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How to Uninstall Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security?

If you are unable to protect your device completely with Trend Micro Titanium antivirus then you can uninstall this software from your system using following approaches which are provided by our Trend micro Support team. You can contact us via either on contact number 1-800-431-404 or website https://trendmicro.antivirussupportaustralia.com

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How to Uninstall Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security?

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  1. How to Uninstall Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security?

  2. Trend micro titanium is an updated version built with more security features and benefits. But due to the remnants of this security program, if you are not able to protect your system completely, then you can remove this software from your system using following approaches which are provided by our Trend micro Support team. 

  3. Method 1- Remove it using the Un-install program • Firstly, go to the start button and click on all programs and then search for the antivirus file from the list of programs. • After finding the file, click on ‘Un-install Trend micro Titanium Internet security’ option and open it as administrator. • Then you will be directed to a new window where you have to click on Un-install button to begin with the removal process. • Wait for few minutes until the process gets finished and after completion of the process, click on the Restart now option from successfully uninstalled infobox to reboot your system.

  4. Method 2 - Remove it using Remove.exe application • First of all, right-click on theuninstall program file in the all programs and then click on Properties from the menu. • Then click on ‘Open file location’ tab on Windows7/vista or ‘Find Target’ on Windows XP in shortcut tab. • Then scroll down and locate the remove.exe application in titanium file folder and then copy the remove.exe path to open the file directly.

  5. Then paste that copied path into the address bar and then press enter key. • Then a UAC window will appear on the screen on which you have to click YES. • Then click on Uninstall button to begin the process.

  6. Now, this security program has been completely removed from your system. In case, if you come across any difficulty while following the above methods, then call us at our Trend Micro Tech Support number 1-800-431-404 and get full assistance from our certified techies without any delay. Content source

  7. Thank You 1-800-431-404 

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