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Regionalism unit. Beginning week of 11.4. Objectives 10.28. Identify the key events from a historical time period. Summarize the literary styles of a historical time period.
Regionalism unit Beginning week of 11.4
Objectives 10.28 • Identify the key events from a historical time period. • Summarize the literary styles of a historical time period. • We are moving from Realism to Regionalism. It’s important that you see why that shift occurs and what happened to writers from the time period.
Gatsby vocab. 1 • Feign (v) Complacent (adj) • Supercilious (adj) intimation (n) • Conscientious (adj) infinite (adj) • Reciprocal (adj) anon (adv) • Wan (adj) incredulous (adj)
Warm-up • " 'And we've produced all the things that go to make civilization—oh, science and art, and all that. Do you see' " (13)? • "For a moment the last sunshine fell with romantic affection upon her glowing face; her voice compelled me forward breathlessly as I listened—then the glow faded, each light deserting her with lingering regret, like children leaving a pleasant street at dusk" (14).
Finish presenting slave narratives • Groups remaining . . . • Remember, your quiz over this will be on Wednesday. • Please continue taking notes.
Regionalism and Naturalism p. 643 • Please remember: We have not caught up yet to Great Gatsby. • Fitzgerald wrote that book in the 1920s. • This unit takes care of 1870-1910 and it’ll take us about two weeks to get through. • When we are done with it, we will be ready to look at literature contemporary to Gatsby.
Up to now . . . • White folks came to America. • Puritanswrote about God and their religion. • Their writings were simple. • People started thinking they wanted to be free. • Revolutionary writers wrote about freedom and separating from England. • Hurray! We’re free. Romanticism wrote about nature and what it was like to be free. • But then the Civil War happened. Suddenly, things weren’t so cheery. • Realism sought to realistically depict the struggle of life and gave voice to regular people, including slaves.
Reconstruction • Anyone know anything about it? • Post Civil War, the South was a mess. • Lincoln’s dead. • Freed slaves have little money or opportunities. • And, basically, most southerners don’t trust the federal government and are sort of mad. • Reconstruction was the name given to the federal government’s attempt to rebuild the South.
Regionalism • Writers reacted to Reconstruction. • Decided they did not want to see their regional customs absorbed by a national country. • Sought to capture the customs, character and landscapes of distinct regions in the country.
Diction • We’ve talked about diction before as word choice. • Now it’s time to talk about it as the way people talk. • So let me ask you: • Soda, coke or pop? Soft drink???
Regionalism and realism • Local color writers. • Writers like Twain who tried to capture the local, unique character of their areas. • Emphasized every day experience. • Portrayed that with accuracy. • So a lot like realism.
Naturalism • Industry continued to grow. • The country continued to expand. • Do humans act like animals? • Do we respond to instinct? • Responding to the issues of Social Darwinism.
Regionalism outline • With a partner, go back to the regionalism intro on p. 643 and fill out the outline.
Close • Write two sentences that explain how regionalism developed and what differentiated from the literary movement that preceded it. • HW: Find 5 sentences from ch. 1 of Gatsby that use your vocab. words this week. WRITE THE SENTENCES DOWN!!! • HW: Ch. 1 study guide for Gatsby due tomorrow.
Objectives 10.29 • Identify satire in a text. • Make inferences about a text. • Analyze figurative language in a text. • HW due (put on tracker; this is check plus assignment): Gatsby SG1 • HW due: GG vocab. 1
Warm-up • Let’s look at the vocabulary words you found in Gatsby! Here are your vocab. words for this week: • Feign (v) Complacent (adj) • Supercilious (adj) intimation (n) • Conscientious (adj) infinite (adj) • Reciprocal (adj) anon (adv) • Wan (adj) incredulous
Satire review • What are some examples of satire? • Why is satire used? • What are some of the ways in which an author communicates satire?
6 Types of Satire • 1.) Irony- often funny, mode of expression through words/ events that conveys a reality different from that expected • 2.) Hyperbole- deliberate exaggeration to achieve an effect. • 3.) Sarcasm-Selfish and intended to hurt another • 4.) Parody-An imitation of the author’s work • 5.) Ridicule-use of words intended to belittle a person to arouse laughter • 6.) Wit-Clever Expression
“On-line” discussion • Or “on-wall” discussion. • Around the room are six quotes. • I need you to write a thought out response to three of them. • The first three responses on the paper are responding just to the quote. • Subsequent quotes are responding to what your classmates have already said. • Identify your quotes by initialing after your response.
