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Visual Presentation of Data. Azam Raufee, Kowsar Medical Institute,. Visual Presentation of Data Tables Figures Nontabular Material. Tables Large amounts of detailed quantitative information in a smaller space Item-to-item comparisons Many quantitative values simultaneously
Visual Presentation of Data Azam Raufee,Kowsar Medical Institute,
Visual Presentation of Data • Tables • Figures • Nontabular Material
Tables • Large amounts of detailed quantitative information in a smaller space • Item-to-item comparisons • Many quantitative values simultaneously • Individual data values precisely • Complex relationships in data
Essential component - > present detailed information effectively and in ways that text alone cannot • Study results -> Summarize, organize, and condense complex or detailed data NOTE A proper table -> doesn’t require explanation
Note: Table Position As referred to in the text Present numerical data
Tabulation (a brief, in-text table) • placed directly in the text • Unnecessary titles, numbering, and rules 1 or 2 columns boldface column headings requires the text to explain meaning
Matrix (a tabular structure ) To depict relationships among columns and rows -> uses numbers, short words (eg, no, yes), or symbols (eg, bullets, check marks)
Nontabular Material (Boxes, Sidebars) • Does not contain cells • Set off from the text • References should also appear in the reference list and be numbered in order of their appearance Sometimes the box or sidebar is cited in the text (following the citation rules for tables) and other times (eg, in news articles) it is not
Boxes • Contains words, phrases, or sentences • Often in list form • To emphasize key points, summarize information, and/or reduce the narrative text
Sidebar of sources for further reading Sidebars supplementary information, including related topics or lists of sources for further reading Sidebar from a news story on influenza
Organizing Information in Tables • Tabulating all collected study data is unnecessary and actually may distract and overwhelm the reader. • The length of the table should also be considered. • 2 or more smaller tables • set in smaller type • publish the table in electronic form • in print publications -> up to 9 or 10 columns of data
The second table more easily allows the reader to compare the changes over time.
Table Components • Title • Column headings • Stubs (row headings) • Body (data field) • Footnotes
Title • brief, specific, descriptive • usually written as a phrase • Distinguishes the table from other data displays in the article • Convey the topic of the table • (not detailed background information or summary of results) • Numbered according to the text order • The word “Table” and the table number are part of the title. • Only 1 table in the article -> “Table” • The capitalization style -> as article titles
Column Headings • main categories -> separate columns • Each column -> a brief heading • Independent and dependent variables • the independent variables -> left-hand column • the dependent variables -> right-hand column • unit of measure -> indicated in the column heading (unless it is given in the table stub) • preceded by a comma • boldface type • Column subheadings may be used • Complex headings -> braces, or footnotes
All elements in a column are equal (female sex) -> delete the column -> indicate in footnote or tabletitle • Numbers and abbreviations may be relaxed with abbreviations expanded in a footnote • When space allows , expansions are preferable to abbreviations. • The capitalization style -> as article titles
Table Stubs (Row Headings) Left-justified Unit of measure if It is not included in column heading Some publications use bold stubs or shading Capitalization: sentences, NOT titles the first word should be capitalized Indentions: Depict hierarchical components of the stubs
Cut-in headings • A table divided into parts to enhance clarity • 2 closely related tables that would be better combined • Above the table columns • (below the column heads) • Boldface • Centered N0TE Both column headings and stubs should be consistent in style and presentation between tables in the same article.
Field (body) • Numerals, text, symbols, or a combination • Data arranged logically -> find data point easily. e.g. • time order should be used for data collected in sequence • Similar types of data should be grouped. • Numbers that are added or averaged should be placed in the same column. • Capitalization -> Sentences style • Avoid blank space (ambiguity) unless an entry in a cell does not contain data. • The numeral 0 should be used • Ellipsis (...) -> no data available or the category is not applicable for a cell • Other designations such as NA, meaning in footnote
Sex and age were matching variables, no data appear in those cells
Totals • Corresponded to values in the text and abstract • Explain discrepancies (eg, because of rounding) in a footnote. • Discretion in Boldface type for true totals (ie, those that represent sums of values in the table) • Do not boldface to emphasize data (eg, significant odds ratios or P values).
Alignment of Data Horizontal alignment (across rows) Stub line exceed the width of the stub column aligned across the first line
Vertical alignment • Lengthy text -> the flush-left format should be used with an indent for run over lines.
Rules and Shading • For JAMA and the Archives Journals, tables should be submitted without rules or shading. • Many journals add rules and shading, JAMA uses horizontal rules to separate rows of data (Example T8). Other journals may use shading.
Order -> placement in the table • The letter for entire table -> after the table title • 1 or 2 columns or rows -> after the column heading(s) or stub(s) • A single or several individual entries -> at the end of each entry • listed at the bottom , each on its own line • To save space -> 2 columns Footnotes
Superscript lowercase letters in alphabetical order (a-z) • Font size -> large enough to see clearly without appearing to be part of the actual data • Using symbols (JAMA and the Archives Journals) -> are limited in number (*,† , etc) • Care -> superscript footnote letters are distinguished clearly from superscripts used for data elements (Blood Groups, Platelet Antigens) -> symbols may avoid confusion • Phrases or complete sentences • Operational signs (P = .01) is considered a complete sentence. • Footnote letters before the text • Followed by a space for clarity
JAMA and the Archives Journals -> abbreviations and units of measure conversion first • AND Set off with an introductory word or phrase instead of a letter • Abbreviations -> in alphabetical order • Units of measure and applicable conversion factors -> separate footnote
Several tables share long footnote -> refer to the first table (eg. Study acronyms are explained in the first footnote to Table 1. ) • The reader may be referred to a relevant discussion in the text.(eg. See the “Statistical Analysis” section for a description of this procedure.) • N0TE 1: References -> numbered as the text • N0TE 2: References at the end of table titles are ambiguous. Instead, a footnote should be added with an explanation that it was • Adapted from ... • Reproduced with permission from ... • Data were derived from ... • Both footnote letter and reference number: • 1. the reference number, • 2. the letter (eg. 427 Patients5,b ).
Some examples of footnotes • To expand abbreviations: Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio. • To designate reporting of numerical values:a Scores are based on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 indicating least severe and 10, most severe. • To provide information on statistical analyses or experimental methods:b Adjusted for age, smoking status, and body mass index. • To explain a discrepancy in numerical data:a Because of rounding, percentages may not total 100. • To cite references for information used in the table. References are given as in the text and are designated with superscript arabic numbers: c Classified using International Classification of Health Problems in Primary Care. • To acknowledge that data in the table are taken from or based on data from another source:a Data from the US Census Bureau. • To acknowledge credit for reproduction of a table. If the table has been reprinted or modified with permission from another source, credit should be given in a footnote: a Adapted with permission from the American Medical Association.