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Distributed Programming Web Services

Distributed Programming Web Services. Purpose Examples of Web Services Architecture Web Services in .Net. Slides partly based on Joe Hummel. Why web services?. Applications operates over different platforms A Java app gets data from a .NET app

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Distributed Programming Web Services

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  1. Distributed ProgrammingWeb Services • Purpose • Examples of Web Services • Architecture • Web Services in .Net Slides partly based on Joe Hummel

  2. Why web services? • Applications operates over different platforms • A Java app gets data from a .NET app • A Windows server gets data from an IBM mainframe • A Linux server gets data from a Windows server Application X Application Y

  3. When to use web services? • When interoperability between platforms is the important demand. Else: • remoting is more efficient • remoting offers more features • remoting offers better security • But web services is… • an easy way to exchange data between two organizations • an easy way to exchange data between a organization’s different systems, i.e. stock, invoicing and dispatching • an easy way to provide a service worldwide

  4. DB Web server Web Service DT BT Web service design • In the simple form a web service is a tier that wraps a existing tier • meaning a platform neutral interface to existing code: • existing tiers should be used as they are, therefore no recoding ? Client Server Web Service Tier

  5. Examples of web services • What is possible today? • Theres is many different public services: • Amazon.com client • TerraServer satellite pictures • Google* Windows Live search • MapPoint maps & route planner • ..... Search for webservices here: http://www.xmethods.net/Or with your favorite search engine *) Google does no longer provide new keys for the soap based web service

  6. Amazon.com web service • Amazon.com offers product information via web service • Why? • To raise the sale! More than 10% are sold via WS…

  7. MapPoint web service • Maps, route planning etc. • Other providers too, i.e. Google Earth, MS Virtual Earth, Yahoo, etc. • Sign up for MapPoint WebService: https://mappoint-css.live.com/mwssignup/

  8. Windows Live web service • Execute searches & returns results • Example from MSDN

  9. A little live demo: Valuta conversion • There is a webservice here: • http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx

  10. What happened… • Accessed systems on other places on the internet • Accessed systems running on other platforms • Went through a number of firewalls • Received non-trivial datatypes • … all together programmed in traditional OO. static void Main(string[] args) { WSCurrency.CurrencyConvertor cc = new WSCurrency.CurrencyConvertor(); Console.WriteLine("From EUR to DKK: {0}",cc.ConversionRate(WSCurrency.Currency.EUR ,WSCurrency.Currency.DKK)); Console.ReadLine(); }

  11. <Add> <x>20</x> <y>99</y> </Add> (1) XML (2) XML int Add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } <Add> <result>119</result> </Add> obj Basic architekture • Standard RPC, but with use of XML & web server: obj = new WebService(); result = obj.Add(20, 99); Web server Client Service Page

  12. obj More details… • Proxy and stub objects supports RPC • Messages in SOAP format • SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol Web server Client Service Page (stub) method call method call proxy SOAP msg (XML) HTTP request

  13. obj WSDL • WSDL = Web Service Description Language • A formal, platform-neutral definition of a web service • Provided by a web service as a WSDL document • Used by clients to obtain information about a web service Web server Service.wsdl Service Page (stub)

  14. Example • Get Windows Live’s WSDL dokumentation for the search web service • http://soap.search.msn.com/webservices.asmx?wsdl.

  15. The strength of formal techniques and standardlisation • Client-side tools can automatically handle WSDL! • Example: • make a “Web Reference” in Visual Studio .NET receive the WSDL and enable IntelliSense, type-check, & proxy generation google = new GoogleSearchService(); result = google.doGoogleSearch("4a8/TvZQFHID0WIWnL1CMmMx0sNqhG8H", txtSearch.Text, 0, 10, false, "", false, "", "", ""); foreach (ResultElement re in result.resultElements) lstURLs.Items.Add(re.URL);

  16. google = new GoogleSearchService(); result = google.doGoogleSearch("4a8/TvZQFHID0WIWnL1CMmMx0sNqhG8H", txtSearch.Text, 0, 10, false, "", false, "", "", ""); foreach (ResultElement re in result.resultElements) ...; Beware of the architecture • Data-only marshalling! • Don't be mistaken: • It looks like objects is MBV (marshal by value) • That is not true! • No code is marshalled, only public data fields • Web service objects are really MBDO (marshal by data only)

  17. SOAP, WSDL and UDDI • SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol • Used when the webservice is called • WSDL - Web Service Definition Language • Metadata (description) for the webservice • UDDI - Universal Description, Discovery and Integration • Used for registration and searching for webservices(Is not widely used, use google or xmethods.net instead)

  18. SOAP • SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol • Used for request and response when the application is runnning. • Contains information about the method, that is called • Parameters for the method • And return values from the method.

