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Helena Pratas ISEC – Lisbon, Portugal. Source: Adapted from “Compass”, p.27. GE History. 2011 - DEAR Study on Development Education and GE in Curriculum Change. 2010 – CE Recommendation on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights.
Helena Pratas ISEC – Lisbon, Portugal
GE History 2011 - DEAR Study on Development Education and GE in Curriculum Change 2010 – CE Recommendation on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights 2011- CE Recommendation on Education for Global inter-dependence and Solidarity
4 modules NSC provides GE training courses:
4 modules Global Education training course:
resources on the North-South Centre’s Global Education Framework: Other resources on Global Education: Course Map Organizations and movements that work with global education from all over the world Global Education /Development Education: some institutions and countries consider Development Education the core of global education
resources on the North-South Centre’s Global Education Framework: Other resources on Global Education: Some Resources:
Some international institutions involved in global education: • The North South Centre of the Council of Europe: www.nscentre.org • European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/ • Global Education Network Europe: www.gene.eu (EU Ministers) • Trialog: www.trialog.or.at • Developing Europeans Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty - DEEEP: www.deeep.org • European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development - Concord: www.concordeurope.org • Social Network in International Cooperation and Development – Euforic: www.euforic.org
Module 4: Intercultural Global Education and Social and Political Action
55 participants from (almost) all over the world...working together! Philipines Ecuador Brasil Argentina
fromalmost all over the world Norway Estonia Russia Netherlands Lithuania Rússia Poland France Germany Romania Slovakia Spain Portugal Hungary Bulgaria Serbia Macedonia Albania Cyprs
From (almost) all over the world... Tunisia Egypt Ethiopia Uganda Cameroon Ivory Coast Kenia South Africa Madagascar
Thank you very much! hpratas@isec.universitas.pt
Da Silva, M.C. (coord.) et al. (2010) Global Education guidelines.Lisbon: North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. 2008 DEAR in Europe - Recommendations for future interventions by the European Commission. Final Report of the 'Study on the experience and actions of the Main European Actors active in the field of Development Education and Awareness Raising' in https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/aidco/index.php/DEAR_Final_report Espoo, Finland Conclusions on Global Education in Curriculum Change: GENE, FNBE (2011) in www.gene.eu Figueiredo, C. C. and Santos Silva, A. (2000). Education for Citizenship in the Portuguese Education System (1974-1999). Lisbon: ME. GAERI (2001). The development of Education. National Report of Portugal. Lisbon: ME. Global Education Charter (1997) in http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/nscentre/GE/GE-Guidelines/GEgs-app2.pdf Losito, B. (2003) Education For Democratic Citizenship 2001-2004.All-European Study on Policies for Education for Democratic Citizenship (EDC) Regional Study Southern Europe Region in DGIV/EDU/CIT (2003) 22 rev1.
Maastricht Declaration (2002) in http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/nscentre/GE/GE-Guidelines /GEgs-app1.pdf North-South Centre Global Education Guidelines (2010) in http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/ nscentre/GEguideline_presentation_en.asp North-South Center, Second European Congress on Global Education “Education, Interdependence and Solidarity in a Changing World. Concept Paper. Pratas, M.H.(2011) Global Citizenship and Human Rights Education, inBergami, R. et al. (ed.) (2011)Proceedings of the X Worldwide Forum on Education and Culture Rome, dedicated to Teaching and Learning in Today’s Global Classroom, pp.5-11(ISBN: 978-1-4243-0291-8) Recommendation CM/Rec (2011)4 on education for global interdependence and solidarity (2011) in http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/nscentre/GE/GE_recommendation 2011. pdf