipes laid for drainage, will be reflected in the land value.

  11. Value and Price of Land PENDAPATAN DARI LAHAN As indicated above, land has value because it may give rise to a stream of future incomes which consist of a volume of goods, services and satisfactions which accrue to the owner. In other words, the material value of a land depends upon the goods and services emanating from it. Obviously, these earnings will not necessarily come from the land in the strict sense, but from the property as a whole (e.g. land and buildings) which is related to it. It is the stream of income or earnings, both tangible and intangible that can be converted into a fund which is the value of the property. Besarnya “dana” suatunilailahanhanyadapatditetapkandneganmemasukkansituasiobyektifpasardandinyatakandalambentuk “harga” yang harusdibayarolehpembelidanditerimaolehpenjualpadakurunwaktutertentu. (FAO, 2003). DiunduhdariSumber: .................... http://www.eolss.net/Sample-Chapters/C19/E1-05-03-03.pdf

  12. Value and Price of Land PendapatandariLahan Di lingkunganpedesaan, lahanmenjadi basis utamauntukproduksitanamandansumbersuplaipangansecaraumum. Land allows growing trees and forests for fuel-wood and shelter, to store water for human consumption and irrigation. It provides space for living, construction and the development of a variety of social activities. Lahanmempunyainilai-produksi; inimerupakankomoditi primer dan asset komersial. DiunduhdariSumber: .................... http://www.eolss.net/Sample-Chapters/C19/E1-05-03-03.pdf

  13. Value and Price of Land PendapatandariLahan Adaperbedaan yang jelasantaranilaialamiah (produktif) dannilaiekonomi (real-estate) atauekologi (nature conservation, environment) darisuatulahan. The former (PRODUCTIVE VALUE) deals with a value pertaining to the knowledge of the natural physical properties of the soil and their impact on production. The second (economic value) emphasizes also on expected benefits which are not necessarily linked to its present use and production potential, as well as on the stabilizing role of land in an inflationary money market. DiunduhdariSumber: .................... http://www.eolss.net/Sample-Chapters/C19/E1-05-03-03.pdf

  14. FACTORS AFFECTING THE VALUE AND PRICE OF LAND Potensiproduktifalamiahdanpilihanpenggunaanlahan, dankombinasiatauderivasinya, merupakanduadeterminanutamadarinilaidnahargalahan. Selainitu, suplaidan demand lahan, persepsitentangmanfaatmasadepanjugamempengaruhipembentukanhargalahandipasarfungsional. The inherent production potential is the primary factor of land value in a rural environment, where food supply from arable land, timber production from forests, or cattle raising from grassland are the main objectives. Optional land use in a changing land market is the main component in urban and peri-urban areas. In such areas, social activities concentrate more on the transformation of primary goods, the provision of services (secondary and tertiary activities of the economy) and residential use of space. DiunduhdariSumber: ................. ftp://ftp.fao.org/agl/agll/docs/misc35e.pdf