So . . . • So what did you think of the quotes? • Which one did you like best? • Who said something particularly interesting? • What do you think of the person who said them?
Mark Twain • Watch this bio. • Cite three key facts about Twain that show his relationship to the regionalism literary movement.
Close and HW • Choose the word from the list that does not fit. • Feign, pretend, encourage, simulate • Supercilious, genuine, haughty, arrogant • Conscientious, dedicated, forgetful, hard-working • Complacent, conceited, smug, caring • Reciprocate, return, respond, ignore • HW: Here is part 2 of the Gatsby SG (ch 2 and 3). It is due when we finish on 11.12.
Objectives 10.30 • Define vocabulary by context • Identify satire in a text. • Make inferences about a text. • Analyze figurative language in a text. • QUIZ: Slave narratives??? • HW due: none
Warm-up • Create a five question quiz using your vocab. words for this week. • You may use electronics to look up definitions. • You have ten minutes working with ONE partner to create the quiz.
MLA CITATION TIME!!! • Correct the following citations: • Edna Pontellier’s full understanding of her self-determinism is shown when she acknowledges that she doesn’t “want anything but my own way (Chopin 112).” • Madame Ratignolle is presented as the archetype of a mother, from the very beginning to her final exhortation that Edna “think of the children!” (Chopin 111).
MLA Documentation: The Essentials • Double spaced (your software may be defaulted to something different; be sure you change it!) • 12 pt. Times New Roman • One-inch margins all around (including top and bottom) • Do not use a title page • Your first and last name, date, and assignment title in the top left corner (NOT as a header)
MLA citation continued • Your last name and the page number AS A HEADER in the top right corner of every page EXCEPT the Works Cited page. • The title of the piece centered as the first line of the work • DO NOT skip lines between your name and the title of the piece, or between the title and the first line of the first paragraph. • Note: it is your responsibility to use this formatting, regardless of the type of computer or software you have.
Citing • Every time you use information you found from a source (something you didn’t know if before you started researching), you must have a parenthetical or in-text citation. • This is the case whether you rephrase the words or use them word for word! • Providing information that you didn’t come up with without citation is plagiarism. • A parenthetical citation usually identifies the author and page number from which you got the information • (Smith 52)
In-text Citing • In-text citations refer to the author (and often the title of the source) in the text of your paper, so you don’t have to use a parenthetical citation except to identify a page number, if applicable. • In his book Cocker Spaniels, Dr. James Morrison explains that cockers often hide their toys in order to trick their owners into thinking they don’t have any, thus increasing the chances that they will receive new ones (52).
Citing • Every source used in your paper must have a Works Cited entry on the Works Cited page. • Every Works Cited entry in your paper must have at least one citation in your paper. In other words, you muse use all of the sources listed in your Works Cited page. • Your Works Cited page is double-spaced with one-inch margins. • Do not skip lines between entries. • Do not include the page number or your name on the Works Cited page. • The words “Works Cited” should appear centered at the top of your page.
Formatting Citations and Works Cited Entries • The format for citations and works-cited entries varies depending on the type of source. • See the “MLA Cheat Sheet,” the Purdue University OWL, or Easybib.com for more information on formatting citations for different types of sources. • Note: Easybib.com is a great resource! (I wish I’d had it when I was writing research papers). However, YOU are responsible for correctly citing sources, even if Easybib.com tells you something different. • When you use Easybib, vertical lines will be included in the Works Cited entry. YOU MUST REMOVE THESE LINES MANUALLY!
Book Citation: Practice • Read the following excerpt from George Orwell’s 1984. It appears on pg. 20. Take a quote from this excerpt and provide a parenthetical citation to go with it. • As he put his hand on the doorknob Winston saw that he had left the diary open on the table. DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER was written all over it, in letters almost big enough to be legible across the room. It was an inconceivably stupid thing to have done. But, he realized, even in his panic he had not wanted to smudge the creamy paper by shutting the book while the ink was wet.
