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Transmission and Distribution DEWG f2f Meeting . December 5, 2011. T&D DEWG F2F Meeting Tentative Agenda – 12.05.2011. NIST Update (15 mins )
Transmission and Distribution DEWG f2f Meeting December 5, 2011
T&D DEWG F2F Meeting Tentative Agenda – 12.05.2011 NIST Update (15 mins) NIST Framework & Roadmap Release 2.0 – FRN public comment period ended 11/25 http://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/IKBFramework#Draft_NIST_Framework_and_Roadmap Comments for input from T&D DEWG Transmission Bus Load Model – Nokhum (25 minutes) PAP Updates (8, 14, 12, 13, 7, 16 - Joe, Jerry, Frances, Nokhum) (10 minutes) T&D standards issues relevant to other PAPs or for new PAPS (15 minutes) Dynamics in customer loads – dynamic pricing; Coordinating protection and control systems on T&D side w/DER Architecting applications for SG – framework related to TBLM Harmonization of 61400-25 & 61850: 61400-25 alarm model absent in 61850; meteorological tower – different in 61850; how COMFEDE would work in wind plant and DER, esp. w/disturbance Dynamics of large-scale deployment of renewables Relationship of T&D DEWG with DRGS , TCC, and other SGIP WGs and Committees (15 mins) Catalog of Standards (CoS) (10 minutes)
NIST Framework, Release 2.0 Jerry FitzPatrick
Transmission Bus Load Model (TBLM) Nokhum Markushevich
PAP 8 & 14 Updates Joe Hughes
PAP 12 & 13 Updates Jerry FitzPatrick
T&D standards issues relevant to other PAPs or for new PAPS Joe Hughes
T&D standards issues relevant to other PAPs or for new PAPS • Dynamicsin customer loads – dynamic pricing; • Coordinating protection and control systems on T&D side w/DER • Architecting applications for SG – framework related to TBLM • Harmonization of 61400-25 & 61850: • 61400-25 alarm model absent in 61850; • meteorological tower – different in 61850 • how COMFEDE would work in wind plant and DER, esp. w/disturbance • Dynamics of large-scale deployment of renewables
Relationship of T&D DEWG with DRGS , TCC, and other SGIP WGs and Committees
Catalog of Standards (CoS) Jerry FitzPatrick