  15. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. NILAI EKONOMI Nilaiekonomilahanpertanianterdiriatasnilai-produktifdannilaitambahan modal (capital gain). NILAI-PRODUKTIF The productive value of land is determined by the land’s ability to generate a financial return. To estimate the productive value, or the return to land, all income and costs (cash and non-cash) must be accounted for. There are four steps to determine land's productive value: Estimasi income kotordarilahan yang dibeli. Estimasisemuabiayaproduksi, EXCEPT for interest on the land. Determine the return to land (Step 1 minus Step 2). Divide the return to land by the capitalization rate. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  16. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. ESTIMASI GROSS INCOME Gross income on the land to be valued should be based on the crop rotation to be followed using long-term average yields for the management level that applies, and the long-term market price of the grain. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  17. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. BIAYA PRODUKSI Estimasibiayaproduksiindustriataupemerintahtidakperlumencerminkansituasi individual. Mengingatbesarnyaragampraktekpertanian, rotasitanaman, tipetanahdaniklim, produsenharusmenghitungbiaya-biayaekspektasinyasendiri. The cost of production should include an estimate of all costs associated with the land to be valued, except for an interest charge on the land investment. This would include all cash costs, such as seed, fertilizer, machinery repairs, taxes, etc., and non-cash costs, such as depreciation on buildings and machinery, interest on building and machinery investment, and an allowance for labour and management. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  18. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. BIAYA PRODUKSI Kalautersedia, petaniharusmenggunakanestimasiberdasarkan data/catatannyamasalaludankecenderungannya. An estimate for cash expenses such as seed, fertilizer and chemicals will need to be based on the condition of the land being valued and the crop rotation being planned. Other cash expenses, such as machinery, fuel and repairs, insurance, etc., can be based on the costs per acre on the existing land, with the assumption that the costs on the new land will be similar. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  19. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. BIAYA PRODUKSI Biaya-biayabukantunai (interest and depreciation on buildings and machinery) harusditentukanuntukkeseluruhanusahapertaniandankemudiandinilaigunamenentukantambahanlahan yang dibeli. This procedure accounts for the non-cash costs on the existing buildings and machinery, plus the non-cash costs on additional buildings and machinery that are acquired as a result of the land purchase. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  20. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. KeuntungankeLahan - Return to Land “Return to land” merupakan income-kotor minus biayaoperasional, depresiasidan “interest costs” untukbangunandanperalatan, dananggaranuntuktenagakerjadanpengelolaan. Interest paid on term loans should not be included in the operating costs. Small variations in crop yields and prices can have a dramatic effect on the return to land. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict prices accurately, and yields can vary significantly in the short run. Therefore, several calculations should be made using different yield and price assumptions. The range of results provides a basis for assessing the risk involved in buying land. This is often called sensitivity analysis. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  21. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. KAPITALISASI Kapitalisasiadalahkonversikeuntunganataupendapatandimasamendatangdarilahanmenjadinilaiekonomisaatini. By using the appropriate capitalization rate, farmers can estimate the value of land. The capitalization rate should be the rate of return that could be earned on other investments. Tingkat minimumnyaadalahpendapatanatastabungan, sedangkantingkatmaksimumnyaadalahsukubunga bank ataspinjaman. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  22. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. Example: . The capitalization procedure converts future returns into today's value. For example, if the goal is to earn a six-per-cent annual return on an investment in land with an expected net income of $15 per acre, the value of the land would be $250 per acre. The capitalization formula is as follows: DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  23. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. NilaiTambahan (penumpukan) Modal Nilaiproduktifbukansatu-satunyafaktorygdipertimbangkanketikamenentukannilaiekonomisuatulahan. Pertimbanganpentinglainnyaialahjumlah “capital gain’ yang mungkindapatdirealisasikankalaulahandijual. To incorporate expected capital gain into the economic value formula, reduce the capitalization rate used by the expected annual rate of capital gain. For example, if the capitalization rate is estimated to be six per cent (as in the example) and the annual capital gain is expected to be one per cent, then the adjusted capitalization rate would be five per cent (6%-1%). DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  24. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. . The formula to determine the economic value of land (with the productive value adjusted by a potential capital gain) is: In the above example, the economic value of land is: The economic value of land is equal to the productive value plus its capital gain value. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  25. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. NILAI NON-EKONOMI Faktor non-ekonomimempengaruhinilailahan. Misalnya, seorangpembelilahanmaumembayarlebih-mahaluntukdapattingaldilokasikomunitastertentu. A farmer may place more value on land that is adjacent to land already owned. Land may be of interest to some buyers because of its aesthetic value – it may be located near a river or a picturesque creek. Dalambeberapakasus, petanidanbukan-petanibersainguntukmenggunakanlahan. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  26. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. NILAI PASAR Land’s "market value" refers to the price of transactions between informed buyers and sellers. It is always recommended that you hire an accredited appraiser in cases where an accurate valuation needs to be done. You can, however, get a good idea of market value by doing some analysis yourself. The technique to determine market value is to use "comparable sales" of similar property in the same area. When doing so, it is extremely important to compare properties that are very similar in every way, and to examine the conditions and terms under which these properties were sold. It is important to obtain as many comparable sales as possible, as the more information, the more accurate the average becomes. It then becomes the simple process of calculating the average selling price, usually per cultivated acre, or per forage acre, or per grazing acre. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  27. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. Beberapafaktorygdipertimbangkanketikamencaripadanilaijual yang setara: Proximity is important. How close are the comparable properties to the one that is being sold? If the properties are too far away, it may not reflect your “local” market for land. Comparable properties should, as much as possible, have the same soil types, similar topography, and similar stones and sloughs; those things that change how much someone views a property to be worth. Determine the motives of the purchasers of the comparable sales. A purchaser buying land adjacent to his/her farm may be prepared to pay more. Improvements to property, such as buildings, make comparison of land more difficult. It is often better to use bare land sales only. Sales between relatives or close friends should not be used for comparative purposes because they may not reflect market conditions. Adjustments should be made if there are differences in the number of cultivated acres per quarter-section. In fact, as stated above, the comparisons are usually done on a “per cultivated acre” or “per forage acre” or “per grazing acre” basis. If the property has not been farmed properly, the estimated value should be reduced by the cost of bringing the property back to normal condition. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  28. Establishing the Value of Land  The three main concepts that people use to establish the “value” of land are: economic value, non-economic value and market value. RINGKASAN Penentuannilaiekonomilahanmerupakansatulangkah (tahapan) dalampengambilankeputusanmenjualataumembelilahan. Nilaiekonomiberhubungandnegan “keuntungan” dan “Penumpukan modal”. The next step in a land purchase decision is to compare the economic value to the current market value. This provides the means to evaluate whether renting land is more profitable than owning it. As well, it provides benchmark values that can assist buyers in establishing bid prices for land. Lastly, the purchaser must determine if there is sufficient cash flow to purchase or finance the land. This is important even if the economic value is higher than the current market value, as the benefit of a capital gain is not available to service the mortgage unless the land is sold. DiunduhdariSumber: .......http://www.agriculture.gov.sk.ca/default.aspx?dn=c0f35ca4-98dd-4625-bce6-23807c8e72c0