Orwell says that Winston “[s]aw . . . left the diary open on the table” (Orwell 20). • When he came home “Winston saw that he had left the diary open on the table” (Orwell 20). • Winston is a man, and “[he] saw that he had left the diary open on the table,” and then he ate a sandwich (Orwell 20).
Winston realized early on that “[he] realized it was an inconceivably stupid thing to have done ” (Orwell 20), and he shouldn’t have done that.
Italicized? • When typing, always use italics. When handwriting, underline. • But what do you italicize (or underline)?
Italicize • Book titles • Movie titles • Magazine names • Newspaper names • Albums (Pink Floyd’s 1973 album Dark Side of the Moon) • TV shows (The Simpsons) • Video games (Call of Duty: Black Ops) • The names of boats (who knew? HMS Titanic) • Named legal cases (Roe vs. Wade)
Don’t italicize • Almost all of these get “quotation marks” around them • Chapters in a book • Individual poems (William Cullen Bryant’s “Thanatopsis”) • TV episodes • Articles in a magazine or newspaper • Songs on an album (“Money” from Dark Side of the Moon)
“Jumping Frog” p. 684 • Pay attention to the dialect being used. • The narrator is going to jump. • Where is the humor? • Is satire being used? Where?
Close and HW • Five question informal quiz over “Jumping Frog.” Campolmi create • HW: Continue work on Gatsby SG 2 • HW: complete MLA Citation practice • Vocab. quiz tomorrow!!!
10.31 Objectives • Define vocabulary by context • Write creatively using historical perspective • Summarize author’s life based on historical context • HW due: “Jumping Frog” SG • Quiz: Gatsby vocab. quiz 1
Warm-up • A Halloween surprise! • “Jumping Frog” pop quiz. • Hurray.
Book Citation: One Author • Last name, First name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publishing Company, year of Publication. • Example: • Weinberg, Steven. Dreams of a Final Theory. New York: Pantheon, 1992. • Parenthetical Citation Example: • (Weinberg 25)
Works cited practice • Author: George Orwell • Book title: 1984 • Place of publication: London • Publisher: Penguin Press • Year of publication: 1961 • Orwell, George. 1984. London: Penguin Press, 1961.
Article in a monthly magazine • Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Magazine. Month published. year published: page numbers of article. • Example: • Hawk, Michael. “Hanging Out with the Bats.” Texas Highways. Aug. 1994: 14-19. • Parenthetical Citation Example: • (Hawk 15)
Article Citation: Practice • Read the following excerpt from an article called “Mobile Devices Drive Creative Instruction.” The author’s name is Kelly Puente and this quotation appeared on page 27. After reading, quote one line from the text, including a correctly formatted parenthetical citation. • With the help of mobile learning, teachers are changing the way they teach in the small, rural town of Stratford, Iowa. Stratford Community School District’s technology director, Lisa Schaa, says that more than 100 students at Stratford Elementary School are now in their second year of a mobile pilot program using GoKnow.
Teachers across America “[w]ith the help of mobile learning [. . .] are changing the way they teach in the small, rural town of Stratford, N.C.” (Puente 27).
Parenthetical citation • Technology is changing education. Teachers “[w]ith the help of mobile learning” (Puente 27) are becoming more and more awesome.
Works cited practice • Author: Kelly Puente • Article title: “Mobile Devices” • Magazine: Wired • Volume #: 18 • Publication date: January 2008 • Page numbers: 24-27 • Puente, Kelly. “Mobile Devices.” Wired. Vol. 18, Jan. 2008: 24-27.
General Webpage Citation • Title of Page. Date page was published. Organization or Owner of Page. Date you accessed page <entire URL> • Example: • Space Telescope Science Institute Home Page. 20 Nov. 1997. NASA. 28 Oct. 2004 <http://www.stsci.edu/> • *Note: if you are struggling to identify a page title, look at the internet tab at the top of your page. • In-text citations: • Mention the website in your paper. For example, something like “According to the Space Telescope Science Institute home page” will eliminate the confusion with trying to create parenthetical citations. If you must include a parenthetical citation, it should be the first word or few words in the Works Cited entry, which will usually be the title of the page.