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The Mosque. As a place of worship for Muslims. There are over 40 mosques in Wales They are buildings that have been adapted Most are in the South – but they can be found around Wales Many Muslims came to work in Cardiff bay Students and business men wanted somewhere to worship.
The Mosque As a place of worship for Muslims
There are over 40 mosques in Wales They are buildings that have been adapted Most are in the South – but they can be found around Wales Many Muslims came to work in Cardiff bay Students and business men wanted somewhere to worship They are used for worship and praying Community centres Islam is the fastest growing religion All Muslims believe in one God – Allah and Muhammad is his messenger Believe in other prophets Mosques in Wales Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
5 Pillars of Islam • Shahadah – believe in one God, Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger • Salah – praying 5 times a day • Zakat – give a percentage of their savings to a charity / needy • Sawm – fasting during the month of Ramadan • Hajj – pilgrimage to Makkah Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education • Worship and Meditation • Teachers and their teachings • Lifestyle • Community Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
The Mosque - outside Purpose built mosque - Cardiff Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Dome Cardiff Mosque Birmingham Mosque Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Minaret Jamia Mosque - Birmingham Purpose Built Mosque – Cardiff Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Architecture, design and calligraphy Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • Understand that there will be no pictures of living creatures in a mosque - idolisation • Arabic is the religious language of Islam, and the language of the Qur’an • The Arabic word for God is Allah Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Recognise the word Allah in Arabic calligraphy Experiment with Arabic calligraphy Make patterns Whose photographs are on display around your home ? Why are they there? Why do you think that the Muslims are against displaying photographs / pictures ? What is the danger? Ideas / Discussions Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Crescent and Star Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • Recognise the symbol of Islam • To be aware of the countries whose main religion is Islam Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Research in books / on the net for countries whose flags have a star or crescent on them Recognise Islamic countries Collect different symbols Which symbols do you recognise ? Why use symbols ? What do you think is the significance of the crescent and star for the Muslim ? Ideas / Discussions Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • To recognise a mosque from the outside • To know that Muslims worship in a mosque • To understand that the mosque is a special place for Muslims Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Recognise the features found on a purpose built mosque Label the main features Recognise and add Arabic / Islamic features Make a model Research on the net Have you got a special place ? ( teacher to give example ) Are some places special for other people ? ( Church – Christian ) Why do you think that these places are special for them ? Ideas / Discussions Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
The mosque – inside Aims • The Qur’an encourages every Muslim to dress modestly at all times • All Muslims that enter a mosque / worship Allah, are dressed modestly • That non Muslims should show respect when visiting a mosque Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Worksheet / poster to show how one should dress when visiting a mosque Write and explain instructions Which is your best outfit? When do you wear it ? To what occasions do you dress up ? Why do you think that the Qur’an asks Muslims to dress modestly ? Ideas / Discussions Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Entrances / Foyers Shoe rack Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Collection boxes Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Wudu Room / washing Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Madrassah / School Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • Recognise the features that are found in the entrance of a mosque • Be aware of the Wudu room – where Muslims wash before they pray • Prayer times • Understand that Muslims give a percentage of their savings to the poor • Madrasah –school where children learn about Islam, learn Arabic and the Qur’an Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Make / complete a plan of a mosque Explain what is seen Discuss Zakat How much pocket money do you have ? How much pocket money do you really need ? What is your opinion about Muslims giving a percentage of their savings to the poor ? Apart from giving money, how else could one help the poor ? Does this happen in our community ? Ideas / Discussions Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