  29. NILAI & HARGA LAHAN Peubah-peubah yang menentukannilaidanhargalahandapatdikelompokkanmenjaditujuhkategori: KapabilitaslahanProduktif; Keamananlahan; Kebijakanpertanian; Pilihangunalahan; Taksasilahan; Land policy and zoning; Land speculation. DiunduhdariSumber: ............ ftp://ftp.fao.org/agl/agll/docs/misc35e.pdf

  30. Kapabilitaslahanproduktif …..… Lahanmempunyaiciri-ciriintrinsikygsangatmenentukanpotensipenggunaannyadandayadukungalamiahnya. Deep, fertile and well-drained loams located in a suitable climate will generally produce good crops and high yields. Too sandy or too clayey soils make the land unsuitable for most crops, though some may prefer them (e.g. groundnuts or cashew trees on well-drained sands; rice on poorly drained, impermeable clays). Poor drainage is a major constraint on most agricultural activities, though here again crops react differently depending on their edaphological growth requirements. Kondisiiklimmungkinterlalupanas, terlaludingin, kering, atauterlaluberhujanuntukmemproduksitanamanekonomistertentu. DiunduhdariSumber: ............ ftp://ftp.fao.org/agl/agll/docs/misc35e.pdf

  31. EVALUASI LAHAN Kerangka-kerja FAO untukevaluasilahan (FAO, 1976) mencerminaknevaluasilahanuntuktanamantertentusecara semi-kuantitatif. It introduced the principle of matching land attributes against the natural growth requirements of crops in terms of agroclimatic, soil chemical and physical needs, as well as for soil workability/ease of management. Kalauatribut-atributtanahsesuaidengankondisipertumbuhan optimal, makalahandianggapsnagatsesuai, danhasilmaksimumdapatdiharapkanterjadi, menempatkanlahantersebutdalamkelasnilaitertinggi. DiunduhdariSumber: ............ ftp://ftp.fao.org/agl/agll/docs/misc35e.pdf


