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OECD Smart Specialization Project Feedback on the complete Project – STATUS May 10-11, 2012 --- P aris. ECOOM KU Leuven & EWI W. Glänzel , B. Thijs (ECOOM) J. Callaert , M. du Plessis (ECOOM) P. Andries (ECOOM) K. Debackere (ECOOM) J. Larosse (EWI) N. Geerts (EWI).
OECD Smart Specialization ProjectFeedback on the complete Project – STATUSMay 10-11, 2012 --- Paris ECOOM KU Leuven & EWI W. Glänzel, B. Thijs (ECOOM) J. Callaert, M. du Plessis (ECOOM) P. Andries (ECOOM) K. Debackere (ECOOM) J. Larosse (EWI) N. Geerts (EWI)
OECD Smart Specialization ProjectStep 1: Constructing the BaselineQuantitative Baseline Profiles
Structure of the baseline presentation • Introduction • Specialisation in scientific research • Specialisation in technology • Economic specialisation • First results • Specialisation of countries and regions • Case-study for Flanders • First conclusions • Further steps and future tasks
Data and indicators are determined for the following eleven countries and fourteen regions: • Australia • Austria • Lower Austria (AT12) • Upper Austria (AT31) • Belgium • Flanders (BE2) • Finland • Etela-Suomi (FI18) • Germany • Berlin (DE3) • Brandenburg (DE4) • Netherlands • South Netherlands (NL4) • Poland • Malopolska (PL21)
South Korea • Jeolla (KR04) • Spain • Pais Vasco (ES21) • Andalusia (ES61) • Murcia (ES62) • Turkey • East Marmara (TR42) • UK • West Midlands (UKG)
Specialisation indicators deployed for data on scientific research
Data sources: • Data of Thomson Reuters’ Web of Science (WoS) are used. • Only original research work and review articles were extracted from the database. • A full counting scheme was applied to country, region and institutional assignment. • The observation period comprises 13 years and is subdivided into the following sub-periods: • 1998–2002 • 2003–2006 • 2007–2010
Measures of national and regional specialisation: • Technological specialisation is studied using patent-based indicators, broken down by: • Country / Region (based on applicant addresses) • Technology domain (Fraunhofer classification into 35 domains) • Application years (1998-2001; 2002-2005; 2006-2009) • Patent system: EPO – USPTO - PCT • Full counting schemes are used for allocation to countries, regions and technology domains. • Data source: PATSTAT database (EPO Worldwide Patent Statistical Database, version October 2011). • Focus on EPO + PCT application data; USPTO grant data (only on country level). EPO & PCT lead to similar results!
Measures of national and regional specialisation: • Relative specialization indicators are typically used: • RTAij = (Pij/SiPij)/(SjPji/SijPij) • with P the number of patents • with i = country or region grouping variableand j = patent IPC-class grouping (technological domain or industrial sector) • value of 1 = benchmark group average • various mapping possibilities (RCA - RTA or RTA over different periods, …) exist
Measures of national and regional specialisation: • National economic specialisation is usually studied using export data or production output, broken down by NACE sector. • However, data not available at the regional level. • Most appropriate available data are OECD’s regional labour market statistics: • Available for selection of countries and regions • Aggregated in 32 industries (not all industries represented)
Presentation of results: • Results are organised by countries and – within individual countries – by regions. • Results consistently presented for three considered time periods (1998–2001 / 2002–2005 / 2006–2009). • Research and technology specialisation are presented separately. • Research specialisation: • By major fields with high specialisation • By disciplines within fields of high activity • By disciplines with high specialisation in other fields • Technological specialisation: • Evolution (1998-2009) of the number of patents per million inhabitants (EPO patents) for the top 10 technological domains in each country • Radar plots of the RTAN values for the 35 Fraunhofer technological sectors (EPO patents) • Economic specialisation: • Radar plots of the RCAN values for 32 industries • Striking observations are summarised. • NOTE: underlying those results is a wealth of rich data that are not reported in this presentation but that are available (e.g. lead institutions, etc.) per country/region.
