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Synthesis on Distributed-memory System

Synthesis on Distributed-memory System. Test Bed 8-node DEC Alpha Farm with DEC HPF compiler IBM SP2 with HPF compiler nCUBE/2 with 16 nodes. CPU. CPU. CPU. CPU. CPU. Memory. Memory. Memory. Memory. Memory. Interconnection Network. HPF Example. REAL A(N,2*N), B(2*N), C(2*N,2*N)

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Synthesis on Distributed-memory System

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  1. Synthesis on Distributed-memory System • Test Bed • 8-node DEC Alpha Farm with DEC HPF compiler • IBM SP2 with HPF compiler • nCUBE/2 with 16 nodes CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU Memory Memory Memory Memory Memory Interconnection Network

  2. HPF Example REAL A(N,2*N), B(2*N), C(2*N,2*N) REAL D(2*N,N), E(N), F(N), G(N) !HPF TEMPLATE TEMP(N*N*4,N*N*4) !HPF ALIGN A(i,j) WITH TEMP(4*i-3,4*j-3) !HPF ALIGN B(i) WITH TEMP(*,4*i-3) !HPF ALIGN C(i,j) WITH TEMP(4*j-3,i) !HPF ALIGN D(i,j) WITH TEMP(4*j-3,4*i-3) !HPF ALIGN G(i) WITH TEMP(4*i-3,*) D=C(:,1:4*N:4) E=SUM(A+TRANSPOSE(D),DIM=2) F=SUM(SPREAD(B,DIM=2,NCOPIES=N)+D,DIM=1) G=B(1:2*N:2)+E+F S. Chatterjee et al. “Automatic Array Alignment in Data-Parallel Programs” ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages,1993.

  3. HPF Example (Cont’d) • We execute the codes by DEC HPF Compiler on 8-node DEC Farm with an FDDI network. • Loop 100 times. N is set to 128.

  4. Apply Array Operation Synthesis to Distributed-memory Machines • Owner Computes Rule of HPF • Memory References of Distributed-memory Machines • Local References • Remote References(Communication)

  5. Synthesis Anomaly Array Operation Synthesis may either • Example of Synthesis Anomaly decrease Remote References or GOOD increase Remote References or Require more communication time Synthesis Anomaly !HPF TEMPLATE TEMP(N,N) REAL A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N) !HPF ALIGN A(I,J),B(I,J),C(I,J)WITH TEMP(I,J) C=TRANSPOSE(A+B,1)

  6. Evaluating Array Expression Optimal Solution is NP-hard • Except the optimal solution, we also propose a heuristic algorithm. Under the Owner Computes Rule To Synthesize Part of Array Operations To Find Data Layout of Temporary Arrays

  7. A Heuristic to Reduce Synthesis Anomaly Do Array Operation Synthesis Does synthesis increase communication cost? Roll back temporary arrays Do code generation normally

  8. Reference Location !HPF$ ALIGN F(I,J) WITH TEMP(3*I-1,J) • The reference location of F(2*J-1,I) with respect to TEMP is: TEMP(3*(2*J-1)-1,I)=TEMP(6*J-4,I)

  9. Demonstration Example of Heuristic Algorithm !HPF$ TEMPLATE TEMP(300,300) REAL A(100,100),B(100,100),C(100,100) REAL D(100,100),E(100,100),F(200,100), G(300,100) !HPF$ ALIGN A(i,j),B(i,j),C(i,j),D(i,j),E(i,j) with TEMP(i,j) !HPF$ ALIGN F(i,j) with TEMP(3*i-1,j) !HPF$ ALIGN G(i,j) with TEMP(2*i,j) C(1:100,:)=F(1:200:2,:) D(1:100,:)=G(1:300:3,:) E=CSHIFT(TRANSPOSE(A+B),1,1 )*(TRANSPOSE(C)-TRANSPOSE(D) ) Do Array Operation Synthesis FORALL (I=1:99,J=1:100) E(I,J)=(A[J,I+1]+B[J,I+1])*(F[2*J-1,I]-G[3*J-2,I]) END FORALL FORALL (I=100:100,J=1:100) E(I,J)=(A[J,I-99]+B[J,I-99])*(F[2*J-1,I]-G[3*J-2,I]) END FORALL