  33. LAND QUALITY INDICATOR (LQI) Beberapaindikator unit-unit lahan yang harusdimonitor, terutamadalamkaitannyadengan: Kondisisumberdayalahan, positive dan negative; Areas arising from different land uses; Rates of adaptation and adoption of recommended/suggested practices; Praktekusahatani; Hasil-hasildariproyekintervensipembangunan; Isu-isupengembanganwilayah, seperti land tenure, population density; Sumberdaya air; Perikanandanakuatultur; Pengelolaanhutan; Ketersediaanharadalamtanah. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  34. The holistic concept of Land (FAO ,1976; FAO, 1995) : "Land is a delineable area of the earth's terrestrial surface, encompassing all attributes of the biosphere immediately above or below this surface, including those of the near-surface climate, the soil and terrain forms, the surface hydrology (including shallow lakes, rivers, marshes and swamps), the near-surface sedimentary layers and associated groundwater reserve, the plant and animal populations, the human settlement pattern and physical results of past and present human activity (terracing, water storage or drainage structures, roads, buildings, etc.).“ FungsiLahan: Fungsiproduksi Fungsilingkunganbiotik Fungsiregulasiiklim Fungsihidrologi Fungsigudangsimpanan Fungsipengendalianpencemaran Fungsiruangkehidupan Fungsiarsipatauwarisan Fungsiruangpenghubung. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  35. Land attributes, characteristics, properties and qualities (or limitations/ conditions): ATTRIBUTE, atauvariable, menunjukkanaspektunggalataumajemuksuatulahan; CHARACTERISTIC merupakanatribut yang mudahdicatatdan yang berfungsisebagaiunsurpenciri (pembeda) berbagaitipelahan; mungkiniamempunyaimaknapraktikal yang penting (misalnyawarna-tanahatautekstur-tanah, atautinggitegakanhutanmerupakankarakteristikygtidakmemberikaninformasilangsungttgkualitaslahan); PROPERTYadalahatributygtelahmemberikanderajatinformasitentangnilaisuatutipelahan; LAND QUALITY (or limitation) is a complex attribute of land which acts in a mannerdistinct from the actions of other land qualities in its influence on the suitability of land for a specified kind of use. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  36. FRAMEWORK FOR LAND EVALUATION OF 1976 KUALITAS LAHAN - PRODUKTIVITAS DAN PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN Hasiltanaman (resultantedariberbagaikualitaslahan). Ketersediaan air tanah. Ketersediaanhara. Ketersediaanoksigendalam zone akar. Adequacy of foothold for roots. Kondisiuntukperkecambahan. Workability of the land (ease of cultivation). Salinity atauSodicity. Toksisitas Tanah. Resistance to soil erosion. Pests and diseases related to the land. Flooding hazard (including frequency, periods of inundation). Temperature regime. Radiation energy and photoperiod. Climatic hazards affecting plant growth (including wind, hail, frost). Air humidity as affecting plant growth. Periodekeringuntukpanentanaman . DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  37. FRAMEWORK FOR LAND EVALUATION OF 1976 LAND QUALITIES RELATED TO DOMESTIC ANIMAL PRODUCTIVITY Productivity of grazing land. Climatic hardships affecting animals. Endemic pests and diseases. Nutritive value of grazing land. Toxicity of grazing land. Resistance to degradation of vegetation. Resistance to soil erosion under grazing conditions. Ketersediaan air minumuntukternak. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  38. FRAMEWORK FOR LAND EVALUATION OF 1976 KUALITAS LAHAN DAN PRODUKTIVITAS HUTAN Kualitaslahanuntukhutanalam, hutantanaman, ataukeduanya. Mean annual increments of timber species Tipedankuantitasspesieskayu indigenous. Faktortapakygmempengaruhipertumbuhantegakanmuda. Gangguanhamadanpenyakit. Bahayakebakaran. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  39. FRAMEWORK FOR LAND EVALUATION OF 1976 KUALITAS LAHAN - INPUT - PENGELOLAAN Kualitaslahanuntuklahanpertanian, produksiternakdankehutanan. Faktor Terrain ygmempengaruhimekanisasi (traffic-ability). Faktor Terrain ygmempengaruhikonstruksidanpemeliharaanaksesjalan (accessibility). Ukuran unit pengelolaanpotensial (mis. Blok hutan, farms, fields). Lokasidalamkaitannyadneganpasardansuplai input. FAO. 1976. A framework for land evaluation. Soils Bulletin 32, FAO, Rome. 72 p. Also, Publication 22, (R. Brinkman and A. Young (eds.), ILRI, Wageningen, The Netherlands. FAO. 1995. Planning for sustainable use of land resources: towards a new approach, W.G. Sombroek and D. Sims. Land and Water Bulletin 2, FAO, Rome. