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Huge Grub

Daniel Andrews aka ##primary## is a Grub because: <br>1.

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Huge Grub

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  1. Daniel Andrews aka Grub is a Grub because: 1. His curfew was not based on medical advice or health advice, he decided it on his own. 2. His responsible for the Hotel Quarantine disaster. a. he lied about not being able to get help from the Australia Defence Force. b. he tried to blame Victorians for the outbreak not the hotel quarantine disaster. 3. His studies are based on Modelling from the University of Victoria & Nossal Institute (also University of Victoria) which is Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/Who-We- Are/General-Information/Financials 2018 pages 311, 462,463 & 2017 pages 416 & 542 4. His roadmap for reopening has been critised even by the Corrupt World Health Organization as being “potentially unworkable” https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6188565906001 5. Common Flu deaths are more deadly that this “Covid-19” Flu Strain and amazingly most deaths are people 50+ with underlying conditions. Which the Australian Gov Conveniently Deleted these stats: https://web.archive.org/web/20200408122734/https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/colds-and-flu-statistics 6. 5 Pandemics and no total lockdowns 7. There is no solid evidence to suggest lockdowns even work 8. Sweden who imposed no lockdowns or restrictions are doing better than most countries reporting very low numbers. Also check this video out to see what Fauci Knows for sure about Covid and Vaccines, 15 or more of his answers are we don’t know… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Vy6fgaBPE&t=1493s If this isn’t enough for you to stop putting up with this garbage, There is a lot more concerning information out there, stop being lazy and waiting for someone else to fix it or spoon feed you the information and facts. Get off you a$$ and do some research. Definition of Grub: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=grub 2 grub A dirty, uncouth person who does not have proper hygeine, often characterised by a low level of education, often engaging in disgusting behaviours and often associated with hardcore illicit drug use.

  2. Look at the grubs hanging around the Methadone clinic. by Alan344 September 08, 2009 318182 FLAG Get the mug Get a grub mug for your father-in-law José. 3 Grub A person or people who crawls to management in a company and undermines other workers in the process for there own personal gain at the expense of others Worker 1 "That grubby cunt from the West is in the office again crawling to the boss" Worker 2 "I hate that fucking grub" by MrX0000 March 04, 2010

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