Austria Scientific profile according to the Activity Index Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Lower AustriaScientific profile (accordingto the Activity Index) Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Lower AustriaScientific profile (accordingto the Activity Index) Specialisation within the science fields with the highest relative activity (AI values are given in chronological order) • Agriculture & Environment (A) • Environmental Sciences (AI=1.49; 1.28; 1.62) • Environmental Studies (AI=2.27; 1.90; 2.14) • Biology (organismic & supraorganismic level) (Z) • Ecology (AI=1.20; 1.86; 2.27) Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Lower AustriaScientific profile (accordingto the Activity Index) Subject categories of specialisation outside the ‘focus fields’ with the (AI values are given in chronological order) Legend: CO: Biochemical research methods; CU: Biology; HT: Evolutionary Biology; VY: Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Lower AustriaScientific profile • Striking observations: • General trends • Low scientific output activities • High specialisation Agriculture and Biology but with decreasing AI • Highlights • In the ‘focus fields’: Specialism in Environmental Sciences and Studies and in Ecology • Outside the ‘focus fields’: Specialism in three related fields: Biomedical Research Methods, Biology and Evolutionary Biology. And an increasing specialism in Radiology and medical imaging. Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Lower Austria Observations, technology profile • Top 3 highest and lowest specialisations • Highlights • Civil engineering top domain (in terms of patent volume but also specialisation) over whole period, with patent volume peaking around 2005-2006. • Specialisation patterns relatively stable over time, but: • Increasing level of under-specialisation for Optics, Semiconductors as well as Engines, pumps and turbines • A previously outspoken under-specialisation for Analysis of biological materials
Austria Data source: OECD
Lower Austria Data source: OECD
Lower Austria Observations, economic profile • Top 3 highest and lowest specialisations • Highlights • Recent data missing for several sectors • Specialisations and under-specialisations appear relatively stable over time
Austria Scientific profile according to the Activity Index Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Upper AustriaScientific profile (accordingto the Activity Index) Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Upper AustriaScientific profile (accordingto the Activity Index) Specialisation within the science fields with the highest relative activity (AI values are given in chronological order) • Mathematics (H) • Mathematics, Applied (AI=1.76; 1.87; 1.67) • Physics (P) • Instruments & Instrumentation (AI=0.70; 1.07; 1.44) • Physics, Applied (AI=1.49; 1.59; 1.45) • Physics, Mathematical (AI=0.68; 1.20; 1.99) • Physics, Condensed Matter (AI=2.17; 1.83; 1.73) Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Upper AustriaScientific profile (accordingto the Activity Index) Subject categories of specialisation outside the ‘focus fields’ with the (AI values are given in chronological order) Legend: PZ: Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering; QG Material Sciences, Coatings & Films; ZA, Urology & Nephrology Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Upper AustriaScientific profile • Striking observations: • General trends • Rather low scientific output activities • High specialisation in Mathematics (Increasing) and Physics (decreasing) • Highlights • In the ‘focus fields’: Applied Mathematics and strong growth in Instruments and Instrumentation and mathematical physics. Applied Physics and Condensed Matter are still specialism but declining. • Outside the ‘focus fields’: Specialism in three fields: Two in chemistry: Metallurgy; Material Sciences, Coatings and Films and one medical discipline: Urology Data source: Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge
Upper Austria Observations, technology profile • Top 3 highest and lowest specialisations • Highlights • High level of technological activity in Machine Tools over the whole period. Since 2006, also high activity levels in Civil Engineering and in Other special machines • High activity in Machinery-related fields also visible in the regional specialisation profile (and strong under-specialisation in Communication and IT related fields) • RTAN for Microstructure and nano-technology shows strong increase over time from outspoken under-specialisation at the end of the nineties to modest level of specialisation by 2006-2009.
Austria Data source: OECD
Upper Austria Data source: OECD
Upper Austria Observations, economic profile • Top 3 highest and lowest specialisations • Highlights • Specialisations and under-specialisations are relatively stable over time
What do we see? • Classification schemes in science – technology –economics are (only) partially convergent, however: • The baseline does reveal patterns of specialization at the level of science, technology and economic base that are quite finegrained taking into account the benchmarking needs --- 60 subfields / 170 disciplines (science), 35 Fraunhofer technology categories, 32 economic sectors • Observation of the three specialization axes (S-T-E) indicates that subsets of the S-T-E indicator base reveal patterns of alignment and non-alignment
What do we see? • Classification schemes in science – technology –economics are (only) partially convergent, however: • Linking S-T-E configurations to 3S typology (radical foundation, transformation, diversification, modernization) is an opportunity • S-T-E indicators --- as described & highlighted --- should be used in an interactive, policy learning dialogue and should not be expected to direct a top-down agenda --- the classification methodology allows for such interactive approach, cfr. case studies
What do we see? • Don’t forget: • Underlying the spider plots, there is a wealth of individual country/region data that can be made available to the countries/regions participating in the pilot study • Data on lead institutions and lead companies can be drawn from those underlying data • Alongside the relative positions countries/regions should also take into account their absolute positions in terms of S-T-E economic output
Case-studies for Flanders:Lessons from the baseline analysis
Case studies for Flanders Nano-electronics (for health) • Those subject categories have been chosen in which IMEC has published more that 10%* of its papers each in the period 2000-2009. • 45.2% engineering, electrical & electronic • 45.0% physics, applied • 19.7% physics, condensed matter • 19.5% materials science, multidisciplinary • 13.2% optics ______________ * Note that multiple assignment is possible
Case studies for Flanders Nano-electronics (for health) • In addition, Flemish scientific and technological output in the medical fields (including neurosciences) is high: • Above average specialization in clinical research & neuroscience research, as well as in medical informatics & electrical engineering • High and increasing RTAN values for biotechnology & pharmaceuticals, microstructure & nanotechnology • Hence: there is a strong and diverse basis of knowledge specialization in the area of nanotechnology for health --- but not (yet) translated into or aligned with an existing economic specialization or technology position. • Indicative of a “radical foundation” 3S?