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The Act Every act(ion) is based on use of energy Energy is m e asurable as p roduct : E = Fxs (force X distance) An action is aimed at the attainment of a goal (target). F x s. * P rojecti on of the a ction v. Goal (achievetarget). Start. (of power; see III). the end of
The Act Every act(ion) is based on use of energy Energy is measurable as product: E = Fxs (force X distance) An action is aimed at the attainment of a goal (target) . F x s * Projection ofthe action v Goal (achievetarget) Start (of power; see III) the end of the action * Projection: Imaginarily shortest connection between start and the attained goal, (the endof the action). The beginning and the end are connected at the circumference of a circel Heraclitus Result I
The Sense *X Imaginairilypoint of collectionof impulses(ideas) that determinethe direction of the sense of the action. * The sense of an action is aimed at usefulness X II I Demand Projectionof the action v Start Goal III IV theSense > - + Usefulness (fitting) II
= Energy (labour) Time Power D x S = P The electric power of an engine can be determined as : Tension x Current = Volt x Ampere = Pull x Push or: X Supply(S) Demand(D) P = E/T Power of an engine or a system is the amount of energy used per time unit. Demand x Supply = Power II I Start Goal III IV theSense > + - Usefulness (gives motivation for continuation ) III
The driving force of the economy Demand (primary + monetairy) Demand (D) Supply (S) X desires (pull) Supply (push) production with human energy as driving force. I II consumption production <human energy* Goal Start Concentration: dosage Input the Sence > III IV • Humanenergy unconsious driven by inpulses, consious driven by ideas - + Usefulness (motivation) IV
Feedback Demand (D) Supply (S) X II I production free capacity estimated next production Start Goal <evaluation Output the Sence > III IV satisfaction - + Usefulness (motivation) V
“The power of a community” (The undressing of the invisible hand) The p.i.c.o.-loop: “The eco-motive force ( the emf ) of the power of a community (nation)” Demand (D) Supply (S) X Demand x Supply: D x S = Pc Compairable to the electro motive force (emf) of an electric power source. Remark: In an engine (a motor), connected to an electric power source, thecurrent (the supply) flows from-to+ ; however, inside the power source (where the emf resides) the current flows from+to -. II I Production Consumption p c capacity > < human energy < financial investments + - Capital: - human energy - means < Evaluation Input Output i o the Sense > III IV to dose to satisfy Remark: Input of the community is the output of the organisations inside the community. Usefulness (motivation) VI
Definition: An organisation is a system in which, by each other supporting ideas, human energy is directed at a goal with a certain usefulness for the community. Organisation Demand (D) Supply (S) X II I consumption production capacity > < human energy Goal - human energy - means evaluation output (input) input (output) the Sense > III IV to dose to satisfy - + Usefulness (motivation) VII
The organisation – the structure - of a company as motor of the monetary economy The sense of a company directed by:“Neo archy” : The p.o.c.i. (policy) loop forms the driving force of a company (see also schedule XII) Demand (D) Supply (S) X II I Management Sales (to support consumers) Production p c < human energy < financial investment free capacity > < purchase (first value) Dosage: - human energy - means Evaluation (first value + aded value) Financial profit of (financial) investment Output Input Taxes: Cost government and public services. Basic income for citizens unable to participate in the general production process of the community. o i Wages the Sense > III Dire ction IV Innovation Evoluation - + Usefulness (motivation) VIII
Light; a holistic system The trinity: Light has 3 main components Red(X) + Green(Y)+ Blue(Z), Addition makes a complete spectrum; i.e. white light. Under white light all (thousands of) colors (light reflections of surfaces) are visible. Inspiration source of Neo-archy Production Consumption Recognition X + Y X Y Well being X + Y + Z Innovation Y + Z Evoluation X + Z Energy conversion processes Germination, growing en blooming of plants is a complex energy conversion process controled by (the frequencies of ) the blue (Z), green (Y) and red (X) components of (electromagnetic) radiation; light. Z By change of color of surfaces (that means in reflection and absorption of light); flora regulates germinating, growing and blooming. . Acceptation Green is open for absorption of red + blue light. Red is open for absoption of green + blue light. Yellow is open for absorption of blue light. Blue is open for absorption of yellow light. IX
Color diagram of the power of a community D x ΣS(eff) = Pc Demand x (sum)Supply (effective) = The power of the community. x Recog nition (the m arket) Supply (S) Demand (D) Producers Consumers the Sense > Acceptation control * • * The government • (See diagram XIV, XV, Xva and XVI) + - Usefulness X
The (complementary)light-colors-circel (light technology diagram) as base scheme for an organization in a community controled by “Neo-archy” X + Y + Z make white light (complete spectrum) under white light all colors are visible. The market Y + X Supply (S) Demand (D) The light-colors of segments in line are complementary x+y+z To consume Y To produce X In organisations the functions of the segments in lineare complementary. Each twain contains all the aspects of the total process. If they cooperate well; the Sense of the power of the community is directed at well-being. This scheme makes a clear and simple overview of the whole organisation of a community possible. To evoluate X + Z Input (Ouput) To evaluate Y + Z Output (Input) the Sense > Z Acceptation + - Well-being XI
