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Research into information supply and information demand of different parties concerned

Research by J. Koehler, L. Dreijerink, R. van Poll explores the risk information gap among stakeholders interested in food-related risks and the efforts of the RIVM in meeting these demands. The study examines the discrepancies between information supply and demand from various parties and offers insights on improving communication strategies.

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Research into information supply and information demand of different parties concerned

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  1. Research into information supply and information demand of different parties concerned Exploring the risk information gap J. Koehler, L. Dreijerink, R. van Poll

  2. “All the information on food related risks is so confusing…there is so much overstated information…it makes you worry if you don’t understand much of it…” “RIVM? …I don’t know...is it a …research institute?”

  3. Approaching the risk information gap Contractors (Ministries, local authorities,..) RIVM National Institute for PH and Environment Information supply ? Risk information (Reports, website, press releases) Information gap Public Media Information demand Researchers NGOs (other) policy makers

  4. Contents • What kind of risk information does the RIVM provide? • What kind of risk information do different stakeholders want? • Results • Conclusions

  5. Information supply RIVM = National Institute for Public Health and the Environment RIVM’s tasks- research- policy support- national coordination- intervention programmes- provision of information to professionals and the general public J. Koehler, L. Dreijerink, R. van Poll

  6. Information supply Website Reports Press releases

  7. Information supply Screening RIVM risk reports Checklist: • Aspects related to risk assessment • Aspects related to the nature of the risk • Aspects related to dealing with the risk • Aspects related to the social context • Aspects related to personal characteristics

  8. Information demand • Qualitative approach

  9. Information demand Questionnaire • Experience with the risk topic • Gathering information in this topic • Risk perception • Familiarity with RIVM and image of the RIVM • Relevance of the RIVM for gathering information on the risk topic • Opinion about the website, reports or press releases • Personal contacts • Custom-made information

  10. Information demand Results of the interviews / focus group discussions Risk perception • NGOs, policy makers, researchers and public worried about risks Familiarity with RIVM • Nearly all professionals are familiar with the institute • Civilians don’t know the RIVM very well Image of the institute • Professionals: RIVM is reliable, professional, open, honest, objective, consistent , and credible but not transparent and independent Means of communication • Website: occasionally used by most of professionals • Reports: understandable for researchers, other professionals • Press releases: not made use of • Personal contacts: appreciated

  11. Information demand • Custom-made information is favoured • Active communication is preferred • Clear summaries of the risk reports • Policy makers: more information on the local or regional level and policy implication • Public: concrete information on personal circumstances • NGOs: involvement at earlier stages of research • Media: freedom to choose own topics • Researchers: more insight in how study results /conclusions are derived

  12. Is there an ‘information gap’? To a certain extent an information gap exists: RIVM information supply does not always correspond with the information need of the different parties concerned. Extent varies according to the different parties: Researchers, Media Policy makers, NGO’s Public Extent of information gap

  13. RIVM National Institute for Public Health and the Environment jutta.koehler@rivm.nl

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