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____________________________ Le passé composé: the past tense. L/O: To learn the past tense in French using the verb AVOIR STARTER : Qu’est ce que c’est le passé en anglais ?. STARTER : Copy the verb AVOIR and write the English . le passé. I went to my friend’s house
____________________________ Le passé composé: the past tense L/O: To learn the past tense in French using the verb AVOIR STARTER: Qu’estcequec’estle passé en anglais? STARTER: Copy the verb AVOIR and write the English le passé • I went to my friend’s house • I have eaten my breakfast • I listened to my IPOD • I usually watch TV in bed at the weekend • I bought some new jeans • I visited my granin hospital • I don’t have a lot of time • I watched TV and then I went to bed le passé le passé le présent le passé le passé le présent le passé
Le passé composé: the past tense. In English and in French we use the past tense to talk about something which we have done in the past. I have eaten an apple I ate an apple I have been to Paris I went to Paris I have played foodball I played football
Why is the past tense IMPORTANT? Using it will help us achieve a Level 5+ in French
To make the past tense in French we need two things.... No. 1....The verb AVOIR (to have) J’ai I have You have He / She has You lot have We have They have Tu as Il/elle a Vous avez Nous avons Ils/elles ont
To make the past tense in French we need two things.... No. 2....The past participle (the action) • Take the verb. • Take off the last 2 letters • e.gÉCOUTER FINIR ENTENDRE • 3. Add the following endings to the verbs: ÉCOUTÉ (listened) FINI (finished) ENTENDU (heard) RE
Now have a go: 5 minutes • Find the past participle 2. What are they in English? Jouer: Écouter: Aimer : Adorer: Détester: Visiter : Manger: Porter: Regarder: Voyager: Finir joué played Ext: with a dictionary find the English for the following verbs and then the past participle Étudier: Saisir: Grandir: Oublier: Fêter: Bouder: Travailler: écouté listened aimé liked adoré loved détesté hated visité visited mangé ate porté Carried /wore regardé watched voyagé travelled fini finished
Lets put it all together... 1. AVOIR 2. The past participle acheté (bought) porté (wore) J’ai Tu as Il a ellea Nous avons Ilsont ellesont visité (visited) regardé (watched) joué (played) écouté (listened) aimé (liked) entendu (heard) fini (finished) détesté (hated)
Can you translate the following sentences into English: Vocab: Hier= yesterday Ce matin=this morning Le weekend dernier= last weekend • Hierj’aijoué au foot • Cematinj’aimangé des cereales • Le mardij’aivisité ma mère • Hierj’aivisité ma copine • Hierj’aimangéune glace avec mon frère • Le weekend dernierj’aiécouté de la musique • Le weekend dernierj’airegardé un bon film au cinèma avec ma copine • Le lundij’aiporté un jean à la fête • Yesterday I visited my sister • Last weekend I ate a pizza with my sister • On Monday I play football in the park with my friends • On Friday I wore a blue skirt
À deux: use the words to make the following sentences ** Can you do these alone? 1. I played football 2. I ate pizza in a restaurant 3. Sam listened to his Ipod 4. We visited Thorpe Park during the holidays 5. My mum ate a sandwich 6* I liked the film 7* I hated the film on the TV J’ai joué au foot J’ai mangé de la pizza au restaurant Sam a écouté son Ipod J’ai visité Thorpe Park pendant les vacances Ma mère a mangé un sandwich J’ai aimé le film J’ai détesté le film à la télé