The complementairy organisation- structureof companies in “global village” directed by Neo-Archy Demand (D) Supply (S) Power of a company D x S = P Function of the management To achive the goal in the most effective way. Task of the direction Director (technical): To evaluate and to direct output at maximum usefulness. Financial director: To dose input. • Sales • administration • Maintenance • -Renovation - Marketing - Sales • Planning • Production Management II I • Public Relations • (Linking relations • andpersonnelto • the company) • - Purchase • (external production) • Stock control Goal • Analysis of • purchases - Personnel affairs Main aspects: The whole organisation turns around the sense of the process. The functionssupport each other. The functionsofthe segments in lineare complementary. The organisation structure make spatial (mondial) spread of functions possible! IV III • - Financial • control: • Investments • Personel • Input Evaluation Direction added value Output the Sence • Innovation • Pre-calculation • Post-calculation - + Usefulness XII
The entwining Phases (I + III) and (II + IV) are 2 entwining spirals. Each twain bears its own responsability for the strength of the structure of an enterprise. Demand Supply II I III IV XIII
“The power of the people” “Dèmos Kratos“ directed at well-being by Neo Archy “The Power of the Community” = Demand ΣSupply “Demand x Σ Supply(eff.)” Selection the Sense> capacity > <human energy to consume to produce to evaluate to dose (innovation) (investments) acceptation evoluation Well being padre - arché madre - arché to co ntrol Gover nance ecology + ethics economy (primairy+monetairy) XIV
Departments general interest Supply Demand Satifying demands of general interest * Department(s) general services Representatives of the community * The Minister(s) –member(s) of the council of ministers- on behalve of the people, the initiator(s) and supervisor(s) of the departments Council of ministers* - + XV
The organisation of a government according to Neo-Archy New Governance; stable balance by centre of gravity beneath Non-governmental organisations (ngo’s) General well-being of a community (nation) Task of the ministrial council: Directing – navigating – the sense of the power of thr community in an efficient way at general well being of the community. Input = output of all organisations Output – input = livability and enrichment. Representatives Y of the community Departments X services general interests Political parties financial affaires 1st vice prime minister to evaluation the efficiency of services general interests 2nd vice prime minister Ministerial council Z Prime minister * Livability and enrichment Human energy * Chairman of the board of ministers = Efficiency XVIa Foundation see XVIb
The foundation of a nation see XVIa Government Symbol of the integrity of the nation The world society “The Representative” member of Court of justice Values protected by law Culture of the country Federations of nations The Universal Declaration of Human Rights The Constitution Legitimacy Juridical pact about justice, economy and defence respect for integrity and space of the nations Neo Archy: respect for individual integrety and space Mandate of the people XVIb
The 3 main material components of a process Production Consumption Enrichment Production: Consumption Acceptation the Sense> Consumption Production de Zin> Usefulness XVII creation evoluation
The 3 main spiritual components of the process Being Seeing (directing of) Sense Sense (start) -Being is energy-. as quatity constant. It doesn’t excist without shape and sense. (chinese qi) - Life is being, getting a new sense.- Seeing: (consiousness) - Being demands seeing; awareness of life. Sense: - Being demands seeing. - Seeing demands sense – directed at usefulness; at creation. (is spiritual) Seeing Being Usefulness XVIII acceptation motivation
Natural paradigm A picture (a symbol) says more than a thousands words can do old chinese verb Recognation Production Consumption Sense Creation Seeing Being Acceptation XIX
Oganisation model of antroposopher Prof. Dr. B.C.J. Lievegoed (†) former director NPI international institute for the development of organisations The cloverleaf organisation as described in the book -“Managing the develloping organisations” (ISBN: 0-631-17025-1) Control by information (data-processing) V Board Process managing (production) Relation management (marketing) Resources management (capital) Input Output an open system * *Compare with diagram VII a closed system • Remarks: Colours added by TIGO XX
east spring What does the Yi jing* say about the complementairity of the trigrams of the segments in line? The sign:TA YU Possession in Great Measure Above 2e daughter Li fire – flame Beneath father Qian heaven Judgement Supreme succes thu nder wo od Li Kan 2e Son water 2e Daughter fire - flame III II south summer winter north (South Korea Kam) (South Korea Yi) (South Korea Kun) (South Korea Kon) I IV The sign: PI Holding Together (union) Above 2e sonKan water Beneath mother Kun earth Judgement: Holding together brings good fortune Father heaven Mother earth The Sense D ao The Road (metal) (south west) (north west) *The Yi jing (I-Ching) has here/his roots of Yin/Yang in the mytic antiquity of China many thousand years ago. The Yi jing is seen as one of the most important books of the world literature. Qian Kun mou ntain la ke autumn west XXI