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Retreat from the New Deal

Explore the reasons for Democrats' 2010 midterm election loss, the concept of election backlash, and the political dynamics of the 1946 and 1948 elections. Dive into Truman's New Deal policies, hindrances he faced, and his surprising re-election victory in 1948.

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Retreat from the New Deal

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  1. Retreat from the New Deal

  2. If you had to point to one major reason why the democrats lost in the midterm elections of 2010, what would it be?

  3. What is a backlash in political elections? • Election of 2010 • Election of 2008 • Election of 2006 • Election of 2000 • Election of 1994 • Election of 1976 • Election of 1948 When citizens punish the incumbent government by voting against them

  4. What factors contribute to a backlash? • Economy • Depression or Recession • Taxes • Civil Rights • GITMO • Morals/Religion • Christian Coalition • Security/Foreign Policy • Iraq War • Perceived Corruption • Nixon

  5. Today we will be able to identify that, following WWII, Americans turned away from the New Deal and towards conservatism by analyzing the results of the election of 1946/1948.

  6. We will also be able to explain that, despite this political shift, Truman was able to win the election of 1948 to the surprise of political experts.

  7. Where on the political spectrum did FDR, Truman, New Deal Policies, and Congress fall in 1945? The New Deal Congress FDR Truman

  8. Where on the political spectrum do communism and unions fall? The New Deal Communism Unions FDR Congress Truman

  9. Where on the political spectrum do conservatives fall? Backlash The New Deal Communism Conservatives Unions FDR Truman Congress

  10. Describe Truman’s plan for America? • New Deal • Public housing • National Health Insurance • Discrimination • Civil Rights • Desegregated military

  11. What hindered Truman? • Inflation • 15% annually in late 40s He tried to stop inflation. How? Books • Shortages • Marshall Plan • Labor unrest • "To Err is Truman" • Approval ratings • 87% in 1945 • 32% in 1946

  12. Backlash of 1946 • Slow economy • still regulated by price controls from WWII. • Republicans (Nixon) pushed Truman to remove the price controls. • Truman did • Result = prices soared • Strikes increased • Red Scare • Republicans campaigned under slogan, “Had Enough?”

  13. Truman

  14. What were the results of the 1946 congressional elections? Election of 1946

  15. The 80th Republican Dominated Congress called The “Do Nothing” Congress? Truman’s most political astute move. See books and explain how the address to Congress and the move to call them the “Do Nothing” congress was politically brilliant.

  16. What was the Taft-Hartley Bill? Limited unions bargaining power, ability to strike, and requirements for union membership. Passed the House and Senate Truman vetoed the bill calling it “Slave Labor” Congress voted to override the presidents veto.

  17. Who were the candidates for president in the election of 1948? • Thomas Dewey • Republican Governor of NY • polished, well spoken • Truman • Incumbent • Blunt, gruff • 35% approval rating • Encouraged not to run • Strom Thurmond • Dixiecrats • Broke away from democrats over “states rights” • IE. Civil Rights intruding on “Southern Way of Life” • Henry Wallace • Progressive party • socialist

  18. Election of 1948

  19. Why is important that Thurmond and Wallace ran for president? Who does it hurt?

  20. Truman takes to the Rails

  21. Truman’s Campaign Strategy • Exposed the “Do Nothing Congress” • Had rejected civil rights, new deal reforms, and many others. • Gave over 230 speeches • 32 thousand miles • Republicans have no real plan • Dewey’s Pollster stopped making phone calls a month before election • Dewey • Only gave 16 speeches • Vague on issues (platitudes) • Still…polled one week from election day 50 experts all predicted a Dewey victory

  22. What were the results? • Truman won • Chicago Tribune (conservative paper) assumed Dewey won and printed headline early

  23. Election Results

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