The Prayer Hall Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Where women worship in a mosque Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Qiblah Wall Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Mihrab / Mehrab Minbar Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • Recognise the features that are found in the prayer hall • Realise that men and women worship separately • The importance of Makkah • Ka’bah – Allah was first worshipped here • Muslims face towards the Ka’bah when they pray • Everyone is equal in Allah’s eyes Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Plan of the prayer hall Model Label a picture Write about the importance of Makkah / Ka’bah / Hajj Research on the web Reading and understanding Crossword Ideas / Discussions Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Research to the importance of Makkah – holy city Ka’bah – they face it when praying Many Muslims believe that the Ka’bah was the place where Allah was first worshipped The Ka’bah is the holiest place for Muslims Realise that many Muslims go on a pilgrimage to Makkah once in their lifetime – 5 pillars of Islam Know that Hajj is the name for the pilgrimage Search on the net / in books Find information on Makkah, the Ka’bah and Hajj Use writing frames Aims / Ideas Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • To understand that practising Muslims pray 5 times a day, and it is a part of their daily lives • Not every Muslim prays 5 times a day • That Muslims discipline themselves to do the five prayers wherever they are Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Mathematics Complete daily timetable Place the correct times on clocks Complete daily timetable of a Muslim Role play – imagining that they are a Muslim – set time aside to do daily prayers News papers / the net – discover prayer times When is it important that we keep time ? ( school, airport, football ) What happens at specific times during the school day ? Are Saturdays and Sundays different ?Why ? Why do you think that Muslims stop whatever they are doing 5 times a day and turn to Allah for prayer ? Ideas / Discussion Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Islamic Patterns / Calligraphy Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • To recognise Islamic / Arabic patterns • Realise that patterns like these decorate the mosque • Understand that there will not be any pictures nor statues of any living creatures inside the mosque • The Qur’an states this in fear of idolisation Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Symmetry Complete patterns Create Islamic patterns Repeat patterns Create geometrical patterns Cross stitch Cards Wrapping paper Borders Clay tiles Salt dough tiles Quilling Repeat patterns Ideas Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
After a visit / background to the mosque • Write a letter to a friend stating what is seen there, and what Muslims do there Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Praying / Salah Aims • To realise that practising Muslims perform a washing / purifying ritual – Wudu – before they pray • The Wudu ritual prepares the mind and soul to worship Allah • The ritual follows a set pattern • That Muslims need to be clean in mind and body before they turn and pray to Allah Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Role play – follow instructions Name different parts of the body Place pictures in correct sequence by following instructions given Draw own pictures to show the Wudu ritual When do we follow a set pattern in our daily lives ? ( getting up, breakfast, wash, dress….) Do we follow a set pattern during our time in school ? Do services in chapel / church follow a set pattern ? Why is it important to follow a set pattern ? Ideas / Discussion Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Carpets / Prayer Mats Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • Some Muslims use prayer mats to pray on • The mat provides a clean and special place for prayer • You might find a compass on a prayer mat to show the direction of the Ka’bah in Makkah • Decorated with Islamic patterns • No special place for people in the mosque – everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Design own prayer mat Spot the difference Ideas Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • The purpose of Salah / praying • To be aware of the Rakah movements • Muslims perform this ritual every time they pray • Muslims do personal prayers also - Du’a Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Think of reasons why people turn in prayer to God Rearrange the purpose of Salah according to their importance. Discuss choices Role play Write own personal prayer Discuss praying When do you have a quiet time to think and meditate? Is it important to set some quiet time to do this ? Do you pray ? Why ? Do we pray in school ? When ? Why do we pray ? Ideas / Discussion Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
People Who Work in the Mosque • Imam • Muezzin • Teachers • Caretaker Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Recognise the different duties of Muslims in the mosque Who does what in the mosque ? Design an advert for someone to work in a mosque – what are the duties / expectations required Research further Which job would you like when you grow up ? Why ? What qualifications would you need ? What different jobs are there in school ? Who works in the church / chapel ? (a visit by a vicar / minister ) Aims / Ideas / Discussions Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
The mosque as a community centre • A place to meet / meditate • School • A place to discuss / solve problems • Celebrations • Library Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Aims • To realise that the mosque is being used as a meeting place for Muslims and as a place for worship and praying • Community centre • Unity is important for Muslims – they see themselves as a one big family • That Muslims use the mosque to perform and practise their traditions and duties Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Discussions • Is there a Community Centre in your area ? • Who goes there ? • What happens there ? • What makes our community special ? • Who looks after our community ? • Can we make our community a safer and better place ? • Do we have to obey to rules in our community ? • When do people in our community come together ? • Why is it important for Muslims to join together in their community ? Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas
Madrasah / Madrassah / School Mosques Ann Eleri Thomas