  10. Heuristic Algorithm (1) E(I,J)=(A[J,I+1]+B[J,I+1])*(F[2*J-1,I]-G[3*J-2,I]) E[I,J] F[2*J-1,I] A[J,I+1] B[J,I+1] G[3*J-2,I]

  11. TEMP[I,J] TEMP[6*J-4,I] TEMP[J,I+1] TEMP[6*J-4,I] TEMP[J,I+1]

  12. SB1 SB2

  13. Heuristic Algorithm (1) E(I,J)=(A[J,I+1]+B[J,I+1])*(F[2*J-1,I]-G[3*J-2,I]) E[I,J] TEMP[I,J] SB1 SB2 F[2*J-1,I] A[J,I+1] B[J,I+1] G[3*J-2,I] TEMP[6*J-4,I] TEMP[J,I+1] TEMP[6*J-4,I] TEMP[J,I+1]

  14. Heuristic Algorithm (2) !HPF$ ALIGN TA1(I,J) WITH TEMP(J,I+1) !HPF$ ALIGN TA2(I,J) WITH TEMP(6*J-4,I) • Create Temporary Arrays FORALL (I=1:99,J=1:100) TA1(I,J) =A(J,I+1)+B(J,I+1) END FORALL Communication Free Loop For Subtree SB1 FORALL (I=1:99,J=1:100) TA2(I,J) =F(2*J-1,I)-G(3*J-2,I) END FORALL For Subtree SB2 Communication Free Loop FORALL (I=1:99,J=1:100) E(I,J)=TA1(I,J)*TA2(I,J) END FORALL

  15. Experimental Results on DEC Workstation Farm (N=128) (Purdue-set Problem 9) (APULE routine electromagnetic scattering problem)

  16. Experimental Results on DEC Workstation Farm (N=128) (Sandia Wave)

  17. Experimental Results on IBM SP2 (N=512) (Purdue-set Problem 9) (APULE routine electromagnetic scattering problem)

  18. Experimental Results on IBM SP2 (N=512) (Sandia Wave)

  19. Experimental Results on nCUBE/2 with 16 processors

  20. Experimental Results on nCUBE/2 with 16 processors

  21. Performance of eight suites on nCUBE/2

  22. Performance of eight suites on nCUBE/2

  23. Array Operation Synthesis in Distributed-memory Machines • Optimal solution is NP-hard • A heuristic algorithm for code generation • Experimental results show speedups from 1.6 to 10.4 for HPF code fragments on DEC alpha farm and IBM SP2 • We demonstrated that it is also profitable in applying AOS to HPF programs

  24. Integrating AOS and Automatic Data Alignment • Data Alignment Directive in HPF is with continuous semantics • The data access patterns after applying AOS may not be continuous • We propose Segmented Alignment !HPF$ ALIGN TA2(I,J) WITH TEMP(6*J-4,I)

  25. Segmented Alignment • To align Arrays in a specified index domain • Implementation of Segmented Alignment • Split an array into several subarrays !HPF$ ALIGN TA2(I,J) WITH TEMP(6*J-4,I) WHEN (I,J) IN (1:N/2:1, N/2:N:1)

  26. Conclusion • The Array Operation Synthesis can handle RESHAPE, SPREAD, CSHIFT, EOSHIFT, TRANSPOSE, MERGE, section movement, reduction operations, and WHERE construct • The measured speedups from real applications between 1.21 and 7.55 in Sequent S27 and SGI Power Challenge. • Experimental results show speedups from 1.6 to 10.4 for HPF code fragments from real applications on DEC alpha Farm and IBM SP2

  27. Future Work • To handle PACK, UNPACK and Matrix Multiplication • Integrating Automatic Data Alignment and AOS • Synthesis for array operation functions which includes message passing codes • Applying AOS toward a more extensive set of data parallel programs

  28. Future Work • To handle PACK, UNPACK and Matrix Multiplication • Synthesis for array operation functions which includes message passing codes • Applying AOS toward a more extensive set of data parallel programs

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