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  40. Kualitaslahanygberhubungandengankomponenvertikaldari unit lahanalamiah KUALITAS TUTUPAN LAHAN Nilaitegakanvegetasisebagai “tanaman” sepertikayu (komersial) hutan. Value of the standing vegetation as germ plasm: biodiversity value. Value of the standing vegetation as protection against degradation of soils and catchment. Value of the standing vegetation as regulator of local and regional climatic conditions. Regeneration capacity of the vegetation after complete removal. Value of the standing vegetation as shelter for crops and cattle against adverse atmospheric influences. Hindrance of vegetation at introduction of crops and pastures: the land "development" costs. Incidence of above-ground pests and vectors of diseases: health risks of humans and animals. KUALITAS ATMOSFERIK Atmospheric moisture supply: rainfall, length of growing season, evaporation, dew formation. Atmospheric energy for photosynthesis: temperature, daylength, sunshine conditions. Atmospheric conditions for crop ripening, harvesting and land preparation: occurrence of dry spells. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  41. Kualitaslahanygberhubungandengankomponenvertikaldari unit lahanalamiah PERMUAKAN LAHAN & KUALITAS TERRAIN Kesesuaianpermukaanlahanuntukbedengan: Sifatolahtanah. Surface treatability: the bearing capacity for cattle, machinery, etc. Surface limitations for the use of implements (stoniness, stickiness, etc.): the arability. Spatial regularity of soil and terrain pattern, determining size and shape of fields with a capacity for uniform management. Surface liability to deformation: the occurrence or hazard of wind and water erosion. Accessibility of the land: the degree of remoteness from means of transport. The presence of open freshwater bodies for use by humans, animals or fisheries. Surface water storage capacity of the terrain: the presence or potential of ponds, on-farm reservoirs, bunds, etc. Surface propensity to yield run-off water, for local water harvesting or downstream water supply. Accumulation position of the land: degree of fertility renewal or crop damaging by overflow or overblow. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  42. Kualitaslahanygberhubungandengankomponenvertikaldari unit lahanalamiah KUALITAS TANAH KesuburantanahFisika: the net moisture storage capacity in the rootable zone. Physical soil toxicity: the presence or hazard of waterlogging in the rootable zone (i.e. the absence of oxygen). Chemical soil fertility: the availability of plant nutrients. Chemical soil toxicity: salinity or salinization hazard; excess of exchangeable sodium. Biological soil fertility: the N-fixation capacity of the soil biomass; and its capacity for soil organic matter turnover. Biological soil toxicity: the presence or hazard of soil-borne pests and diseases. Substratum (and soil profile) as source of construction materials. Substratum (and soil profile) as source of minerals. Toksisitas Tanah Biologis : the presence or hazard of soil-borne pests and diseases. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  43. Land qualities related to vertical components of a natural land unit KUALITAS SUBSTRAT ATAU UNDERGROUND Tinggimuka air dankualitas Groundwater dalamkaitannyadengangunalahanirigasi. PotensialSubstratuntuksimpanan air dancadanganmata air. Adanyaakuifer air tawar yang “unconfined “. Kesesuaian Substratum (danprofiltanah) untukmendukung “landasan” (buildings, roads, canals, dll.) DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  44. LAND EVALUATION…. EVALUASI LAHAN Land evaluation is the process of assessment of land performance when used for specific purposes, involving the execution and interpretation of surveys and studies of land forms, soils, vegetation, climate and other aspects of land in order to identify and make a comparison of promising kinds of land use in terms applicable to the objectives of the evaluation. LUT A land utilization type (FAO, 1976) is a kind of land use described or defined in a higher degree of detail than that of a major kind of land use (such as rainfed agriculture or forestry), as an abstraction of actual land-use systems (which may be single, compound or multiple). DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  45. KETAHANAN LAHAN Some concepts of resilience of land and its productivity, comparing the situation in someindustrialized countries (A) with that of most developing countries (B). (Sombroek, 1993) KetahanansuatuLahan : The capacity of the land to recover quickly to former levels of productivity - or to resume the trend to increased productivity - after an adverse influence such as drought, floods, or human abandonment or mismanagement. