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Sydney Region. ICT Coordinators Day Term 3, 2007. Sydney Region. Agenda. Wrap Up of Term 2 - 2007 CC Day Term 3 2007 Technology Update
Sydney Region ICT Coordinators DayTerm 3, 2007
Sydney Region Agenda Wrap Up of Term 2 - 2007 CC DayTerm 3 2007 Technology Update DET SOECabling standardsIntegrating ICT into Teaching and Learning (Primary School days) Connected Classrooms (High School Day) MS Office -Tips and tricks - PowerPointEffective Use of the Internet and Email Data, video and audio standards in Sydney RegionAn overview of some peripheral devices using standards used in TAFE environments.Stu's Double Jeopardy v2 (Ten Years After)Stu's Double Jeopardy is a computerised (Windows) version of the TV quiz show, but you get to build the questions on any subject you like. Double Jeopardy has been reinvented as a cool new IWB whole-class activity
Sydney Region Wrap up of Term 2, 2007 Wrap Up of Term 1 - 2007 CC Day Term 2 2007 Technology Update MS Office -Tips and tricks - Integrating ICT into Teaching and Learning (Primary School days) Understanding and Coping With Web 2.0 (High School Day) Effective Use of the Internet and Email SMS engine Sentral ( All days) Understanding and Coping With Web 2.0 Socio-Economic status and ICT strategies (High School day)
Sydney Region Primary Schools ICT day T2 2007 evaluations
Sydney Region Term 3 2007 Technology Update Sydney Region ICT updateOASIS thin client- Sydney Region updateSchool Transition Enterprise Management System (STEMS) 2007The SMS engineSydney Region Technology ForumComputer exchangeInternet dangers - parent information sessionDET ICT updateInteractive Whiteboards - Whole of Government Contract MemorandumConnected ClassroomsTechnology for Learning (T4L):Single Vendor - LaptopsInternet Browsing Service: Upgrade to Internet FilteringCPC Pilot : July and August 2007 Adaptive Technologies
SR-ICT update 1 Sydney Region • OASIS thin client- Sydney Region update • By the end of Week 9, all 230 OASIS Thin Client installations will have been completed • The project has been very large, but also very successful • In total, 505 new Desktop PCs and 361 new Thin Client Terminals were installed and configured for OASIS in Admin and Library • In addition, a further 60 ex-TAFE computers were allocated where the OASIS allocation was insufficient • 58 Print Server devices were provided and installed where schools did not have a suitable networkable printer • Every school received a previsit two weeks prior to cutover to clearly explain the process • Over 1,280 school staff were provided Thin Client familiarisation training on the day of their cutover • 3 schools were cutover as an emergency prior to their scheduled date due to server failure. All other schools were cutover on their scheduled date • http://sitwww.det.nsw.edu.au/sr/oasisthinclient
SR-ICT update 2 Sydney Region School Transition Enterprise Management System (STEMS) 2007 • All K-6 schools to complete data entry for STEMS by the end of Week 9 • The transmission of your year 6 data requires entry of a password. The password will be sent by email at the beginning of week 9 • Two High School Trainers have been selected to train relevant staff at each high school in the appropriate use of STEMS for better Year 7 transition • This hands-on training will occur in either Week 1 or 2 of Term 4 at Kirrawee HS (South) and Marrickville HS (North) • Many thanks again to all K-6 schools for their efforts with STEMS this year. • http://stuhasic.com/stems
SR-ICT update 3 Sydney Region • The SMS engine • 25 schools have now signed up for The SMS Engine • New option includes sending SMSs to parents detailing overdue Library Books • New option includes sending SMSs to parents for Lateness (partial absence) • Still 8.8c per one-way SMS incl. GST • All Sydney Region schools that join in get on-site installation and familiarisation training • http://sitwww.det.nsw.edu.au/sr/smsengine
SR-ICT update 4 Sydney Region • Sydney Region Technology Forum • 1868 Posts in 511 Topics by 403 Members • 2030 visits since December, 982 unique visitors, 8211 pages viewed, 83% IE, 16.6 % Firefox, 86.6% Windows users, 13.4% Mac • http://sts.sydneyr.det.nsw.edu.au
SR-ICT update 5 Sydney Region Computer exchange ( Ex TAFE computers to SR schools) The submissions received to date exceed the number of computers that will become available from TAFE institutes this year. As a result, it has been determined that all schools that requested to be part of the program will receive an equitable allocation of computers. The purpose of the exchange is to raise the minimum specifications of computers in schools and is designed as a one–for–one swap. This would mean that for each computer installed, an older computer is removed from the school network. These older computers can then be disposed of as part of the upcoming 2007 T4L program, which for the first time will include a recycling component. We are currently scheduling the delivery of computers as we progressively receive the computers from TAFE institutes. An email will be sent to the school email account and to the school contact for this project closer to the proposed delivery date for your school, providing details of the schedule and the process involved. Please respond to that email promptly to confirm your delivery date.
