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Prepare for a successful high school experience with tips on course selection, graduation requirements, scheduling guidelines, electives, and using ASPEN for scheduling. Stay informed and make the most of your academic journey.
Hunterdon Central Regional High School 8th Grade Program of Studies & Freshman Course Selection Orientation
Your High School Experience! • Your 4-Year academic experience is a journey. Make sure you think about your destination and work backwards. • Use the Program of Studies online as a guide. • http://www.hcrhs.k12.nj.us/academics/program-of-studies/index.aspx
Minimum Requirements for Graduation • Take the 8th Grade “NJASK8” seriously! • Placement in 9th grade • Your ultimate goal • See online program of studies for High School Graduation Requirements.
Scheduling Guidelines • Take the most challenging course load that you can handle without creating too much stress. • Trust your teacher’s recommendations • Balance your life- academically, socially, emotionally • Check “Prerequisites”, “Grade Level” and pay attention to “Recommendations” listed in course descriptions. (Shown on next slide) • Refer to quick link on HCRHS website labeled “Freshman Electives”.
More Scheduling Guidelines • An important guide for your initial course selections is the Teacher Recommendation Form. • If you have concerns about the recommended placement, talk with your teacher and parents. Parents can override a recommendation but please think carefully about what is right for you. Choose wisely. • If you override, move up a level, and are struggling please note that you may not be able to move back down. Level changes depend on the number of open seats. • Please note that students selecting a Math, Science, English or Social Studies honors course will be required to take a departmental placement test this spring. • Please note that summer work is a requirement for all Honors and AP courses
Health & Physical Education are scheduled automatically. You must select “Alternates” for each elective choice. Electives are courses you can choose once you have fulfilled your requirements for that year. Remember, every course you take and every final grade you receive will be on your permanent record (transcript). Scheduling Guidelines
Electives and Alternates (In Order of Preference) I will participate in Marching Band for Credit
ASPEN At HCRHS important information can be accessed by students and their parents/guardians - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • ASPEN can be used for: • online class scheduling • to view schedule • interim report/report cards (these are no longer mailed) • graduation requirements • student transcript • student progress/ grades • Access to ASPEN is private and password protected - a unique log-in name and password will be assigned to each student. The password assigned is confidential; it should not be shared.
Scheduling with ASPEN • Beginning in February course requests can be entered using ASPEN. • The timeline for entering courses will be mid to late February. You will receive instructions and password information in the mail. • You must complete your course selections online within the time frame you receive in the mail. • ASPEN can be accessed at: • https://nj-hcrhs.myfollett.com/aspen/home.do • To access ASPEN via Hunterdon Central's website - click on quicklinks in the top right hand corner and then click on ASPEN.
ASPEN Logins In order to access ASPEN, you will receive an exclusive User Name and Password. KEEP IT SECURE!!!! You will be receiving ASPEN user name and instructions at the end of January. They will be mailed home.
Selecting Courses It makes no difference if you select courses first or last during the time frame provided. However, if you fail to input courses during this time frame, you will be assigned a lower scheduling priority. This will affect your ability to enroll in courses that you want.
Freshman Only! When selecting some courses such as… 332- Algebra 2 221- French 2 222 – Spanish 2 Remember to select the Grade 9 option! *Only schedule these more rigorous courses if you have been recommended to do so!
Athletics At the end of the course listing, please find a list of Hunterdon Central sports identified with the prefix “XTR”. Please check off any sports that you may be interested in participating in. This information will be provided to our coaches.
Alternate Credit Information • Students have the option to take courses outside of HCRHS for high school credit. • Online course, RVCC, Other college coursework • Courses must be approved prior to registering for the course. • If you are considering “Outside” Course Work this summer, please read the Alternate Credit Information on the Counseling website: • http://www.hcrhs.k12.nj.us/campus-life/counseling/index.aspx • Applications must be received at the H.S. prior to May 15.
Typical Freshman Schedule (40 credits) • ENGLISH – 5 Credits • PHYS ED/ HEALTH – 5 Credits • US HISTORY I – 5 Credits • MATHEMATICS – 5/7.5 Credits • SCIENCE – 5 Credits • WORLD LANGUAGE – 5 Credits • ELECTIVES – 7.5/10 credits • Students selecting Marching Band may have 42.5 total credits
Typical Block Schedule * = Sample electives