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DUETs : ENT Experience

DUETs : ENT Experience. Steve Sharp, Information Specialist. Overview . Background and rationale Phase 1: Ongoing - audit library collection Unresolved Issue - Reliability Phase 2 – clinicians, patients and carers. ENT and Audiology Context. Small specialty

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DUETs : ENT Experience

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  1. DUETs : ENT Experience Steve Sharp, Information Specialist

  2. Overview • Background and rationale • Phase 1: Ongoing - audit library collection • Unresolved Issue - Reliability • Phase 2 – clinicians, patients and carers

  3. ENT and Audiology Context • Small specialty • Exhaustive systematic review collection • Phase 1: Audit of library collection to harvest uncertainties • Systematic Reviews coded by age and uncertainty status: • Conclusive • Ongoing • Research recommendations • Gap in Research • Unavailable/Unclear

  4. Reliability Issue • Definite conclusions but dubious methodology? • Questions may be answered by relevant reviews but not reliably • How far should critical appraisal extend to assess reliability? • Primary research reviewed may be flawed • Review itself may have flawed methodology

  5. Is carbogen gas effective in the treatment of sudden sensorineural hearing loss? • Health Technology Assessment • Robust methods • Only 3 non-randomised studies identified • Potentially biased • Heterogenous groups and treatments • But no further research recommended • Has the question been answered reliably?

  6. Higher dosages of azithromycin are more effective in treatment of group A streptococcal tonsillopharyngitis • Declarative title, definite conclusion • Review meets basic criteria for systematic review • Methodological weaknesses • DARE verdict: “conclusions should be interpreted with caution”

  7. Dormant Uncertainties - Unanswered questions • Small number of ENT “DARE beware” reviews with definite conclusions • But larger specialties – many more “DARE bewares” • A task for all SLs to expose dormant uncertainties? • What about DARE rejects?

  8. Phase 2: Clinicians, patients and carers • Raising awareness: • Homepage • NKWs • Questionnaire from Clinical Lead • Searching service • Limited response to date • 2008 NKWs aim to take more proactive approach

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