SR-ICT update 6 Sydney Region Internet dangers - parent information session Sydney Region will be presenting a parent session looking at issues relating to Web 2.0 and Internet safety in the home. This session will build on similar sessions run in 2005, The dark side of the Internet. GRC Oatley High School – Monday evening 29th October 2007 Caringbah High School - Tuesday evening 30th October 2007 Please keep a look out for the invitations If there is an interested school in the North of the region willing to host a seminar please contact one of the Technology Advisers. A suitable hall, seating over 100 people with internet access and catering facilities (tea, coffee, biscuits is required.
ICT update 1 Sydney Region Interactive Whiteboards - Whole of Government Contract Memorandum to: Principals and School Administrative Managers : DN/07/00206 Sydney InPrincipal Communication 27 July 2007, Week 3, Term 3 https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/inprincipal/sydney/2007-07-27/whiteboardmemo.htm
ICT update 2 Sydney Region Connected Learning 1.Connected Classrooms http://www.cli.nsw.edu.au/cli/news/index/connected.shtm There is to be a $158 million investment over four years to create “Connected Classrooms” across NSW public schools and to improve our online learning tools and wide area network. This package includes: $66 million for the connected classroom interactive environment; $29 million for enhanced learning tools; and $63 million for network bandwidth and security enhancements. It is expected that 200 NSW schools will be connected by June 2008. 2.Connected Learning Conference https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/inprincipal/state_office/2007-08-03/zn2w_event_2.htm 3.Living in a Connected world – Sydney Region Conference Thursday 8th November 2007 – Details to be determined
ICT update 3 Sydney Region Faster schools network coming THE NSW education department's chief information officer has flagged massive increases in broadband capacity for the state's school students. NSW Department of Education and Training CIO Stephen Wilson said the agency was working with NSW Commerce to ensure its plans complied with government procurement rules. "I'm confident that we're going to see increases in bandwidth available to schools - real increases - and we have to do it for this Technology for Learning program within the next two years," Mr Wilson said. The department would be required to purchase the majority of its broadband capacity through the government's $300 million whole-of-government broadband contract with SP Telemedia. Mr Wilson declined to reveal details of the capacity upgrade, including its cost and speeds expected to be made available to students after it was completed. The carrier won the contract to supply the core network to serve NSW agencies and departments late in 2005, after a troubled and protracted tender process. SP Telemedia beat Telstra and -Optus for the contract after negotiations stretched into their third year. Mr Wilson said schools would have the option of choosing their own suppliers in areas farther than 50km from a core network's nearest access point. "If we're outside that area we can go directly to other vendors," he said. NSW had also recently established governance and working groups for its Connected Schools strategy, Mr Wilson said. The Australian : Andrew Colley | August 07, 2007
ICT update 4 Sydney Region MEMORANDUM :DN/07/00192 DUAL CORE PROCESSOR UPGRADE FOR NEW LENOVO DESKTOP COMPUTERS I refer to the previous advice (DN/07/00136, InPrincipal 1 June 2007) regarding the Department’s single supplier for desktop computer hardware. Lenovo Australia and New Zealand has offered to upgrade the processor in its desktop computer offering for the Technology for Learning Program rollout, scheduled to commence in Term 3, 2007, using a new dual core processor just released from Intel. Lenovo has offered the newly available Intel Pentium E2140 Dual Core processor to the Department without an increase in the price of its computers. The Pentium E2140 is built on the same core technology contained in Intel’s flagship Core2Duo processors. It represents a significant leap forward in technology that will keep school and TAFE computers humming along for years to come. The new processor is almost 30 percent more powerful than the Pentium 4 processor it is replacing. I expect Lenovo will begin shipping computers with the processor upgrade towards the end of July 2007. Schools and TAFE colleges ordering computers after 28 June 2007 have the option to wait for delivery until the new dual core processor begins shipping. Where orders have been placed and where manufacture has not begun, Lenovo will offer schools/colleges the option to wait for delivery of the new processor. The processor upgrade from Lenovo demonstrates the advantage of establishing the single-supplier relationship. We’re working very closely with Lenovo to deliver a superior product to schools and TAFE that will satisfy all their educational and business requirements at no extra cost to the Department. I remind you that PCs purchased after 1 June 2007 that do not comply with the Department’s hardware standards and standard operating environment will not be eligible for support from IT Help Services or from state and regional IT support teams. If you require further advice regarding the procurement of desktop computers, please contact your local regional or state office IT support team. Tim Anderson - R/CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER - 28 June 2007
