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Columbian Exchange Jamestown John Smith John Rolfe Cash Crop Joint Stock Headright System House of Burgesses Indentured Servant. Plymouth Pilgrims/Separatists Mayflower Compact Great Puritan Migration Massachusetts Bay City Upon a Hill Predestination Visible Saints. 1600-1650.

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  1. Columbian Exchange Jamestown John Smith John Rolfe Cash Crop Joint Stock Headright System House of Burgesses Indentured Servant Plymouth Pilgrims/Separatists Mayflower Compact Great Puritan Migration Massachusetts Bay City Upon a Hill Predestination Visible Saints 1600-1650

  2. Townships-town meetings Work Ethic Public Education Harvard Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams-freedom of conscience Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Congregations Pequot War Powhatan Confederacy Dutch-patroonships Maryland-Catholics 1649 Toleration Act 1600-1650

  3. Mercantilism Trade & Navigation Acts Salutary Neglect Pennsylvania-Quakers Holy Experiment Charleston Backcountry Bacon’s Rebellion King Philips War Dominion of New England-Andros Salem Witch Trials Pueblo Revolt Triangular Trade Halfway Covenant New England, Middle, Southern Colonies 1650-1700

  4. Colonial Wars-colonies rely on themselves Georgia 1st Great Awakening Old Lights vs. New Lights George Whitefield Jonathan Edwards John Peter Zenger Ben Franklin Stono Rebellion Power of the Purse Royal Colonies 1700-1750

  5. 1750s • French & Indian War • Albany Plan of Union • “Join or Die” • William Pitt • Ohio River Valley • George Washington

  6. End of Salutary Neglect-debt Treaty of Paris Proclamation Line Sugar Act Revenue Tax Quartering Act Stamp Act Virtual Representation Declaratory Act Townsend Acts Sons/Daughters of Liberty Stamp Act Congress Loyal 9 Boycott/Non-importation Writs of Assistance Vice Admiralty Courts John Locke 1760s

  7. Gaspee Incident Boston Massacre Lexington & Concord Olive Branch Petition Tea Act Committees of Correspondence Revolutionary War Coercive/Intolerable Acts 1st & 2nd Continental Congress Thomas Paine Saratoga Treaty of Alliance Valley Forge-Von Steuben Republican Motherhood Manumission End of Primogeniture & Entail 1770s

  8. Yorktown Treaty of Paris Articles of Confederation The Critical Period Land Ordinance of 85 NW Ordinance of 87 Shays Rebellion Newburgh Conspiracy Constitutional Convention Virginia & NJ Plans Great Compromise 3/5 Compromise/Slave Trade Federalism Federlist Papers 1780s

  9. Hamilton’s Economic Plan Assumption Strict vs. Loose Construction-BUS Federalists Democratic Republicans Whiskey Rebellion Proclamation of Neutrality Jay Treaty Pinckney Treaty-right of deposit Farewell Address Alien & Sedition Acts XYZ Affair Quasi War 1790s

  10. 1790s • Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions • Treaty of Greenville • Citizen Genet • State vs. Federal Power • Cotton Gin

  11. Revolution of 1800 Midnight Appointments Marbury v.Madison John Marshall Louisiana Purchase Lewis & Clark Barbary Pirates impressment Chesapeake Incident Embargo Act-peaceable coercion Non Intercourse Act Macon’s Bill #2 Interchangeable Parts Burr Hamilton Duel Gabriel Prosser’s Rebellion 1800s

  12. War of 1812-Mr. Madison’s War War Hawks Battle of New Orleans Hartford Convention Treaty of Ghent-status quo antebellum Tecumseh Era of Good Feelings Rush Bagot Treaty Convention of 1818 Adams Onis Treaty Henry Clay’s American System-FFII Transportation Revolution National Market Economy 1810s

  13. 1810s • National/Cumberland Road • Erie Canal • Lowell Girls • Agricultural Revolution • Panic of 1819 • American Colonization Society • McCulloch v. Md. • Dartmouth College v. Woodward

  14. Missouri Compromise Monroe Doctrine Corrupt Bargain Tariff of Abomination “SC Exposition & Protest”-Compact Theory Common Man Universal Male Suffrage Spoils System/Rotation in Office Gibbons v. Ogden David Walker’s “Appeal” Denmark Vesey’s Rebellion 1820s

  15. Bank War Nullification Crisis Sword & Olive Branch Specie Circular Panic of 1837 Independent Treasury Removal Act Cherokee Nation v. Ga. Worcester v. Ga. Texas Revolution 2nd Great Awakening-perfection Temperance Auburn & Pennsylvania Systems Dorothea Dix Seneca Falls Convention 1830s

  16. Separate Spheres/Cult of Domesticity Horace Mann Nat Turner Gag Rule Apologist/Positive Good View of Slavery Free Soilers Transcendentalism Hawthorne, Poe, Cooper, Melville Utopian Communities-Oneida, Brook Farm, Shakers Mormons William Lloyd Garrison 1830s

  17. Manifest Destiny Webster Ashburton Treaty Annexation of Texas “54 40 or Fight” Slidell Mission Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Wilmot Proviso Election of 1840-”Log Cabin & Hard Cider” Irish & German Immigration Nativism American or Know Nothing Party Spot Resolution 49ers 1840s

  18. Compromise of 1850 Nashville Convention-”Fire-eaters” Uncle Tom’s Cabin Ostend Manifesto Gadsden Purchase Kansas Nebraska Act Popular Sovereignty Stephen Douglas Republican Party Bleeding Kansas LeCompton & Topeka Pottawatomie Massacre Sumner Brooks Affair Dred Scott v. Sanford Harpers Ferry Lincoln Douglas Debates-Freeport Doctrine Election of 1860 1850s

  19. Perpetual Union Antietam-Emancipation Proclamation Anaconda Plan Sherman’s March to the Sea Appomattox Confiscation Acts Copperheads NY City Draft Riots National Banking Act Legal Tender Act Pacific RR Act Homestead Act Morrill Land Grant Act Habeas Corpus Freedmens Bureau 1860s

  20. 1860s • 10% Plan • Wade Davis Bill • Sharecropping • Tenure of Office Act • Congressional/Military Reconstruction • KKK • Carpetbagger • Scalawag

  21. Redemption or Redeemer Governments Enforcement Acts Amnesty Act 15th Grantisms Panic of 1873 Compromise of 1877 Exodusters Supreme Court Cases-Slaughterhouse & Civil Rights Cases 1870s

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