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Amphibian Study/Journal . Project Grade worth a total of 200 points between now and May! This is on going and must be maintained weekly!. Journal Overview . - Must have a colorful cover page with title “Amphibian Study/Journal” In lower right hand corner you must include name , date, period.
Amphibian Study/Journal Project Grade worth a total of 200 points between now and May! This is on going and must be maintained weekly!
Journal Overview • -Must have a colorful cover page with title “Amphibian Study/Journal” In lower right hand corner you must include name , date, period. • Must be in a folder or booklet type format. MUST be neat and attractive. • All Journals MUST have a complete Sources Cited page as their final page. You must follow the example I have given precisely: • EXAMPLE:Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (Herpetology Program) • http://srelherp.uga.edu/anurans/hylchr.htm • (Cope’s Gray Tree Frog, Green Tree Frog, Barking Tree Frog, Oak Toad )*sounds can be found on this site;
Must have a Photo Journal • This will include 5 photo’s or sketches IN REAL LIFE color of at least ONE amphibian from each of the four families. You must include family name, common name, scientific name and other info. as directed. • You have been given a spring peeper sketch to color and use for one of the amphibians. • You may also take a photo of the American Toad in the classroom to use if you like.
Frog Call Journal • You must keep a journal of at least 5 days SCATTERED through out the next two-three months of frog calling. • The specifics for the calling journal are listed in your requirement sheet.
Family Hylidae/Tree Frogs • -Have toe discs • -Have long limbs & appendages • -It is also helpful to look at inner thigh color of hind leg surface. It is often a distinct color & helpful in identifying. General color patterns often change when they are stressed by inner thigh color remains the same.
Identifying Characteristics: • -Most distinctive “X” on their lighter brown or tan back. • Young frogs feed on small food items like spiders, mites, ticks, pill bugs, ants & caterpillars. By the end of summer, they reach an adult size of about 1- 1 ½ inches (very small!). As days cool they dig into the soft mud near ponds for the winter. **They are the first amphibians you will hear call beginning on warm nights in January!
Habits • Female lays between 750-1200 eggs in strings or clumps attached to twigs and aquatic vegetation. Depending on temperatures, eggs may hatch anywhere from 4 days to 2 weeks. After 2-3 months, young tadpoles are fully transformed into frogs and leave the pond.
Habitat • -Temporary water sources or at the edge of permanent water sources. They may call from elevated perches of submerged grass or shrubs near the water. • -Prefer damp woodlands, swamps, & marshes;
Call • -One of the earliest callers among frog species found in our area. During warm evenings of January or early February, their distinctive single note, high pitched “peep” can be heard. • -Intensity of calling increases & can become a deafening chorus during humid evening or just after a warm spring rain when males congregate. They sound like sleigh bells as a chorus.
Only male frogs “call” ….why? • Frogs have a mating call and a warning call.
Family Bufonidae (Anaxyrus) True Toads • -Warty skin that is drier than true toads. • -Shorter legs and NO toe discs • -Toads are less associated with water than are true frogs. • -Have Parotid Glands (poison glands) on top of their heads. Often theses glands help identify toads. It is helpful to note the number of warts in the spots on toads when identifying them.
Identifying Characteristics • Common “hop toad” of gardens and yards. Brownish skin, very warty. • Short but muscular hind legs allow it to move more easily through woods and backyards. Throat & belly white speckled with black. • Large; 2-4 inches long; • Parotid gland (poison gland) is separated from ridge behind eye or connect to the ridge only by a thin spur.
Habits • Eggs laid in long strings. • Skin secretions are distasteful to predators, but DO NOT cause warts in humans. • A beneficial species in gardens; eats many pests; A modest size toad will eat 3200 insects in a season. • Will frequent night lights. • Breeding February-March • Blackish tadpoles transform into toadlets in June or July;
Habitat • Woodland areas or areas with shallow water. • Survives a variety of habitats & may live in your backyard or may munch on insects by a porch light at night.
Call • Has a beautiful song but calls for a very short period in early spring. • Notice how long he holds his note/song. • He can lose up to 60% of his body mass while singing because he sings so vigorously during the short mating season. • His call is a very long trill.