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Hough Methods In The CC Analysis Of The Far Detector Mark Dorman Inclusion of Hough variables into PAN NC/CC discriminating power Obtaining a pure and efficient FD CC sample. 1. Methodology The Hough transform provides a way of quantifying the 'trackiness' or
Hough Methods In The CC Analysis Of The Far Detector Mark Dorman • Inclusion of Hough variables into PAN • NC/CC discriminating power • Obtaining a pure and efficient FD CC sample 1
Methodology • The Hough transform provides a way of quantifying the 'trackiness' or 'showeriness' of an event. • I have used (z,tpos) from the SR ntpStrip objects as the 2D input space for the transform. • For each strip hit I consider 40 sample gradients from -1.0 to 1.0, calculate intercepts with 'z=0' and then fill Hough space accordingly. • I use the reconstructed vertex information to restrict the transform: • After Hough space is filled the bin with the highest Hough count is found. Then any bin that has 75% of this highest Hough count contributes towards the RMS75 variables. • I assume that the hit with the lowest z-coordinate is the vertex of the event. This is my 'z=0' value for the event. • I then require that for any line considered by the transform the transverse position of the line at 'z=0' is not more than 0.5m away relative to the transverse position of the 'z=0' hit. 2
Hough Variables Used With PAN • I add several variables to PAN. Firstly URMS75 and VRMS75. These are the RMS values of the positions in Hough space of the bins with 75% of the highest Hough count relative to this highest bin for the U and V planes respectively. • The RMS75 variables are a measure of the localization of a peak in Hough space. A low value indicates high 'trackiness' and a high value indicates high 'showeriness'. • I also include the Hough count of the peak bin for the U and V planes. A high value indicates high 'trackiness' and a low value high 'showeriness'. 3
Files And Cuts • I have used the following MDC files: • And the following fiducial cuts: • Of the ~84K events ~38K pass the fiducial cuts. • f24100001_0000.sntp.R1.12.root -> f24100020_0000.sntp.R1.12.root • 1m < reco_vtxz < 14m or 17m < reco_vtxz < 28m (track in either supermodule) • exclude vertices with transverse position within 0.25m of the centre of the coil hole • exclude vertices with transverse position beyond 3.50m of the centre of the coil hole 4
RMS75 Variables For CC Events • The majority of true CC events have RMS75 values <10. 5
RMS75 Variables For NC Events • The majority of true NC events have RMS75 values >10. 6
Discriminating Power • The large number of CC events mean that no direct separation is possible with this variable on it's own. 7
Low Energy (<3GeV) Events • The situation remains for the low energy events (~8K events after fiducial and true_enu<3 cuts) and the CC distribution is broader. 8
Purities And Efficiencies For A CC Sample • If all the events that passed the fiducial and energy cut were taken to be CC then the sample would have a purity of ~94%. • To reach higher purities can first remove obviously CC events with: • There are then 2 variables that can offer better purities; Hough count of peak in Hough space and visible energy. • | trkqp/trkeqp | > 10 • Evtlength > 30 9
Obtaining A Purer CC Sample • The following plots show these variables for true CC and NC events after the removal of the obviously CC events: • The following pages show how the purities and efficiencies of a CC sample vary when I place a cut on these variables (and call everything to the right of this cut CC). • Largest Hough count • Visible energy 10
Peak Hough Count Cut • For a cut at a peak Hough count of 5: • efficiency = 96.0% • purity = 96.2% 11
Visible Energy Cut • For a cut at a visible energy of 1: • efficiency = 96.9% • purity = 96.0% 12
Further Work • Try to improve the discriminating power of the Hough transform RMS75 variables with - tighter restriction on Hough space with reco_vtx - possible 'pairwise' Hough transform to enhance features in Hough space • Look at the ND 13