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  46. MAJOR ISSUES OF LAND MANAGEMENT…. Penurunankualitastanahsebagailingkunganhidupakartanaman; Erosidankehilangantanahlapisanatasoleh air danangin; Kehilanganvegetasipenutuptanah, termasukkayu-kayuantahunan; Acidifikasi, kesuburantanahmenurundandeplesiharatanaman; Salinitasdansalinisasi, terutamapadalahanirigasi. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  47. Qualitative relationships between gradually increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, soil characteristics and medium-term processes in soils, and biomass or crop productivity. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  48. INDICATOR : Land condition change (Change in land qualities). Jenis-jenisIndikator: Kondisifisikatanah; Diversitasataudensitasvegetasipenutuplahan; Tebalnya topsoil (by erosion or, conversely, by good management); Salinity atausodicity(kondisitanah alkaline); Terracing; Jalur-jalurvegetasikontur. Unit in which the indicator is measured: areal extent and magnitude of change of the indicator types , with improvement and deterioration reported separately. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  49. LAND QUALITY INDICATOR (LQI) I. Di ataspermukaantanah, yang berhubungandneganhasiltanaman: Cover close to the ground: its density, distribution, duration, timing. Stress in plants: growth rates; timing and frequency of wilting; visible nutrient deficiencies or imbalances. II. Padapermukaantanah, as affecting particularly soil moisture and runoff+erosion: Porosity of at least topsoil layers, in millimetric bands: proportions of incident rainfall becoming infiltrated; III. Di bawahpermukaantanah Kandungan BOT danaktivitasbiologistanahmempengaruhiberbagaisifattanah: Soil architecture: . structural stability; . gas exchange . water movement and retention/release; Cation exchange capacity: . nutrient capture and retention; . pH buffering; . nutrient availability; . source of small amounts of recycled nutrients. DiunduhdariSumber: http://www.mpl.ird.fr/crea/taller-colombia/FAO/AGLL/pdfdocs/landqual.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

  50. Lima perangkat LQI untukekosistem yang terkelola (Pertanian & Kehutanan) KESEIMBANGAN HARA - NUTRIENT BALANCE: describes nutrient stocks and flows as related to different land management systems used by farmers in specific AEZs and specific countries. YIELD TRENDS AND YIELD GAPS: describes current yields, yield trends and actual:potential farm-level yields for the major food crops in different countries. LAND USE INTENSITY: describes the impacts of agricultural intensification on land quality. Intensification may involve increased cropping, more value-added production, and increased amounts and frequency of inputs; emphasis is on the management practices adopted by farmers in the transition to intensification. LAND USE DIVERSITY (agrodiversity): describes the degree of diversification of production systems over the landscape, including livestock and agroforestry systems; it reflects the degree of flexibility (and resilience) of regional farming systems, and their capacity to absorb shocks and respond to opportunities. TUTUPAN LAHAN - LAND COVER: describes the extent, duration and timing of vegetative cover on the land during major erosive periods of the year. It is a surrogate for erosion and, along with land use intensity and diversity, it will increase understanding on the issues of desertification. DiunduhdariSumber: http://wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in/energy/HC270799/LM/SUSLUP/KeySpeakers/ADumanski.pdf .................... 3/11/2012 .

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