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Common Hand and Foot Fractures: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore Eponymous, Boxer's, Chauffeur's, Lisfranc, and March fractures with detailed causes, symptoms, and treatment options in this informative guide on common hand and foot fractures.

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Common Hand and Foot Fractures: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Eponymous Fractures • Boxer's Fracture • fracture of metacarpal bones • Classically transversely across the neck of the metacarpal striking an object with a closed fist. • (Also know as Scrapper's fracture or Bar Room fracture)

  2. Chauffeur’s Fracture -intraarticular fractures of the radial styloid process. -radial styloid is within the fracture -fracture fragment can vary markedly in size - Result from FOOSH, or historically from car back-fired whilst hand cranking to start -(Also known as Hutchinson fractures, backfire fractures)

  3. Lisfranc Fracture -Disruption of the tarsometatarsal ligamentous joint complex. -The Lisfranc ligament attaches the medial cuneiform to the 2nd metatarsal base on the plantar aspect of the foot. Its integrity is crucial to the stability of the Lisfranc joint. -Direct Lisfranc injuries can be caused by a crush injury to the midfoot -Indirect Lisfranc injuries are caused by a sudden rotation force on a plantar flexed forefoot.

  4. March Fracture -fracture of the distal third of one of the metatarsals -most commonly 2nd and 3rd metatarsals - Occur as a result of recurrent stress(eg. soldiers, hikers, organists) - common cause of foot pain, especially with history of sudden increase in activities. (also known as fatigue fracture or stress fracture of metatarsal bone)

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