ICT update 5 Sydney Region Technology for Learning (T4L) https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/inprincipal/sydney/2007-08-10/TechforLrngProgmemo.htm https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/t4l/ Please contact: Bambos Meitani 9298 6914(ph) 9298 6940(fax) 0408 640 208(mobile) bambos.meitani@det.nsw.edu.au
ICT update 6 1 Sydney Region Single Vendor for IBM-Compatible Notebook Computers Memorandum to: Principals and School Administrative Managers. DN/07/00260 The Director-General has approved the selection of Acer Computer Australia as the Department’s sole supplier of IBM-compatible notebook computers. From 1 September 2007, all IBM-compatible notebook computers are to be purchased from Acer Computer Australia. The Department’s single-vendor relationship with Acer follows the establishment of the new whole of government contract for the procurement of information and communication technology equipment by the Department of Commerce. The contract, ITS2007, is for the supply of notebook and desktop computers to all NSW government agencies. Specifications for the selected notebooks are available at the department’s website. The Department’s Information Technology Directorate will extend the base standard operating environment (SOE) to include the Acer notebook computers. This will improve the efficiency of local notebook support and helpdesk services and enable them to serve you more effectively. NB. Notebook computers purchased after 1 September 2007 that do not comply with the Department’s hardware standards and SOE will not be eligible for support from IT Help Services or from state and regional IT support teams.
ICT update 7 2 Sydney Region If you have indicated on your T4L response form that you wish to place a discretionary order for notebook computers, an Acer representative will contact you shortly to discuss your requirements and to coordinate your discretionary delivery with any T4L notebook computers you have ordered. This single vendor arrangement does not include notebook computers supplied by Apple Computers Australia. The Department of Commerce is yet to finalise a new contract with Apple. Therefore, orders for Apple desktop and notebook computers have been postponed until Term 1, 2008. The contract vendors who will offer ITS2007 servers are yet to be selected by the Department of Commerce. As soon as this happens, the Information Technology Directorate will employ a similar single vendor approach for servers as it has for desktop and notebook computers. I will provide further advice after the new contract for servers is finalised. Further information about the benefits of ITS2007 and the establishment of single-vendor relationships is attached. If you require further advice regarding the procurement of notebook computers, please contact your local regional or state office IT support team. Links from this document: http://software.det.nsw.edu.au Stephen Wilson CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER 31 August 2007
ICT update 10 Sydney Region Single Vendor for IBM-Compatible Desktop Computers Memorandum to: Principals and School Administrative Managers DN/07/00136 https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/inprincipal/sydney/2007-06-01/SinglePCvendor.htm As of 1 June 2007 there is a single supplier for Desktop PC equipment: Lenovo
ICT update 11 Sydney Region Internet Browsing Service: Upgrade to Internet Filtering Memorandum to: Principals DN/07/00197Sydney InPrincipal Communication 17 August 2007, Week 6, Term 3 https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/inprincipal/sydney/2007-08-17/dn0700197internetfilteringupgrade.htm
ICT update 12 Sydney Region CPC Pilot : July and August 2007 Western Region and Northern Sydney Region http://dmig.det.nsw.edu.au/Projects/CPC/cpc_pilot/
ICT update 13 Sydney Region Adaptive Technologies http://www.cli.nsw.edu.au/cli/e-learning/adaptive_technologies/adaptive_adaptive.shtm Sydney InPrincipal Communication 24 August 2007, Week 7, Term 3 Assistive Technology Forums https://detwww.det.nsw.edu.au/inprincipal/sydney/2007-08-24/znw_event_3.htm
Sydney Region Invoicing for CC days ( Term 4 2006 and Terms 1,2 and 3 2007) Invoices for attendance at ICT Training Days will be sent to schools in Week 9 of this term. Please note that the invoice will cover your attendance at the Term 4 2006, Term 1 2007, Term 2 2007 and Term3 2007 days. Your prompt attention and payment by the school will be greatly appreciated.
Sydney Region ICT Coordinators DayTerm 3, 2007