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Explore the criticisms of Freud's psychoanalytic theory and its perspective, including issues with empirical verification and predictive power. Understand the development of personality and the role of defense mechanisms. Discover lasting contributions such as the concept of schemas and parallel processing in understanding human behavior.
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Criticisms of Freud • He really only studied wealthy women in Austria. • His results are not empirically verifiable. • No predictive power. • Said to have altered therapy session results so they fit his theory
Criticisms of the Psychoanalytic Perspective • Personality develops throughout life and is not fixed in childhood. • Freud underemphasized peer influence on the individual, which may be as powerful as parental influence • There may be other reasons for dreams besides wish fulfillment. • Verbal slipscan be explained on the basis of cognitive processing of verbal choices. • If suppressed sexuality leads to psychological disorders. Sexual inhibition has decreased, but psychological disorders have not.
Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Perspective Freud's psychoanalytic theory rests on the repression of painful experiences into the unconscious mind. The majority of children, death camp survivors, and battle-scarred veterans are unable to repress painful experiences into their unconscious mind.
Some Lasting Contributions… • Use of defense mechanisms • Idea that we often lack awareness of our true motivations • Research shows the existence of non-conscious information processing. • Schemas • Parallel processing • Implicit memory • Priming