  19. SOAP request <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/":q0="http://tempuri.org/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema":xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <q0:BuyDKK> <q0:cur>eur</q0:cur> </q0:BuyDKK> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>

  20. SOAP Response <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/":xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema":xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <soap:Body> <BuyDKKResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <BuyDKKResult>0.13437067494390023</BuyDKKResult> </BuyDKKResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

  21. WSDL • WSDL - Web Service Definition LanguageMetadata (description) of the webservice • Can be used by developement tools for generation of proxy (stub/skeleton) • Name of the WebService • Parameters – number, type and order • Return type • How to interact with the Web Service using HTTP/SOAP

  22. Make a web service yourself • Live demo • But in practice, some knowledge of XML is needed

  23. Exercise: • Lav den ene “følg-mig”-opgaverne i folderen RuteOpgaveWindows udgaven er lidt lettere end web udgaven. • Make and deploy a webservice, that returns the server time. • There is a weather web service here:http://iistest.noea.dk/weather/Weather.asmx • Find the weather in Aalborg. • First use SearchLocation to find the location id.It returns an array of results. Use the id property • Then get a WeatherData object by GetWeatherData • The service is an encapsulation of the service at weather.com • If you want to the result weather.com returns, then use GetWeather instead of GetWeatherData • It returns XML that you can do brute force with String.IndexOf

  24. Seriliazation

  25. Serialization • Serialization • Purpose • Standard serializers

  26. Stream • A stream is an abstraction for data flowing between a source and a destination • Stream provides a common way to transfer a sequence of data (e.g. an array) regardless of the device • The device could be a file, the keyboard, a network connection, a printer, the memory etc.

  27. Serialization – Send objects by a stream • A object have to be serialized before it can be send by a stream • In C#, it is done simply by setting the attribute [Serializable] before the class token. • 3 methods to serialize: • BinaryFormatter • SoapFormatter • XmlSerializer

  28. Serilization - continued.... • What is serialized? • By BinaryFormatter is public/private fields and properties serialized. A remake of the object shall be possible in another place • By SoapFormatter and XmlFormatter is only public fields and properties serialized. • If [NonSerialized] is stated before a field/property, then it will not be serialized. • Note that methods are never serialized.

  29. Example • Please note that field should be private, and assigned by properties (but in this way, they can be within the slide ;-)) [Serializable] class Person { public String FirstName; public String LastName; public DateTime Birthday; public float Height; [NonSerialized] public int Id; .... }

  30. Serialize to binary format using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; ... Person p = new Person(23, "Donald", "Duck", DateTime.Now, 0.4f); Stream bs = new FileStream(@"c:\temp\bp.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate,FileAccess.ReadWrite,FileShare.None); BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); bf.Serialize(bs, p); bs.Close();

  31. Deserialize using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; .... Stream fstream = File.OpenRead (@"c:\temp\bp.dat”) Person bp = (Person)bf.Deserialize(fstream); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", bp.FirstName, bp.BirthDay);

  32. Send by the socket string server = "localhost"; int serverPort = 5432; client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); IPEndPoint serverEndPoint = new IPEndPoint( Dns.Resolve(server).AddressList[0], serverPort); client.Connect(serverEndPoint); Stream netStream = new NetworkStream(client); Stream bufStream = new BufferedStream(netStream, BUFSIZE);

  33. Serialization result: Binary

  34. Serialization result: Soap

  35. Serialization result: Xml Something strange here ?

  36. Exercise • Exercise 1 • Construct a list of person objectsYou are free to use the Person class from the slides • Serialize the objects and save the objects to a binary file • Read from the file and reconstruct the list • Exercise 2 • Make a web service that searches the file for a person with a specified id and returns it to the client. • The interface could be:Person GetPerson(int id); • Hints: Remove [NonSerialized] on idUse fstream.Position<fstream.Length to determine end_of_file

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